When To Upgrade BIOS

If your system is stable and all devices are correctly recognized, then there is no need to upgrade BIOS. If you have any problems, first consults such informational sources as technical support and knowledge-base pages on the sites of the manufacturers of the motherboard, chipset, and conflicting hardware and software. Also, do not forget about Microsoft's technical support and knowledge base. It is possible that the problem you have encountered has already been solved and BIOS isn't responsible for it. Check the system for viruses, make sure that all required physical contacts are OK, and reset BIOS Setup to the default configuration. If the hardware is identified incorrectly, do not be lazy and consult the manual to make sure it has to be identified. For example, my motherboard recognizes Athlon 1400/133 as Athlon 1050/100 because it doesn't even try to automatically recognize the bus frequency, which the documentation supplied with the motherboard honestly admits.

The problems that under favorable circumstances can be solved by upgrading BIOS are briefly listed below:

  • CPU (clock frequency, type, supply voltage) is identified incorrectly.

  • Memory size or type is identified incorrectly.

  • Processor or memory performance is unexpectedly low.

  • Hard disks or CD/DVD drives are identified incorrectly.

  • Operating system cannot be installed because of persistent failures.

  • Unstable operation of the operating system or persistent failures.

  • Motherboard doesn't start up.

Shellcoder's Programming Uncovered
Shellcoders Programming Uncovered (Uncovered series)
ISBN: 193176946X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 164

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