Windows API Guide: PRINTER_INFO_4 Structure

Declare Function RemoveMenu Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal uPosition As Long, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long


  • Windows 95: Supported.
  • Windows 98: Supported.
  • Windows NT: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
  • Windows 2000: Supported.
  • Windows CE: Requires Windows CE 1.0 or later.

Description & Usage

RemoveMenu removes an item from a menu. If the item being removed is a submenu, the submenu is not actually destroyed by this function. Instead, the submenu is simply removed from the menu, allowing your program to use the submenu elsewhere.

Return Value

If successful, the function returns a non-zero value. If an error occured, the function returns zero (use GetLastError to get the error code).

Visual Basic-Specific Issues



A handle to the menu to remove an item from.
Either the menu item identifier of the item to remove, or the zero-based position of the item to remove, depending on the value of uFlags.
One of the following flags specifying the type of information passed as uPosition:
uPosition is the menu item identifier of the item to remove.
uPosition is the zero-based index of the position of the item to remove.

Constant Definitions



Remove the "Maximize" and "Minimize" options from a form window's system menu. Note that doing this will not remove the maximize and minimize buttons on the window's title bar, although the buttons will stop working. In a real program, if you wanted to remove the minimize and maximize buttons from a window, the best way would be to do so before creating the window. To use this example, place a command button named cmdExample on a form window.

' This code is licensed according to the terms and conditions listed here. ' Declarations and such needed for the example: ' (Copy them to the (declarations) section of a module.) Public Declare Function GetSystemMenu Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bRevert As Long) As Long Public Declare Function RemoveMenu Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal uPosition As Long, _ ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Public Const MF_BYCOMMAND = &H0 Public Const SC_MINIMIZE = &HF020 Public Const SC_MAXIMIZE = &HF030 ' *** Place the following code inside the form window. *** Private Sub cmdExample_Click() Dim hSysMenu As Long  ' handle to the window's system menu Dim retval As Long  ' return value of functions ' Get a handle to the window's system menu. hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(Me.hWnd, 0) ' Remove the minimize and maximize options, using their item IDs. retval = RemoveMenu(hSysMenu, SC_MINIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND) retval = RemoveMenu(hSysMenu, SC_MAXIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND) End Sub

See Also




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Last Modified: December 17, 2000
This page is copyright © 2000 Paul Kuliniewicz. Copyright Information Revised October 29, 2000
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Windows API Guide - Reference - Volume 1: Version 3.0 For the MS-DOS and PC-DOS Operating Systems
Year: 1998
Pages: 610 © 2008-2017.
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