2 Requirements for a location infrastructure

2 Requirements for a location infrastructure

A location infrastructure should become a basic service of ubicomp environments, just as basic in fact as naming or directory services may be in regular network environments. It should establish a correspondence between location entities (e.g. regions of physical space) which we will, for the sake of this description, call locus/loci and locatable entities which we will call locants . In a typical ubicomp environment, a locant may be either a passive object fitted with a tag, a physical networked device with information/communication services attached, or a human user (with or without a device). In a broader view of "situated information space", it might be any abstract entity, such as a purely informational service, or a piece of static content data (e.g. an entry in a bulletin board or yellow pages service), not necessarily attached to a physical device but linked to some more or less abstract instance of a location concept. Physical location may as such be viewed as a unifying addressing mechanism, whether used directly or indirectly. The proposed solution should be independent of location-sensing technologies [8].

There are two ways in which location information may be used. The first is for the location infrastructure to generate, when locants move through loci, location events forwarded to the interested subscribers. These events may have to be filtered by an intermediate agent to retain only the relevant moves, depending on the space model and the application concerned . The other is to respond to either direct or inverse location queries , as detailed below. In both cases, information has to be provided in real-time by the infrastructure. We will not try, for the time being, to fully integrate the temporal dimension in the infrastructure, which would amount to take into account the complete trajectory of a locant trough various loci.

2.1 Direct location queries

The primary type of query a location infrastructure is required to support is: "where can I find something?". In our model, this amounts to providing the identification (this might be incomplete, using properties or attributes) of a locant as input to the query, and expecting the identification of one (or a list of matching) locus as an output. Both input and output are relevant to a particular model of space understood by the application that spawned the query, as explained in the following section.

2.2 Inverse location queries

The other kind of query a location infrastructure is required to support is: "what is there around here?" This amounts to providing the identification of a locus as input to the query, and expecting the identification of one or several locants as output(s).

Again this query may be formulated in a semantic, human-understandable way like, "what can I find in this building", or in a lower-level metric way like "what can I find within a 1 m radius from these WGS84 coordinates".

2.3 Composite queries

Many applications scenarios will correspond to direct location queries followed by inverse location queries, especially in the case of a mobile user requesting first to be located by way of their mobile device, then to know what service of a given type are available in this neighbourhood. In a general case, a composite query is composed of a set of elementary ones (in some sort of composition).

Communicating With Smart Objects(c) Developing Technology for Usable[... ]stems 2003
Linux Troubleshooting for System Administrators and Power Users
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 191

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