Common NetBIOS Routines

In this section, we'll examine a basic server NetBIOS application. We will examine the server first because the design of the server dictates how the client should act. Since most servers are designed to handle multiple clients simultaneously, the asynchronous NetBIOS model fits best. We will present server samples using both the asynchronous callback routines and the event model. However, we'll first introduce source code that implements some common functions necessary to most NetBIOS applications. Figure 1-3 is from file Nbcommon.c, which you'll find on the companion disc under \Examples\Chapter01\Common. Code examples throughout this book will use functions from this file.

Figure 1-3. Common NetBIOS routines (Nbcommon.c)

 // Nbcommon.c #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "nbcommon.h" // // Enumerate all LANA numbers // int LanaEnum(LANA_ENUM *lenum) { NCB ncb; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBENUM; ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)lenum; ncb.ncb_length = sizeof(LANA_ENUM); if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBENUM: %d\n", ncb.ncb_retcode); return ncb.ncb_retcode; } return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Reset each LANA listed in the LANA_ENUM structure. Also, set // the NetBIOS environment (max sessions, max name table size), // and use the first NetBIOS name. // int ResetAll(LANA_ENUM *lenum, UCHAR ucMaxSession, UCHAR ucMaxName, BOOL bFirstName) { NCB ncb; int i; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBRESET; ncb.ncb_callname[0] = ucMaxSession; ncb.ncb_callname[2] = ucMaxName; ncb.ncb_callname[3] = (UCHAR)bFirstName; for(i = 0; i < lenum->length; i++) { ncb.ncb_lana_num = lenum->lana[i]; if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBRESET[%d]: %d\n", ncb.ncb_lana_num, ncb.ncb_retcode); return ncb.ncb_retcode; } } return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Add the given name to the given LANA number. Return the name // number for the registered name. // int AddName(int lana, char *name, int *num) { NCB ncb; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBADDNAME; ncb.ncb_lana_num = lana; memset(ncb.ncb_name, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); strncpy(ncb.ncb_name, name, strlen(name)); if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBADDNAME[lana=%d;name=%s]: %d\n", lana, name, ncb.ncb_retcode); return ncb.ncb_retcode; } *num = ncb.ncb_num; return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Add the given NetBIOS group name to the given LANA // number. Return the name number for the added name. // int AddGroupName(int lana, char *name, int *num) { NCB ncb; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBADDGRNAME; ncb.ncb_lana_num = lana; memset(ncb.ncb_name, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); strncpy(ncb.ncb_name, name, strlen(name)); if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBADDGRNAME[lana=%d;name=%s]: %d\n", lana, name, ncb.ncb_retcode); return ncb.ncb_retcode; } *num = ncb.ncb_num; return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Delete the given NetBIOS name from the name table associated // with the LANA number // int DelName(int lana, char *name) { NCB ncb; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBDELNAME; ncb.ncb_lana_num = lana; memset(ncb.ncb_name, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); strncpy(ncb.ncb_name, name, strlen(name)); if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBADDNAME[lana=%d;name=%s]: %d\n", lana, name, ncb.ncb_retcode); return ncb.ncb_retcode; } return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Send len bytes from the data buffer on the given session (lsn) // and lana number // int Send(int lana, int lsn, char *data, DWORD len) { NCB ncb; int retcode; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBSEND; ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)data; ncb.ncb_length = len; ncb.ncb_lana_num = lana; ncb.ncb_lsn = lsn; retcode = Netbios(&ncb); return retcode; } // // Receive up to len bytes into the data buffer on the given session // (lsn) and lana number // int Recv(int lana, int lsn, char *buffer, DWORD *len) { NCB ncb; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBRECV; ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)buffer; ncb.ncb_length = *len; ncb.ncb_lana_num = lana; ncb.ncb_lsn = lsn; if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { *len = -1; return ncb.ncb_retcode; } *len = ncb.ncb_length; return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Disconnect the given session on the given lana number // int Hangup(int lana, int lsn) { NCB ncb; int retcode; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBHANGUP; ncb.ncb_lsn = lsn; ncb.ncb_lana_num = lana; retcode = Netbios(&ncb); return retcode; } // // Cancel the given asynchronous command denoted in the NCB // structure parameter // int Cancel(PNCB pncb) { NCB ncb; ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBCANCEL; ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)pncb; ncb.ncb_lana_num = pncb->ncb_lana_num; if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: NetBIOS: NCBCANCEL: %d\n", ncb.ncb_retcode); return ncb.ncb_retcode; } return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Format the given NetBIOS name so that it is printable. Any // unprintable characters are replaced by a period. The outname // buffer is the returned string, which is assumed to be at least // NCBNAMSZ + 1 characters in length. // int FormatNetbiosName(char *nbname, char *outname) { int i; strncpy(outname, nbname, NCBNAMSZ); outname[NCBNAMSZ - 1] = '\0'; for(i = 0; i < NCBNAMSZ - 1; i++) { // If the character isn't printable, replace it with a '.' // if (!((outname[i] >= 32) && (outname[i] <= 126))) outname[i] = '.'; } return NRC_GOODRET; } 

