Writing a Class Library

Chapter 10 - Componentization
byJohn Kauffman, Fabio Claudio Ferracchiatiet al.?
Wrox Press ?2002

Hopefully, we've begun to persuade you of the benefits of writing classes and class libraries for use in your applications - and particularly, for your ASP.NET database applications. In this section, we're going to look at how to write a simple class library. To help make our examples realistic, we will look at the solutions to the kinds of business problems that might be posed to us by Northwind Traders. Once the problem has been explained, we'll explain our solution, and then walk through the code.

Northwind's Business Requests

As can be seen from a quick look at the Customers table in the Northwind database, the company does business with clients in several different countries - in fact, the 91 customers are drawn from 21 different nations.

Now, in the past, Northwind didn't carefully manage the costs of shipping goods to its overseas customers, but now its auditors have recommended that it implement an additional shipping charge for such orders. After working with its shipping partner, Northwind has decided on a two-part international shipping charge:

  • A flat amount to be charged regardless of the number of items to be shipped

  • A per-item amount to cover increased expenses when shipping to some countries

The sum of these additional charges needs to be expressed in the currency used by the country being shipped to, on the date the order was shipped. Note that many of the European countries will now be using euros rather than their original native currency. (The Excel worksheet provided with the code download shows the shipping charges by country.) To keep things simple, the conversion rates and fees won't be changed more than twice a year, and Northwind would like to start by having this information available on its intranet site, which is called NwtNet.

Structuring our Solution

Our solution to this problem is fairly simple. We'll create a class library that offers two classes: one for representing the international shipping charge, and one for computing the charge based on the country the items are being shipped to, the number of items, and the date on which shipping occurred. Later on, we'll use an ASP.NET web page to collect the shipping parameters and display the results.

Try It Out - Building a Simple Class Library

start example

Due to the amount of code in the full version of this example, we will restrict the number of countries we deal with. Following the instructions here will result in a functional application, but for the complete application you'll need to download the code from www.wrox.com.

Unfortunately, the Standard Edition of Visual Basic .NET does not support the creation of Class Library projects. However, it can open such projects that have been created elsewhere. If you're using the Standard Edition, the files available for download include a skeleton project for you to use in this example.

  1. In Visual Studio .NET, create a new VB.NET Class Library project called NwtSimple:

    click to expand

  2. In the Solution Explorer, rename Class1.vb to InternationalShippingCharge.vb:

    click to expand

  3. Now type the following code into the InternationalShippingCharge.vb file:

     Option Explicit On Option Strict On Public Class ShippingCharge   ' Class field definitions   Private _CurrencySymbol As String   Private _ChargeAmount As Decimal   ' Name of the currency symbol   Public Property CurrencySymbol() As String     Get       CurrencySymbol = _CurrencySymbol     End Get     Set(ByVal Value As String)       _CurrencySymbol = Value     End Set   End Property   ' Total amount of international shipping charge   Public Property ChargeAmount() As Decimal     Get       ChargeAmount = _ChargeAmount     End Get     Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)       _ChargeAmount = Value     End Set   End Property   ' Class constructor   Public Sub New()     _CurrencySymbol = "USD"     _ChargeAmount = OD   End Sub End Class Public Class ShippingChargeCalculator ' GetCountryList returns a DataBind-friendly list of countries   Public Function GetCountryList() As ArrayList     Dim CountryList As New ArrayList()     Dim ListOfCountries As String     Dim chra(1) As Char     ListOfCountries = "Canada,Sweden"     ' Define the delimiting character     chra(0) = Convert.ToChar(",")     ' Parse the list of countries into an array, then add to the ArrayList     CountryList.AddRange(ListOfCountries.Split(chra))     ' Sort the CountryList before returning it     CountryList.Sort()     Return CountryList   End Function   Public Function CalculateInternationalCharges( _                         ByVal CountryShippingTo As String, _                         ByVal NumberOfItems As Integer, _                         ByVal EffectiveShipDate As Date) As ShippingCharge   Dim sc As New ShippingCharge()   Dim CurrencySymbol As String = "USD"   Dim ConversionRate As Decimal = 1D   Dim FlatCharge As Decimal = 0D   Dim PerItemCharge As Decimal = 0D   ' If the country has converted to the euro, then UseEuro will be true   ' and EuroDate will define the date after which the euro must be used   Dim UsesEuro As Boolean = False   Dim EuroDate As New Date(DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks)   Select Case CountryShippingTo.ToUpper()     Case "CANADA"       CurrencySymbol = "CAN"       ConversionRate = 1.61189D       FlatCharge = OD       PerItemCharge = OD     Case "SWEDEN"       CurrencySymbol = "SEK"       ConversionRate = 10.4909D       FlatCharge = 25D       PerItemCharge = 1D       Case Else         CurrencySymbol = "USD"         ConversionRate = 1D         FlatCharge = 50D         PerItemCharge = 2.5D     End Select     ' Update the shipping charge     If UsesEuro And (EffectiveShipDate > EuroDate) Then       CurrencySymbol = "EUR"       ConversionRate = 1.13491D     End If     sc.CurrencySymbol = CurrencySymbol     sc.ChargeAmount = FlatCharge     sc.ChargeAmount += Decimal.Round(PerItemCharge * NumberOfItems, 2)     sc.ChargeAmount = Decimal.Round(sc.ChargeAmount * ConversionRate, 2)     Return sc   End Function End Class 

