Practice 6. Leverage Test Automation Appropriately

Ted Rivera and Scott Will

Investing in test automation that is appropriate for your organization and project can bring significant quality improvements and time savings.


Pressure to get a product out the door quickly and never-ending staffing shortfalls are twin demons that torment the production of much software today.[20] These two problems have led many teams to consider automating aspects of their testing to help increase productivity and improve quality. The problem, though, is that test automation, if not approached thoughtfully, can actually be detrimental to both productivity and quality. Teams can wind up investing too much time in automation, or cobble something together that doesn't really help find the types of defects that test automation is good at finding. In short, too much or too little test automation can have potentially dramatic and negative implications. Furthermore, the initial investment is not always well understood, ongoing maintenance of an automation test suite is often not considered, and the long-term effectiveness of automated tests can wane over time as the code becomes "inoculated" against the specific tests being run.

[20] 20. For a three-dimensional discussion of this topic, see Yourdon 2004.

This practice addresses some of the different types of test automation available to independent testers and test teams, suggests ways to think through an approach to test automation, and discusses some of the potential pitfalls to be avoided.


In his landmark work, The Mythical Man Month, Fred Brooks long ago opined that there was no such thing as a silver bullet in software development, and it would be difficult to counter this assertion.[21] Although there have been numerous advances and refinements in software engineering, none of these has produced new standards of efficiency or qualityalthough many cherish this expectation, or at least hope, for test automation. And while some still search for that elusive silver bullet, others have sought more modest incremental improvements in order to reduce the effects of the ubiquitous schedule and staffing pressures while still increasing the overall quality of their products. The people with these more measured expectations are most likely to recognize that they can make real progress by deploying appropriate test automation.

[21] Brooks 1995: pp 179226: "'No Silver Bullet' asserts and argues that no single software engineering development will produce an order-of-magnitude improvement in programming productivity within ten years. . . ."

The test profession is older, and testers are more experienced now, than when the concept of test automation first emerged.[22] Initially, it was quite common to hear that test cycles would soon be reduced from months to a matter of days, or even that test teams could be eliminated altogether, all on account of the exaggerated predictions regarding test automation.

[22] Fewster 1999 provides a number of interesting historical perspectives.

Test automation in its various formsfor example, code unit tests, user interface tests, acceptance tests, and so ondoes hold forth many promises to the teams that choose to pursue it; except in the simplest environments, however, automation is not a quick fix. Nevertheless, like urban legends, test automation myths die hard. Let's consider a few:

  • Myth: Test automation will allow you to reduce the time required for product testing to a mere fraction of what it would take to accomplish the same testing manually.

  • Myth: Test automation will easily eliminate the need for independent testers and, in larger organizations, test teams.

  • Myth: Test automation can be conceived of as a substitute for an effective overall approach to software testing.

  • Myth: Test automation works well in all cases.

  • Fact: In some instances, automation is inappropriate, either because of a low return on investment or because it is not well suited to a particular situation. Test automation cannot, for example, replace intelligent and interactive exploratory testing aimed at improving quality, which might have to be done manually.

On the other hand, test automation will allow you to achieve ends that would otherwise be impossible. For example:

  • Architectural issues that could not otherwise be realized might be uncovered early on through load testing.

  • Overall regressions can be greatly reduced.

  • Perhaps most profoundly, human beings who would have had to perform tests manually that are now automated can do other things that only humans can do.

Think of effective test automation as similar to regular maintenance on your car.

With these comments in mind, it is our aim to provide you with a perspective that will help you succeed in implementing effective test automation and integrating automation into your larger test efforts. You can think of effective test automation as similar to regular maintenance on your car. Regular oil changes, tire rotations, belt adjustments, and the like ensure your vehicle's consistent long-term performance, so that it will run smoothly on your most important days, such as when you're driving to that critical job interview or to your daughter's wedding. In the same way, test automation is not glamorous, but it can ensure that the worst problems you might otherwise encounter are averted in the mad rush to get your product out the door (see Figure 3.2).

Figure 3.2. Appropriate Test Automation, like Car Maintenance, Is Not Glamorous, But Essential.

Appropriate test automation will keep things running smoothly and help you find and prevent problems before they result in a disaster.

Applying the Practice

Note the key word in the title of this chapterour aim is not simply test automation but test automation done appropriately. And just what constitutes appropriate test automation? Every team is going to answer that question differently.

The aim is not simply test automation but test automation done appropriately.