The first of the common routines in Nbcommon.c is LanaEnum. This is the most basic routine that almost all NetBIOS applications use. This function enumerates the available LANA numbers on a given system. The function initializes an NCB structure to 0, sets the ncb_command field to NCBENUM, assigns a LANA_ENUM structure to the ncb_buffer field, and sets the ncb_length field to the size of the LANA_ENUM structure. With the NCB structure correctly initialized, the only action that the LanaEnum function needs to take to invoke the NCBENUM command is to call the Netbios function. As you can see, executing a NetBIOS command is fairly easy. For synchronous commands, the return value from Netbios will tell you whether the command succeeded. The constant NRC_GOODRET always indicates success.

A successful NetBIOS call fills the supplied LANA_ENUM structure with the count of LANA numbers on the current machine as well as the actual LANA numbers. The LANA_ENUM structure is defined as follows:

 typedef struct LANA_ENUM { UCHAR length; UCHAR lana[MAX_LANA + 1]; } LANA_ENUM, *PLANA_ENUM; 

The length member indicates how many LANA numbers the local machine has. The lana field is the array of actual LANA numbers. The value of length corresponds to how many elements of the lana array will be filled with LANA numbers.

The next function is ResetAll. Again, this function will be used in all NetBIOS applications. A well-written NetBIOS program should reset each LANA number that it plans to use. Once you have a LANA_ENUM structure with LANA numbers from LanaEnum, you can reset them by calling the NCBRESET command on each LANA number in the structure. That's exactly what ResetAll does; the function's first parameter is a LANA_ENUM structure. A reset requires only that the function set ncb_command to NCBRESET and ncb_lana_num to the LANA it needs to reset. Note that while some platforms, such as Windows 95, do not require you to reset each LANA number that you use, it is good practice to do so. Windows NT requires you to reset each LANA number prior to use; otherwise, any other calls to Netbios will return error 52 (NRC_ENVNOTDEF).

Additionally, when resetting a LANA number you can set certain NetBIOS environment settings via the character fields of ncb_callname. ResetAll's other parameters correspond to these environmental settings. The function uses the ucMaxSession parameter to set character 0 of ncb_callname, which specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions. Normally, the operating system imposes a default that is less than the maximum. For example, Windows NT 4 defaults to 64 concurrent sessions. ResetAll sets character 2 of ncb_callname (which specifies the maximum number of NetBIOS names that can be added to each LANA) to the value of the ucMaxName parameter. Again, the operating system imposes a default maximum. Finally, ResetAll sets character 3, used for NetBIOS clients, to the value of its bFirstName parameter. By setting this parameter to TRUE, a client uses the machine name as its NetBIOS process name. As a result, a client can connect to a server and send data without allowing any incoming connections. This option is used to save on initialization time because adding a NetBIOS name to the local name table can be costly.

Adding a name to the local name table is another common function. This is what AddName does. The parameters are simply the name to add and which LANA number to add it to. Remember that a name table is on a per-LANA basis, and if your application wants to communicate on every available LANA, you need to add the process's name to every LANA. The command for adding a unique name is NCBADDNAME. The other required fields are the LANA number to add the name to and the name to add, which must be copied into ncb_name. AddName initializes the ncb_name buffer to spaces first and assumes that the name parameter points to a null-terminated string. After adding a name successfully, Netbios returns the NetBIOS name number associated with the newly added name in the ncb_num field. You use this value with datagrams to identify the originating NetBIOS process. We'll discuss datagrams in greater detail later in this chapter. The most common error encountered when adding a unique name is NRC_DUPNAME, which occurs when the name is already in use by another process on the network.