  4. Select Build | Build Solution. This builds the class library, ready for the next step. It really is that easy.

end example

How It Works

The first line of code simply starts the ShippingCharge class, objects of which will be created by the ShippingChargeCalculator class and used to represent the amount of the shipping charge.

    Public Class ShippingCharge 

We add two class-level variables: one to hold the name of the currency as a String, and a Decimal value to hold the charge amount.

     Private _CurrencySymbol As String     Private _ChargeAmount As Decimal 

Next, we expose the private class-level variables as properties of the ShippingCharge class.

     Public Property CurrencySymbol() As String       Get         CurrencySymbol = _CurrencySymbol       End Get       Set(ByVal Value As String)         _CurrencySymbol = Value       End Set     End Property     Public Property ChargeAmount() As Decimal       Get         ChargeAmount = _ChargeAmount       End Get       Set(ByVal Value As Decimal)         _ChargeAmount = Value       End Set     End Property 

As the last member in this class, the constructor simply sets some default values for the private variable. It is a good idea to do this, just in case somebody decides to create an instance of this class without using our shipping charge routine.

       Public Sub New()         _CurrencySymbol = "USD"         _ChargeAmount = OD       End Sub     End Class 

Moving on to the second class, ShippingChargeCalculator contains two public functions:

  • GetCountryList() returns an ArrayList containing the name of each country that Northwind has shipped products to. This method will be used on our web page to select a shipping destination.

  • CalculateInternationalCharges() takes a string containing the name of the country being shipped to, an integer representing the number of items being shipped, and the date that shipping occurred. It returns an instance of the ShippingCharge class.

Let's turn our attention first to GetCountryList(), which returns an ArrayList instance of the country names, sorted into alphabetical order. We've used an ArrayList specifically because it works well with ASP.NET web controls' data binding features (for simplicity, we have only shown two countries here).

       Public Function GetCountryList() As ArrayList         Dim CountryList As New ArrayList()         Dim ListOfCountries As String         Dim chra(1) As Char         ListOfCountries = "Canada,Sweden" 

As we intend to store the country names in a simple, comma-delimited string, we can use the String object's Split() method to parse it into the ArrayList object. The Split() method expects an array of characters to represent the delimiters, for which we use the chra variable. To use the comma character as the delimiter, we just set the first element of chra to be a comma.

         chra(0) = Convert.ToChar(",") 

Next, we call the Split() method on the country list string, passing the result to the AddRange() method of the ArrayList object. AddRange() simply appends an array to an ArrayList.


Then, to sort the list of countries alphabetically, we can call the ArrayList.Sort() method without any parameters. (This may seem like a wasted step here, because the string we parsed already had the countries in alphabetical order. However, with this statement in place, we could insert a new country at the end of the ListOfCountries string without worrying about it breaking the sort order.) We then return the ArrayList object.

         CountryList.Sort()         Return CountryList       End Function 

The function that actually determines the international shipping charge is CalculateInternationalCharges(), which starts like this, and returns an instance of the ShippingCharge class.

       Public Function CalculateInternationalCharges( _                             ByVal CountryShippingTo As String, _                             ByVal NumberOfItems As Integer, _                             ByVal EffectiveShipDate As Date) As ShippingCharge 

First, we need to create a ShippingCharge instance to work with. We also prepare a few local variables to hold the values needed in our calculations, and set them to the defaults for the US market. We'll also need to declare the standardized (see www.iso.org/iso/en/ISOOnline.frontpage) currency symbol, the conversion rate, the flat rate charges, and the total number of items being shipped. The number of items being shipped is based on their packaging; so one case of 24 cans counts as one item, not 24.

