
[ LiB ]


There are so many people I'd like to thank for assisting me with my career as an instructor/editor.

First and foremost I want to thank my wife Shiela and my daughter Farrah. Thanks for believing in me, allowing me to take on new challenges, and tolerating my late nights and grumbling "techno-babble".

My mentors: John Prusak, for his dedication to the craft of filmmaking and teaching. Julian Liebman for his enthusiasm , business savvy, and for providing me with so many opportunities to grow.

All the Avid staff/experts/instructors that I've worked with over the years : Tom Hayes, Greg Staten, Elliott Kaplan, Steve Bayes, and Marty Liebman.

For all their support and assistance over the last several years: Lisa Zahodne, Jon Liebman, Gary Shifflet, Kathy McIntyre, Patty Montesion, Randy Zdrojewski, Kathy Vander, Brian and Cathy MacShara, all the students who I had the pleasure meeting. Finally, the staff and friends at Grace & Wild HD Studios, especially Jeff Larkin for making me look so good.

The Muska & Lipman team: Todd Jensen, Kezia Endsley, and Brian Proffitt for managing this endeavor in a very professional manner.

And for anyone I'm forgetting ; please accept my apologies. I owe you a beer.

[ LiB ]

Avid Xpress Pro Power.
Avid Xpress Pro Power!
ISBN: 1592001513
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 165
Authors: Steve Julin © 2008-2017.
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