AddGroupName works the same way as AddName except that it issues the command NCBADDGRNAME and never causes the NRC_DUPNAME error.

DelName, another related function, deletes a NetBIOS name from the name table. It requires only the LANA number you want to remove the name from and the name itself.

The next two functions in Figure 1-3, Send and Recv, are for sending and receiving data in a connected session. These functions are almost identical except for the ncb_command field setting. The command field is set to either NCBSEND or NCBRECV. The LANA number on which to send the data and the session number are both required parameters. A successful NCBCALL or NCBLISTEN command returns the session number. Clients use the NCBCALL command to connect to a known service, while servers use NCBLISTEN to "wait" for incoming client connections. When either of these commands succeeds, the NetBIOS interface establishes a session with a unique integer identifier. Send and Recv also require parameters that map to ncb_buffer and ncb_length. When sending data, ncb_buffer points to the buffer containing the data to send. The length field is the number of characters in the buffer that should be sent. When receiving data, the buffer field points to the block of memory that incoming data is copied to. The length field is the size of the memory chunk. When the Netbios function returns, it updates the length field with the number of bytes successfully received. One important aspect of sending data in a session-oriented connection is that a call to the Send function will wait until the receiver has posted a Recv function. This means that if the sender is pushing a great deal of data and the receiver is not reading it, a lot of resources are being used to buffer the data locally. Therefore, it's a good idea to issue only a few NCBSEND or NCBCHAINSEND commands simultaneously. To circumvent this problem, use the Netbios commands NCBSENDNA and NCBCHAINSENDNA. With these commands, the sending of the data is performed without waiting for an acknowledgment of receipt from the receiver.

The last two functions near the end of Figure 1-3, Hangup and Cancel, are for closing established sessions or canceling an outstanding command. You can call the NetBIOS command NCBHANGUP to gracefully shut down an established session. When you execute this command, all outstanding receive calls for the given session terminate and return with the session-closed error, NRC_SCLOSED (0x0A). If any send commands are outstanding, the hang-up command blocks until they complete. This delay occurs whether the commands are transferring data or are waiting for the remote side to issue a receive command.

Session Server: Asynchronous Callback Model

Now that we have the basic NetBIOS functions out of the way, we can look at the server that will listen for incoming client connections. Our server will be a simple echo server; it will send back any data that it receives from a connected client. Figure 1-4 contains server code that uses asynchronous callback functions. The code is also available as file Cbnbsvr.c on the companion disc in the /Examples/Chapter01/Server folder. If you look at the function main, you will see that first we enumerate the available LANA numbers with LanaEnum, and then we reset each LANA with ResetAll. Remember that these two steps are generally required of all NetBIOS applications.

Figure 1-4. Asynchronous callback server (Cbnbsvr.c)

