Live in the present

The present moment is vital . Dont live in the past or the future. Dont worry about the past or the future. Get more with less confine yourself to the present moment and enjoy concentrating on it.

Time doesnt run out. Nor does it run from left to right. As round clocks tell, time keeps coming round. Time enjoyed in the past is still there. Our achievements and good deeds still stand. The present is real and precious, regardless of how long or short our future will be. We can be proud of our past and we can hope for our future, but we can only live in the present.

The 80/20 view of time makes us more relaxed and connected. Relaxed , because time gone is not time used up. We are more connected to what is going on now and to other people.

We have the precious gift of life today, to be enjoyed and experienced how we choose. Each moment of life has the quality of eternity, the stamp of our own individuality . When time stands still, we are totally absorbed in the present. We are everything and we are nothing. Time is fleeting and eternal. We are happy, life has meaning. Were part of time, and also out- side it.

Time revolution brings us more joy in less time. When the present moment has meaning, time is one seamless whole, valuable yet inconspicuous. The rush is over, anxieties recede, bliss increases . We can be intensely happy in no time at all. When we are at one with life and the universe, we step outside time. We reach the highest form of more with less.

Living the 80. 20 Way. Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More
Living The 80/20 Way: Work Less, Worry Less, Succeed More, Enjoy More
ISBN: 1857883314
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 86
Authors: Richard Koch © 2008-2017.
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