
An organization or a project manager should decide which RUP Process Configuration and initial set of Process Views to use. The RUP comes with several out-of-the-box configurations and views, and additional configurations and views can be created rapidly using RUP Builder and RUP Plug-Ins. You can find the current set of available RUP Plug-Ins through the RUP Exchange on the Rational Developer Network.

Most projects will benefit from the process engineer spending at least a few hours producing a development case, which provides a brief guide on how you should apply, or instantiate, your RUP Configuration in your project.

Most projects should consider building Thin RUP Plug-Ins using RUP Organizer. Thin Plug-Ins allow you to add, modify, or delete guidelines, examples, templates, and reusable assets.

Process-mature customers with specific needs may also take on the bigger effort of producing Structural RUP Plug-Ins using RUP Modeler as well as RUP Organizer. Structural Plug-Ins allow you to make major alterations to the RUP.

Plug-ins are imported into RUP Builder and are used to produce RUP Configurations.

The Rational Unified Process Made Easy(c) A Practitioner's Guide to Rational Unified Process
Programming Microsoft Visual C++
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 173 © 2008-2017.
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