 // Cbnbsvr.c #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "..\Common\nbcommon.h" #define MAX_BUFFER 2048 #define SERVER_NAME "TEST-SERVER-1" DWORD WINAPI ClientThread(PVOID lpParam); // // Function: ListenCallback // // Description: // This function is called when an asynchronous listen completes. // If no error occurred, create a thread to handle the client. // Also, post another listen for other client connections. // void CALLBACK ListenCallback(PNCB pncb) { HANDLE hThread; DWORD dwThreadId; if (pncb->ncb_retcode != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: ListenCallback: %d\n", pncb->ncb_retcode); return; } Listen(pncb->ncb_lana_num, SERVER_NAME); hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ClientThread, (PVOID)pncb, 0, &dwThreadId); if (hThread == NULL) { printf("ERROR: CreateThread: %d\n", GetLastError()); return; } CloseHandle(hThread); return; } // // Function: ClientThread // // Description: // The client thread blocks for data sent from clients and // simply sends it back to them. This is a continuous loop // until the session is closed or an error occurs. If // the read or write fails with NRC_SCLOSED, the session // has closed gracefully--so exit the loop. // DWORD WINAPI ClientThread(PVOID lpParam) { PNCB pncb = (PNCB)lpParam; NCB ncb; char szRecvBuff[MAX_BUFFER]; DWORD dwBufferLen = MAX_BUFFER, dwRetVal = NRC_GOODRET; char szClientName[NCBNAMSZ+1]; FormatNetbiosName(pncb->ncb_callname, szClientName); while (1) { dwBufferLen = MAX_BUFFER; dwRetVal = Recv(pncb->ncb_lana_num, pncb->ncb_lsn, szRecvBuff, &dwBufferLen); if (dwRetVal != NRC_GOODRET) break; szRecvBuff[dwBufferLen] = 0; printf("READ [LANA=%d]: '%s'\n", pncb->ncb_lana_num, szRecvBuff); dwRetVal = Send(pncb->ncb_lana_num, pncb->ncb_lsn, szRecvBuff, dwBufferLen); if (dwRetVal != NRC_GOODRET) break; } printf("Client '%s' on LANA %d disconnected\n", szClientName, pncb->ncb_lana_num); if (dwRetVal != NRC_SCLOSED) { // Some other error occurred; hang up the connection // ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBHANGUP; ncb.ncb_lsn = pncb->ncb_lsn; ncb.ncb_lana_num = pncb->ncb_lana_num; if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBHANGUP: %d\n", ncb.ncb_retcode); dwRetVal = ncb.ncb_retcode; } GlobalFree(pncb); return dwRetVal; } GlobalFree(pncb); return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Function: Listen // // Description: // Post an asynchronous listen with a callback function. Create // an NCB structure for use by the callback (since it needs a // global scope). // int Listen(int lana, char *name) { PNCB pncb = NULL; pncb = (PNCB)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(NCB)); pncb->ncb_command = NCBLISTEN | ASYNCH; pncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; pncb->ncb_post = ListenCallback; // // This is the name clients will connect to // memset(pncb->ncb_name, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); strncpy(pncb->ncb_name, name, strlen(name)); // // An '*' means we'll take a client connection from anyone. By // specifying an actual name here, we restrict connections to // clients with that name only. // memset(pncb->ncb_callname, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); pncb->ncb_callname[0] = '*'; if (Netbios(pncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBLISTEN: %d\n", pncb->ncb_retcode); return pncb->ncb_retcode; } return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Function: main // // Description: // Initialize the NetBIOS interface, allocate some resources, add // the server name to each LANA, and post an asynch NCBLISTEN on // each LANA with the appropriate callback. Then wait for incoming // client connections, at which time, spawn a worker thread to // handle them. The main thread simply waits while the server // threads are handling client requests. You wouldn't do this in a // real application, but this sample is for illustrative purposes // only. // int main(int argc, char **argv) { LANA_ENUM lenum; int i, num; // Enumerate all LANAs and reset each one // if (LanaEnum(&lenum) != NRC_GOODRET) return 1; if (ResetAll(&lenum, 254, 254, FALSE) != NRC_GOODRET) return 1; // // Add the server name to each LANA, and issue a listen on each // for(i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++) { AddName(lenum.lana[i], SERVER_NAME, &num); Listen(lenum.lana[i], SERVER_NAME); } while (1) { Sleep(5000); } } 

The next thing that the function main does is add your process's name to each LANA number on which you want to accept connections. The server adds its process name, TEST-SERVER-1, to each LANA number in a loop. This is the name the clients will use to connect to our server (padded with spaces, of course). Every character in a NetBIOS name is significant when trying to establish or accept a connection. We can't stress this point enough. Most problems encountered when coding NetBIOS clients and servers involve mismatched names. Be consistent in padding names either with spaces or with some other character. Spaces are the most popular pad character because when they are enumerated and printed out, they are human-readable.

The last and most crucial step for a server is to post a number of NCBLISTEN commands. The Listen function first allocates an NCB structure. When you use asynchronous NetBIOS calls, the NCB structure that you submit must persist from the time you issue the call until the call completes. This requires that you either dynamically allocate each NCB structure before issuing the command or maintain a global pool of NCB structures for use in asynchronous calls. For NCBLISTEN, set the LANA number that you want the call to apply to. Note that the code listing in Figure 1-3 logically ORs the NCBLISTEN command with the ASYNCH command. When specifying the ASYNCH command, you must make either the ncb_post field or the ncb_event field nonzero; if you don't, the Netbios call will fail with NRC_ILLCMD. In Figure 1-4, the Listen function sets the ncb_post field to our callback function, ListenCallback. Next, Listen sets the ncb_name field to the name of the server process. This is the name that clients will connect to. The function also sets the first character of the ncb_callname field to an asterisk (*), signifying that the server will accept a connection from any client. Alternatively, you could place a specific name in the ncb_callname field, which would allow only the client who registered that specific name to connect to the server. Finally, Listen makes a call to Netbios. The call completes immediately, and the Netbios function sets the ncb_cmd_cplt field of the submitted NCB structure to NRC_PENDING (0xFF) until the command has completed.