Understand What Is Appropriate for You

Appropriate test automation is not a one-size-fits-all effort. What is ideal for one team is rarely ideal for another. To begin with, what is appropriate for you depends on the goals established for your project.

  • Are you developing a stop-gap product that will undergo no future development once released?

  • Are you working with existing software that has been around for some time and is now undergoing significant functional enhancements?

  • Are you developing a brand-new, strategic product that is expected to be around for years to come?

  • Have you decided to embrace the XP approach to software development, where 100 percent unit-test and acceptance-test automation is expected?

  • What performance characteristics will be required for your product?

    - Is extensive regression testing likely, for example, owing to iterative development or to the likelihood of multiple releases?

    - Is the stability of the build process a point of concern, suggesting the need for an automated smoke test?

What is appropriate also depends on the skill level of your team:

  • Is all of your testing done by "hired hands," either contractors or short-term employees?

  • Does the project team comprise seasoned testers, albeit with little automation experience?

  • Do the testers have significant programming experience even though they are new to a test role?

  • Do you have an experienced group of testers with significant automation experience?

Finally, what is appropriate depends on items that are unique to your organization:

  • Is there a budget available to invest in test automation tools?

  • Will you have to "roll your own" automation tools?

  • Do you plan to use open source tools?[23]

    [23] For some appropriate cautions, see Dan Farber, "Six Barriers to Open Source Adoption,"

  • Is your management team willing to make an investment in automation, knowing that it is likely that the initial costs will be more than recouped later, or are they still skeptical about the value automation can bring? If they are still skeptical, you may first have to convince them with several small successful automation efforts before tackling something more comprehensive.

These lists are by no means exhaustive; the best approach in formulating a plan for test automation for your team or project is to consider not only these questions but others as well. The following sections are intended to provide a useful starting point: gather your team together and brainstorm where you need to get to in regard to automation and in relation to where you are now. If you can understand, agree on, and prioritize the automation you need, you will stand a fighting chance of obtaining the support you need to accomplish your goal.

What Should You Automate?

The areas in which test automation is most beneficial fall into four broad categories:

  • Environmental

  • Regression

  • User interface

  • Stress and performance


Generally, "environmental" elements and "regression" are the most important aspects of test automation, because of the relative time savings a test team can realize. There may be exceptions (for example, in instances where extensive performance testing is required), but this is a fair heuristic to keep in mind.

Environmental Automation

Environmental automation can be one of the most helpful forms of test automation.

Surprisingly, environmental automation is often overlooked, and yet it can be one of the most helpful forms of automation to test teams. By environmental we mean the ability to provision machines quickly for use by the test team. For example:

  • Are you still using CDs to install an operating system image on your lab machines? How about all the product prerequisites?

  • What about security patches that may need to be applied?

  • Is tuning necessary?

  • Are there parameters that need to be routinely provided?

Think about how many times you need to "scrape a machine down to bare metal" in your testing and reinstall everything from the ground up just to make sure that someone else didn't leave anything hanging around that may adversely affect your testing. In some instances it could easily take an entire day (or longer!) for one person to get one machine ready to be used for testing. You can easily regain the significant amount of time wasted in such an effort by automating the provisioning of the test machines.

The ability to lay down a specific version of an OS quickly, with all fix-packs and security fixes, as well as all product prerequisites, should be one of the first items you look at when automating. Additionally, when such a capability is created, others can potentially pick it up, thus multiplying its benefit to the organization. Still further, the benefits of environmental automation are greatest when you want to test a product in many different environments.

Automating Regression Testing

Regression testing is no more complicated a notion than running tests more than once. Automating regression testing means building a suite of tests that can be used, and reused, as needed. This becomes especially important when doing iterative development. Figure 3.3 shows how automation is incorporated when using an iterative approach.

Figure 3.3. Test Automation and Iterative Development.

Automating regression is especially important when doing iterative development.

Note that the test suite created to test the first iteration is still being used as part of the "Iteration 2" test suite. Hopefully, you can see why automating the first test suite would be beneficial: it will be run again during testing of the second, third, and fourth iterations. And the reason it is being run during each of these iterations is to ensure that code added during later iterations does not break anything that was previously workinghence the term regression. Note that the same holds true for those tests created specifically for code added during the second iterationtheywill be executed again during the third and fourth iterations, and the tests will be run the same way each time.

Consistency is key when dealing with regression testing, and it is also one of the strengths of automated testing. If tests are not run the same way each time, how do you know that a defect has not been introduced between the time it was last executed and now?