       Dim sc As New ShippingCharge()       Dim CurrencySymbol As String = "USD"       Dim ConversionRate As Decimal = 1D       Dim FlatCharge As Decimal = OD       Dim PerItemCharge As Decimal = OD 

We know that Northwind ships products to customers in Europe, and we also know that some of the countries in Europe have started using a common currency: the euro. However, it's possible that some more countries will switch to the euro at a later date, so we'll need to check to see whether the current system time is before or after the date when the country in question switched to the new currency. In order to avoid computing the shipping charge in euros when we shouldn't, we'll simply set the default value of the EuroDate variable to the maximum possible system date and time (the end of 9999!).

       Dim UsesEuro As Boolean = False       Dim EuroDate As New Date(DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks) 

With these in place, we start the calculation by determining which country is being shipped to. Note that we use the ToUpper() method on the CountryShippingTo string, to avoid any problems with the case of the characters in the string.

         Select Case CountryShippingTo.ToUpper() 

Based on the country, we assign the currency symbol, the conversion rate, the flat rate charge, and the per-item charge in US dollars. If the country is scheduled to switch to the euro, we can also set the UsesEuro flag and the switch date. We are giving free shipping to Canada.

           Case "CANADA"             CurrencySymbol = "CAN"             ConversionRate = 1.61189D             FlatCharge = OD             PerItemCharge = OD           Case "SWEDEN"             CurrencySymbol = "SEK"             ConversionRate = 10.4909D             FlatCharge = 25D             PerItemCharge = 1D 

Finally, if the country cannot be determined, we'll ask for payment in US dollars. We'll charge $50.00 as the flat charge, and $2.50 per item.

           Case Else             CurrencySymbol = "USD"             ConversionRate = 1D             FlatCharge = 50D             PerItemCharge = 2.5D         End Select 

If the country being shipped to uses the euro, we need to check whether the shipping date exceeds the conversion date. If so, we need to compute the shipping charge in euros.

         ' Update the shipping charge         If UsesEuro And (EffectiveShipDate > EuroDate) Then           CurrencySymbol = "EUR"           ConversionRate = 1.13491D         End If 

Finally, we populate the ShippingCharge object. We calculate the actual shipping charge by initializing it with the flat charge amount, then adding the total per-item charges. This returns the charge expressed in US dollars. To convert it to the correct currency, we simply multiply by the conversion rate. After the calculations are done, we can return the populated ShippingCharge instance.

         sc.CurrencySymbol = CurrencySymbol         sc.ChargeAmount = FlatCharge         sc.ChargeAmount += Decimal.Round(PerItemCharge * NumberOfItems, 2)         sc.ChargeAmount = Decimal.Round(sc.ChargeAmount * ConversionRate, 2)         ' Return the shipping charges         Return sc       End Function     End Class 

Of course, having our new class library ready for use is only half the battle. We also need a way to specify the three values required by the calculation - the country, the ship date, and the number of items being shipped. We'll accomplish this using an ASP.NET page.

Using the Class Library in a Web Page

There are three steps involved in using our new class library from a web page. We have to create a web application, add a reference to the class library to the web application project, and finally use the library from ASP.NET. Let's see how we can do that.

Try It Out - Creating a Web Application

start example
  1. To begin this part of the process, return to Visual Studio .NET and - without closing our first solution - create a new Visual Basic ASP.NET Web Application.

    click to expand

    Make sure that the Add to Solution radio button remains selected. We want this project to be part of the same solution as the last one.

  2. Next, rename the file WebForm1.aspx to InternationalShippingCharge.aspx, and save all changed files.

  3. In order to use our component in the web application, we need to add a reference to it. First, ensure that the NwtNet project is highlighted, and then choose Project | Add Reference... In the Add Reference dialog that appears, click on the Projects tab, make sure that NwtSimple is highlighted, and then click the Select button. Click the OK button to continue.

    click to expand


    It's good to use project references while you're developing and testing your code. Before deployment, however, you must switch to the .NET tab and reference the DLL that contains your class library.

  4. If you now go to the Solution Explorer and expand the folder named References under the NwtNet project, you should see the NwtSimple class library listed. We're now ready to work on the ASP.NET form that uses it.

  5. The InternationalShippingCharge.aspx page should still be open in the editor. (If it's not, then open it!) In the Design window, we need to add a DropDownList control, a TextBox control, a Calendar control, some Label controls, and a Button. We also need to place a RequiredFieldValidator and a RangeValidator in the cells for the DropDownList and the TextBox controls.