Once main resets and posts an NCBLISTEN command to each LANA number, the main thread goes into a continuous loop.

Since this server is only a sample, the design is very basic. When writing your own NetBIOS servers, you can do other processing in the main loop or post a synchronous NCBLISTEN in the main loop for one of the LANA numbers.

The callback function executes only when an incoming connection is accepted on a LANA number. When the NCBLISTEN command accepts a connection, it calls the function in the ncb_post field with the originating NCB structure as a parameter. The ncb_retcode is set to the return code. Always check this value to see whether the client connection succeeded. A successful connection will result in an ncb_retcode of NRC_GOODRET (0x00).

If the connection was successful, post another NCBLISTEN on the same LANA number. This is necessary because once the original listen succeeds, the server stops listening for client connections on that LANA until another NCBLISTEN is submitted. Thus, if your servers require a high availability, you can post multiple NCBLISTEN commands on the same LANA so that connections from multiple clients can be accepted simultaneously. Finally, the callback function creates a thread that will service the client. In this example, the thread simply loops and calls a blocking read (NCBRECV) followed by a blocking send (NCBSEND). The server implements an echo server, which reads messages from connected clients and echoes them back. The client thread loops until the client breaks the connection, at which point the client thread issues an NCBHANGUP command to close the connection on its end. From there the client thread frees the NCB structure and exits.

For connection-oriented sessions, data is buffered by the underlying protocols, so it is not necessary to always have outstanding receive calls. When a receive command is posted, the Netbios function immediately transfers available data to the supplied buffer and the call returns. If no data is available, the receive call blocks until data is present or until the session is disconnected. The same is true for the send command: if the network stack is able either to send data immediately on the wire or to buffer the data in the stack for transmission, the call returns immediately. If the system does not have the buffer space to send the data immediately, the send call blocks until the buffer space becomes available. To circumvent this blocking, you can use the ASYNCH command on sends and receives. The buffer supplied to asynchronous sends and receives must have a scope that extends beyond the calling procedure. Another way around blocking sends and receives is to use the ncb_sto and ncb_rto fields. The ncb_sto field is for send timeouts. By specifying a nonzero value, you set an upper limit for how long a send will block before returning. This number is specified in 500-millisecond units. If a command times out, the data is not sent. The same is true of the receive timeout: if no data arrives within the prescribed amount of time, the call returns with no data transferred into the buffers.

Session Server: Asynchronous Event Model

Figure 1-5 illustrates an echo server that is similar to the one in Figure 1-4 but uses Win32 events as the signaling mechanism for completion. The event model is similar to the callback model. The only difference is that with the callback model, the system executes your code when the asynchronous operation completes; while with the event model, your application has to check for the completion of the operation by checking the event status. Because these are standard Win32 events, you can use any of the synchronization routines available, such as WaitForSingleEvent and WaitForMultipleEvents. The event model is more efficient because it forces the programmer to structure the program to consciously check for completion.

Our event-model server starts out exactly the same as the callback server:

  1. Enumerate the LANA numbers.
  2. Reset each LANA.
  3. Add the server's name to each LANA.
  4. Post a listen on each LANA.

The only difference is that you need to keep track of all outstanding listen commands because you must associate event completion with the respective NCB blocks that initiate a particular command. The code in Figure 1-5 allocates an array of NCB structures equal to the number of LANA numbers (since you want to post one NCBLISTEN command on each number). Additionally, the code creates an event for each of the NCB structures for signaling the command's completion. The Listen function takes one of the NCB structures from the array as a parameter.