The implications of testing are rarely considered as an organization begins torightlyadopt an iterative approach to development: they are too often an afterthought, or a worry. The reality of testing in an organization that employs true iterative development is that automation is less an option than a necessityit is often physically impossible to test each build at each iteration with any degree of confidence, and test teams are consequently forced to "do the best they can." With an appropriate focus on automating a regression test suite, genuine forward progress can be maintained.

Work closely with the development team in creating test automation.

One way to not only maintain, but also accelerate, forward progress is to work closely with the development team in creating test automation. Often, developers will produce "test stubs" in order to do some testing on their code. With some forethought and planning, these test stubs can be designed to become the "seeds" from which testers can grow automated test suites. For those teams venturing into "test-driven development," this scenario is practically guaranteed.[24]

[24] See Astels 2003 and Beck 2003.

Regression testing helps ensure that any errors introduced will be caught.

In sum, regression testing provides an assurance that regression errors have not been introduced, or at least helps ensure that any errors introduced will be caught. As such, it is especially important to the overall success of an iterative development approach. Additionally, regression testing is useful during the ongoing product maintenance, and for the same reasons: should a customer find a defect that requires a fix to be coded and then sent to that customer, the ability to execute a regression test suite prior to releasing the fix can help ensure that the fix will not break something else, thus providing greater assurance that the customer will not be further inconvenienced. Therefore, despite the real danger that your automation suite's apparent effectiveness will wane after the initial inoculation it provides, isn't this a better scenario than falling victim to the "disease" of defects? Still better, though, by maintaining your test automation suite you will continually find new defects and improve overall quality.


To reiterate, environmental and regression test automation are generally the most important areas of automation to address, because they typically provide the most significant time and labor savings and the greatest overall likelihood of improving product quality.

Automating User-Interface Testing

The next area that you should consider a good candidate for automation is the testing of the GUI code. It used to be that automated GUI code testing was nothing more than simple "record and play," which proved to be quite cumbersome in spite of the really cool demonstrations that accompanied the product "glossies." As soon as a programmer changed the GUI in any way (and this is the reality of the software development process), any previously recorded session became useless, and automation had to be started all over again. Add to this the fact that not much forethought was given to providing a structured approach to what was first "recorded" and then "played back," and test teams often found themselves with a mess on their hands.

Newer record-and-play tools, however, have overcome many of the initial shortcomings of this approach. While these tools are certainly the easiest way to start using automated GUI testing, tools that provide a programmatic interface allow for much more complex GUI testing. Being able to test each and every menu option, click on every button, and fill in every text entry fieldall in much less time than it would take to do manuallyis a great boon to independent testers and test teams. However, since you need a different set of skills to use programmatic interface tools than to operate the simple record-and-play tools, you should remember that appropriate GUI testing for your team depends extensively on the project goals, the type of product being developed, and the skill set of your test team.

Appropriate GUI testing depends extensively on project goals and skills.

The upside to user-interface testing is that it will help catch those defects that a customer will see, too often prominently displayed in living color. One of the potential downsides is that because most of the code written for your project is likely not user-interface codeautomating user-interface tests may not be the highest priorityunit test tools are arguably easier to use and potentially provide a more easily demonstrable payback. As such, you should resist the urge to jump into automated GUI testing because it appears to be the easiest or most visible way to get startedif you choose to do so, make sure that it is part of an overall, well-conceived test automation plan.

Automating Stress and Performance Testing

Iterative development enables early stress and performance testing.

One final area to consider is automating the stress and performance testing of the product.[25] In the traditional waterfall approach to software development, such testing usually cannot be accomplished until fairly late in the product development lifecycle. With many newer, iterative development approaches, however, it is easier to perform stress and performance testing earlier in the lifecycle. For example, RUP suggests carrying out the first stress and performance testing during the elaboration phase, which focuses on getting the product architecture right. The ability to accomplish early testing here allows the project team to validate that the architecture is capable of supporting the specific performance requirements, thus mitigating risk. In later phases these automated tests are rerun to ensure that product performance and capabilities have not regressed in any way.

[25] There are other areas of automation possible as well, smoke testing being a notable example. Consider your automation project within the broader context of the "Full Lifecycle OO Testing" (FLOOT). See Ambler 2004.

Stress testing is typically accomplished in two primary ways: (1) by running one test repeatedly and (2) by executing numerous instances of a given test at a particular time.