    We can add these controls by dragging them from the toolbox and placing them inside an HTML table, as shown here. You can also add a label for the title of the page: Shipping Charge Calculator.

    click to expand

  6. Set the IDs of these controls as follows:

    • DropDownList set to CountryList

    • TextBox set is NumberOfItems

    • Button set to Calculate

    • Label (cell adjacent to Charges:) set to Charges

  7. The Calendar properties should be set as below:









    DayHeaderStyle | BackColor


    DayHeaderStyle | Font | Bold





    Verdana, 8pt



    OtherMonthDayStyle | ForeColor


    OtherMonthDayStyle | BackColor




    TitleStyle | Backcolor


    TitleStyle | Font | Bold


    WeekendDayStyle | BackColor


  8. The properties of the RequiredFieldValidator need to be like this:






    Must select a country

  9. And the properties of the RangeValidator control should be set as shown here:






    Must be at least one item







    (To see the HTML that our controls generate at any point, select HTML Source from the View menu.)

  10. We're now ready to work on the code behind this page - this will be stored in a file called InternationalShippingCharge.aspx.vb. Select View | Code from the main menu, and you can then type in the following code (or paste it from the code download).

     Option Explicit On Option Strict On Imports NwtSimple Namespace NwtNet   Public Class InternationalShippingCharges     Inherits System.Web.UI.Page     Protected WithEvents CountryList _          As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList     Protected WithEvents NumberOfItems As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox     Protected WithEvents Charges As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label     Protected WithEvents CountryValidator _          As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RequiredFieldValidator     Protected WithEvents ItemsValidator _          As System.Web.UI.WebControls.RangeValidator     Protected WithEvents Calculate As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button     Protected WithEvents EffectiveShipDate _          As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Calendar     Private sc As New ShippingChargeCalculator() #Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code "   'This call is required by the Web Form Designer.   <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> _          Private Sub InitializeComponent()   End Sub   Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, _          ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init          'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer          'Do not modify it using the code editor.     InitializeComponent()   End Sub #End Region     Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _         ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load       If Not IsPostBack Then         CountryList.DataSource = sc.GetCountryList         CountryList.DataBind()         EffectiveShipDate.SelectedDate = Date.Now       End If     End Sub     Private Sub Calculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _         ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Calculate.Click       Dim sch As ShippingCharge       sch = sc.CalculateInternationalCharges( _           CountryList.SelectedItem.Value, _           Convert.ToInt32(NumberOfItems.Text), _           EffectiveShipDate.SelectedDate)       Charges.Text = sch.ChargeAmount.ToString() & " " & sch.CurrencySymbol     End Sub   End Class End Namespace 

  11. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the NwtNet project, and select Set as StartUp Project from the context menu.

  12. Again in the Solution Explorer, right click on InternationalShippingCharge.aspx and select Set As Start Page.

  13. Now select Debug | Start, or just press F5. Once our small application is running, you should see the following:

    click to expand

end example

How It Works

The ASPX page that was assembled by Visual Studio on our behalf starts with a Page directive specifying the language, that events should be automatically posted back, the name of the file that contains the code that supports this page, and what class the page builds on:

    <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="True"             Codebehind="InternationalShippingCharge.aspx.vb"             Inherits="NwtNet.NwtNet.InternationalShippingCharges"%> 

After the header, we define a form to host our interactive web controls. The first control we use is a simple Label for the caption for the drop-down list of countries. This is tied to a RequiredFieldValidator control that makes sure that a country is selected:

    <asp:Label  runat="server">Shipping to:</asp:Label>    <asp:RequiredFieldValidator  runat="server"                                ErrorMessage="Must select a country"                                ControlToValidate="CountryList">    </asp:RequiredFieldValidator> 

The actual DropDownList control is placed in the next table cell; we'll populate it 'behind the scenes' in our code-behind file, in the Page_Load() event handler:

    <asp:DropDownList  runat="server"></asp:DropDownList> 

We then have a further Label control and a RangeValidator for the number of items being shipped. At least one item must be shipped, but no more than 65,535 can be shipped. The TextBox control for the quantity is in the next cell:

     <asp:Label  runat="server">Number of Items:</asp:Label>     <asp:RangeValidator  runat="server"                         ErrorMessage="Must be at least one item"                         ControlToValidate="NumberOfItems"                         MaximumValue="65535" MinimumValue="1" Type="Integer">     </asp:RangeValidator></TD><TD style="HEIGHT: 32px">     <asp:TextBox  runat="server"></asp:TextBox> 

On the next row of the table, we have another caption and an ASP Calendar control. Calendar controls have a number of display-related properties, which are shown here. The settings here reflect the choices we made in Visual Studio's Properties window.