Figure 1-5. Asynchronous event server (Evnbsvr.c)

 // Evnbsvr.c #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "..\Common\nbcommon.h" #define MAX_SESSIONS 254 #define MAX_NAMES 254 #define MAX_BUFFER 2048 #define SERVER_NAME "TEST-SERVER-1" NCB *g_Clients=NULL; // Global NCB structure for clients // // Function: ClientThread // // Description: // This thread takes the NCB structure of a connected session // and waits for incoming data, which it then sends back to the // client until the session is closed // DWORD WINAPI ClientThread(PVOID lpParam) { PNCB pncb = (PNCB)lpParam; NCB ncb; char szRecvBuff[MAX_BUFFER], szClientName[NCBNAMSZ + 1]; DWORD dwBufferLen = MAX_BUFFER, dwRetVal = NRC_GOODRET; // Send and receive messages until the session is closed // FormatNetbiosName(pncb->ncb_callname, szClientName); while (1) { dwBufferLen = MAX_BUFFER; dwRetVal = Recv(pncb->ncb_lana_num, pncb->ncb_lsn, szRecvBuff, &dwBufferLen); if (dwRetVal != NRC_GOODRET) break; szRecvBuff[dwBufferLen] = 0; printf("READ [LANA=%d]: '%s'\n", pncb->ncb_lana_num, szRecvBuff); dwRetVal = Send(pncb->ncb_lana_num, pncb->ncb_lsn, szRecvBuff, dwBufferLen); if (dwRetVal != NRC_GOODRET) break; } printf("Client '%s' on LANA %d disconnected\n", szClientName, pncb->ncb_lana_num); // // If the error returned from a read or a write is NRC_SCLOSED, // all is well; otherwise, some other error occurred, so hang up the // connection from this side // if (dwRetVal != NRC_SCLOSED) { ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB)); ncb.ncb_command = NCBHANGUP; ncb.ncb_lsn = pncb->ncb_lsn; ncb.ncb_lana_num = pncb->ncb_lana_num; if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBHANGUP: %d\n", ncb.ncb_retcode); GlobalFree(pncb); dwRetVal = ncb.ncb_retcode; } } // The NCB structure passed in is dynamically allocated, so // delete it before we go // GlobalFree(pncb); return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Function: Listen // // Description: // Post an asynchronous listen on the given LANA number. // The NCB structure passed in already has its ncb_event // field set to a valid Windows event handle. // int Listen(PNCB pncb, int lana, char *name) { pncb->ncb_command = NCBLISTEN | ASYNCH; pncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; // // This is the name clients will connect to // memset(pncb->ncb_name, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); strncpy(pncb->ncb_name, name, strlen(name)); // // An '*' means we'll accept connections from anyone. // We can specify a specific name, which means that only a // client with the specified name will be allowed to connect. // memset(pncb->ncb_callname, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); pncb->ncb_callname[0] = '*'; if (Netbios(pncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBLISTEN: %d\n", pncb->ncb_retcode); return pncb->ncb_retcode; } return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Function: main // // Description: // Initialize the NetBIOS interface, allocate some resources, and // post asynchronous listens on each LANA using events. Wait for // an event to be triggered, and then handle the client // connection. // int main(int argc, char **argv) { PNCB pncb=NULL; HANDLE hArray[64], hThread; DWORD dwHandleCount=0, dwRet, dwThreadId; int i, num; LANA_ENUM lenum; // Enumerate all LANAs and reset each one // if (LanaEnum(&lenum) != NRC_GOODRET) return 1; if (ResetAll(&lenum, (UCHAR)MAX_SESSIONS, (UCHAR)MAX_NAMES, FALSE) != NRC_GOODRET) return 1; // // Allocate an array of NCB structures (one for each LANA) // g_Clients = (PNCB)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(NCB) * lenum.length); // // Create the events, add the server name to each LANA, and issue // the asynchronous listens on each LANA. // for(i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++) { hArray[i] = g_Clients[i].ncb_event = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); AddName(lenum.lana[i], SERVER_NAME, &num); Listen(&g_Clients[i], lenum.lana[i], SERVER_NAME); } while (1) { // Wait until a client connects // dwRet = WaitForMultipleObjects(lenum.length, hArray, FALSE, INFINITE); if (dwRet == WAIT_FAILED) { printf("ERROR: WaitForMultipleObjects: %d\n", GetLastError()); break; } // Go through all the NCB structures to see whether more than one // succeeded. If ncb_cmd_plt is not NRC_PENDING, there // is a client; create a thread, and hand off a new NCB // structure to the thread. We need to reuse the original // NCB for other client connections. // for(i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++) { if (g_Clients[i].ncb_cmd_cplt != NRC_PENDING) { pncb = (PNCB)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(NCB)); memcpy(pncb, &g_Clients[i], sizeof(NCB)); pncb->ncb_event = 0; hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ClientThread, (LPVOID)pncb, 0, &dwThreadId); CloseHandle(hThread); // // Reset the handle, and post another listen // ResetEvent(hArray[i]); Listen(&g_Clients[i], lenum.lana[i], SERVER_NAME); } } } // Clean up // for(i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++) { DelName(lenum.lana[i], SERVER_NAME); CloseHandle(hArray[i]); } GlobalFree(g_Clients); return 0; } 