In the first situation, wrapping a single automated test with a script that loops back on itself is quite simple to create, but make sure that if you do so, it is because that is the way the product is going to be used; do not waste cycles automating this just because it is easy to do so.

In the second situation, you're simulating something like a number of users all logging onto a server at the same time, for example, when a bank branch office opens and all the bank tellers log on to the bank's main computer.

In performance testing, test cases can be "instrumented" to measure how long a given test takes to complete. Results can be recorded and then compared with previous results to see if the product performance is improving or declining. The ability to run performance tests repeatedly also provides the basis for creating capacity planning models, which can then be used to help customers understand the hardware required to achieve their desired performance levels.

Now that you are (hopefully) excited about the different possibilities that exist for test automation, it's time to look at one last issue you need to think through thoroughly before jumping in with both feet.

Understanding the Costs of Test Automation

Many highly technical, intelligent engineers, and even many managers of technical engineers, fail to grasp the importance of finances in relation to the work they do. This problem is sometimes less critical in small shops, where there is a more obvious and immediate correlation between how efficiently the work is done and whether or not the shop remains in business. But whenever we as engineers or technical managers fail to connect the work we do with the bottom line, we run the very real risk of seeing all our hard work come to nothing. This is one reason why, for example, agile modeling emphasizes the principle "maximize shareholder investment." Automation projects are often scrutinized more closely than other projects for their return on investment, in large measure because of the inherent expectation that they will lead to demonstrable financial savings.

In any moderate to large automation effort, automation must be conceived of as similar to a development project. An automation blueprint (or design) must be developed. Prioritization of feature content, sizings, planning, staffing, and all the normal elements of software development should be considered. While it may be true that software used for internal purposes need not have the rigor of software produced for clients, an appropriate level of forethought and planning is still required if the results of test automation are to be effective. If, as a tester, you complain about the approach your partners take to development, it may be that you can use your test automation project to show a better way.

Perhaps the biggest cost in test automation, and one that is habitually overlooked, concerns the upkeep of automated tests. Any product design change will have a ripple effect on the corresponding automation test suite. To ensure continued usage of the test suites after product changes have taken place, someone has to update the automated tests that have been written. Sometimes the updates will be trivial and require only minimal effort to complete, whereas other times a significant design change can demand an equally significant change to the automated test suite. The extra work involved in the upkeep of the automated test suite must be recognized and planned for throughout the history of a product. When you build a schedule for testing that does not include time for automation and maintenance, you are accountable for your automation suite's decline.[26]

[26] And more fundamentally, when you don't have input into the date on which a project ships, you have declared that you are content to "do the best you can" instead of "what needs to be done."

Perhaps the biggest cost in test automation is the upkeep of automated tests.

In spite of the costs, investing in test automation that is appropriate for your organization and project can be very beneficial, in terms of both time savings and quality improvements. Begin by acquiring experience, skills, and some initial "success stories" and then build on those from thereyou'll be glad you did. To return to our car maintenance analogy, it is often easier to understand the cost of neglected car maintenance that results in tangible repair bills than to grasp the return on investment from routine maintenance that prevents problems in the first place. So also, with test automation, the return on investment is often undervalued. Actively communicate the value you are realizing from your investment in test automation.

Test automation saves time and improves quality.

Other Methods

Aside from simply not testing at all, fundamentally, the only other option is to do testing manually. Even though there are significant benefits to appropriate levels of test automation, manual testing is still quite widespread. Manual testing does allow for certain levels of creativity and can be quite effective when the tester has a good intuitive feel for the product being testedand that intuitive feel is not something that can be replicated by an automated test suite. However, adding test automation does overcome some of the many possible pitfalls of manual testing, notably:

  • Lack of consistency (or repeatability).

  • Lack of speed.

  • Need for quick turnaround in a test cycle, for example, when late fixes by development and frequent builds during an iteration/release require such nimbleness.

  • A certain "lack of control," such as in cases when a tester may forget the steps taken to get to the point where a defect was found, making it very difficult to perform defect analysis and provide a fix; with automated testing, the steps leading to defect discovery will be quite clear.

  • Difficulty in understanding where progress is or isn't being made; automated testing lends itself easily to metrics gathering, especially "code coverage" metrics.

  • The "factory" mindset; we are software engineers, not monkeys pounding on keyboards.

With these potential manual testing shortcomings in mind, it is easy to see why automated testing should be a regular part of your overall software testing strategy.