     <TD style="WIDTH: 201px; HEIGHT: 211px">     <asp:Label  runat="server">Effective Ship Date:</asp:Label>     </TD>     <TD style="HEIGHT: 211px" align=middle>     <asp:Calendar  runat="server"                   Height="72px" Width="223px"                   BorderColor="DarkGray" BackColor="White"                   CellPadding="4" DayNameFormat="FirstLetter"                   ForeColor="Black" SelectedDate="2002-04-01"                   Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt">       <DayHeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" BackColor="LightGray"></DayHeaderStyle>       <TitleStyle Font-Bold="True" BackColor="DarkGray"></TitleStyle>       <WeekendDayStyle BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow"></WeekendDayStyle>       <OtherMonthDayStyle ForeColor="Silver" BackColor="White">       </OtherMonthDayStyle>     </asp:Calendar>     </TD> 

The next row has two Label controls: one for a caption on the charge amount, and one that will actually show the amount of the charge. Again, we will populate this 'behind the scenes'.

     <TD style="WIDTH: 201px; HEIGHT: 33px">     <asp:Label bold">" runat="server">Charges</asp:Label>     </TD>     <TD style="HEIGHT: 33px">     <asp:Label  runat="server"></asp:Label>     </TD> 

Finally, in the last row of the table, we have the button that will trigger calculation of the charge:

     <TD align="middle" colSpan="2">     <asp:Button  runat="server"                 Width="410px" Text="Compute International Shipping Charges">     </asp:Button>     </TD> 

Having looked at the display code, we now need to examine the code-behind file. We start by enabling strict code checking, and then import the class library that we're going to use through an Imports statement. The next lines then define a namespace for this class (as well as the class name), and specify that it inherits from the .NET Framework class, Page.

     Option Explicit On     Option Strict On     Imports NwtSimple     Namespace NwtNet       Public Class InternationalShippingCharges         Inherits System.Web.UI.Page 

Next come some lines that Visual Studio has added, in which the variables for the controls on the page are declared, and then we create an instance of our ShippingChargeCalculator class that's available for use by all of the other procedures in the InternationalShippingCharges class:

         Private sc As New ShippingChargeCalculator() 

We then have a block of code generated by Visual Studio .NET. Although it's absolutely required, it's not something we should spend our time on here.

Two things that we do need to look at closely are the Page_Load() and Calculate_Click() event handlers. In the former, we use the familiar If Not IsPostBack Then syntax to ensure that the drop-down control and the date on the calendar are set just once, when the page is first loaded:

           If Not IsPostBack Then             CountryList.DataSource = sc.GetCountryList             CountryList.DataBind()             EffectiveShipDate.SelectedDate = Date.Now           End If 

In Calculate_Click(), we calculate the shipping charges by calling the CalculateInternationalCharges() method of the ShippingChargeCalculator object we set up earlier, and assigning the result to an instance of the other class in our library, ShippingCharge. Then we just display it by assembling a string to be placed in the label control called Charges.

         Private Sub Calculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _                        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Calculate.Click           Dim sch As ShippingCharge           sch = sc.CalculateInternationalCharges( _                        CountryList.SelectedItem.Value, _                        Convert.ToInt32(NumberOfItems.Text), _                        EffectiveShipDate.SelectedDate)           Charges.Text = sch.ChargeAmount.ToString() & " " & sch.CurrencySymbol         End Sub 

And that's all there is to it. Do take a look at the longer example in the download code, and if you like, you could think about ways to change and improve this application. For instance, you might like to try using ADO.NET to bring in the list of countries and shipping costs from the Excel spreadsheet. For the time being, however, we'll move on.


We usually save our summaries for the end of the chapter, but we've covered enough ground here to make it worth reiterating a few points. In particular, there are three things worth bearing in mind:

  • Well-written classes make programming simpler. Our ASP.NET page didn't need to know anything about conversion rates or currency symbols - it relied on the ShippingChargeCalculator class to do that. We also encapsulated the shipping charge itself, in the ShippingCharge class.

  • We have created a reusable class library for calculating international shipping charges that we could use equally well in a Windows Forms application, or a web service.

  • We have a sustainable design. Suppose, for example, that Northwind were to start selling to customers in Egypt or Japan. All we would need to do is to add those countries to the ListOfCountries string in the class, and then add cases for those countries to the calculation steps. The ASP.NET pages themselves need never be touched.

Beginning ASP. NET 2.0 and Databases
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 and Databases (Wrox Beginning Guides)
ISBN: 0471781347
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 263

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