In XP, automated testing is mandatory. You simply can't perform test-driven development without automated tests, because rerunning the tests would just not be feasible. Automated testing is also a cornerstone of the Unified Process, since you cannot effectively grow a system iteratively without some form of automated regression testing. The Unified Process includes test-driven development as one recommended development approach, and goes beyond automated testing to include guidance on other forms of testing, such as exploratory testing and usability testing.

Levels of Adoption

This practice can be adopted at three different levels:

  • Basic. Environmental automation: provisioning of test machines and smoke tests are automated.

    What is one of the most repeated tasks in the test lab, one which is rarely factored into a test team's planning? It is quite likely the provisioning of test machines. The ability to rapidly reprovision a machine (or a set of machines) is something that can be done fairly easily, even by testers new to automation and provisioning. Also, smoke testing should also be accomplished at this basic level, especially on large or complex projects where build consistency or the core stability of the application is in question. These activities move you down and to the left on the process map.

  • Intermediate. Create automated test suites corresponding to product development iterations that are subsequently used for regression testing of later iterations. Add user-interface testing to this mix.

    Part of adopting an iterative development approach to producing software requires the ability to create automated regression. Thus, having a team that understands the iterative approach, understands how to write solid automated test suites, and can also drive the GUI via GUI automation tools (especially those that provide a programmatic interface) takes on increasing importance. These are not skills that a new university recruit will likely have on day 1. But employing automated testing in conjunction with iterative development will move you down and to the left on the process map.

  • Advanced. Automated tests are written to test the product at the limits (stress testing) and in order to provide the volume of data required to create capacity planning models.

    Aside from the stress and performance testing done to help validate the performance and scalability goals of the product during early iterations, this advanced level of automated testing requires a deep understanding of software performance (and performance bottlenecks), software scalability issues, and numerical and data analysis, as well as the ability to create automated test suites that simulate both steady-state and maximum-effort use of the product.

    Using the reams of information created through numerous runs of the automated test suites, and the resultant capacity planning models that are created from the data gathered by those tests, makes for very happy customerscustomers who no longer have to guess at what hardware, software, and environment a particular product needs in order to function the way the customer expects. This level of adoption moves you down and to the right on the process map.

Related Practices

  • Practice 1: Manage Risk describes how to identify and deal with risks to your project. Automation can be used to mitigate risk but should also be reviewed in terms of the risk posed by an inadequate investment in automation.

  • Practice 2: Execute Your Project in Iterations describes how to go about iterative development, and a key artifact in each iteration is an automated test suite that allows testing of new functionality, as well as regression-testing code written for previous iterations.

  • Practice 5: Test Your Own Code details how developers can approach testing their own code holistically and includes techniques that will potentially be part of a broader test automation strategy.

Additional Information

Information in the Unified Process

OpenUP/Basic assumes that the basic development environment and tools already exist. Some level of test automation is assumed, in particular to support smoke tests and regression tests to ensure that builds remain stable.

RUP adds guidance on how to set up a test automation environment, from basic environmental automation to regression test suites. RUP also adds guidance on how to test larger systems of systems, which may include many levels and types of testing. Detailed guidance for specialized testing, such as globalization testing, performance testing, database testing, user interface testing, and so on, are covered by RUP and RUP plug-ins. RUP also includes guidance for using specific testing tools to perform automated testing.

Additional Reading

For books, articles, and online sources referred to in this practice or related to it, consider the following:

David Astels. Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide. Prentice Hall, 2003.

Frederick Brooks. The Mythical Man Month. Addison-Wesley, 1995.

Kent Beck. Test-Driven Development: By Example. Addison-Wesley, 2003.

Cem Kaner, James Bach, and Bret Pettichord. Lessons Learned in Software Testing. John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

Elfriede Dustin, Jeff Rashka, and John Paul. Automated Software Testing: Introduction, Management, and Performance. Addison-Wesley, 1999.

Mark Fewster and Dorothy Graham. Software Test Automation: Effective Use of Test Execution Tools. Addison-Wesley, 1999.

Edward Kit. "Integrated, Effective Test Design and Automation." Software Development Magazine (online version), February, 1999, and at

Bret Pettichord. "Seven Steps to Test Automation Success." June 2001.

Edward Yourdon. Death March, Second Edition. Prentice Hall, 2004.

Agility and Discipline Made Easy(c) Practices from OpenUP and RUP
Agility and Discipline Made Easy: Practices from OpenUP and RUP
ISBN: 0321321308
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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