The main function's first loop cycles through the available LANA numbers, adding the server name and posting the NCBLISTEN command to each LANA number, and building an array of event handles. Next call WaitForMultipleObjects, which blocks until at least one of the handles becomes signaled. Once one or more of the handles in the even-handle array is in a signaled state, WaitForMultipleObjects completes and the code spawns a thread to read incoming messages and send them back to the client. The code creates a copy of the signaled NCB structure to pass into the client thread. This is because you want to reuse the original NCB to post another NCBLISTEN, which you can do by resetting the event and calling Listen again on that structure. Note that you don't necessarily have to copy the whole structure. In reality you need only the local session number (ncb_lsn) and the LANA number (ncb_lana_num). However, the NCB structure is a nice container for holding both values to pass into the single parameter of the thread. The client thread used by the event model is the same as the callback model except for the GlobalFree statement.

Asynchronous server strategies

Notice that with both servers the possibility exists of a client being denied service. Once the NCBLISTEN completes, there is a slight delay until either the callback function is called or the event gets signaled. The servers don't post another NCBLISTEN until a few statements later. If the server accepted a client on LANA 2, for example, and then another client attempted a connection before the server issued another NCBLISTEN on that LANA, the client would receive the error NRC_NOCALL (0x14). This means that the given name had no NCBLISTEN posted on it. To avoid this, the server could post multiple NCBLISTEN commands on each LANA.

From these two server samples, you can see how easy it is to issue asynchronous commands. The ASYNCH flag can be applied to just about any NetBIOS command. Just remember that the NCB structure that you pass to Netbios must have a global scope.

NetBIOS Session Client

The NetBIOS client is similar in design to the asynchronous event server. Figure 1-6 contains example code for the client. The client performs the familiar routine initialization steps by name. It adds its own name to the name table of each LANA number and then issues an asynchronous connect command. The main loop waits for one of the events to become signaled. At that point, the code cycles through all the NCB structures that correspond to the connect commands it issued, one for each LANA. It checks the ncb_cmd_cplt status. If it is NRC_PENDING, the code cancels the asynchronous command; if the command completed (that is, connected) and the NCB doesn't correspond to the NCB that was signaled (as specified by the return value from WaitForMultipleObjects), the code hangs up the connection. It is possible that if the server is listening on each LANA on its side and the client attempts connections on each of its LANAs, more than one connection can succeed. The code simply closes extra connections with the NCBHANGUP command—it needs to communicate over only one channel. By attempting to establish a connection using every LANA on both sides, we allow for the greatest possibility of a successful connection.

Figure 1-6. Asynchronous event client (Nbclient.c)

 // Nbclient.c #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "..\Common\nbcommon.h" #define MAX_SESSIONS 254 #define MAX_NAMES 254 #define MAX_BUFFER 1024 char szServerName[NCBNAMSZ]; // // Function: Connect // // Description: // Post an asynchronous connect on the given LANA number to // the server. The NCB structure passed in already has the // ncb_event field set to a valid Windows event handle. Just // fill in the blanks and make the call. // int Connect(PNCB pncb, int lana, char *server, char *client) { pncb->ncb_command = NCBCALL | ASYNCH; pncb->ncb_lana_num = lana; memset(pncb->ncb_name, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); strncpy(pncb->ncb_name, client, strlen(client)); memset(pncb->ncb_callname, ' ', NCBNAMSZ); strncpy(pncb->ncb_callname, server, strlen(server)); if (Netbios(pncb) != NRC_GOODRET) { printf("ERROR: Netbios: NCBCONNECT: %d\n", pncb->ncb_retcode); return pncb->ncb_retcode; } return NRC_GOODRET; } // // Function: main // // Description: // Initialize the NetBIOS interface, allocate some resources // (event handles, a send buffer, and so on), and issue an // NCBCALL for each LANA to the given server. Once a connection // has been made, cancel or hang up any other outstanding // connections. Then send/receive the data. Finally, clean // things up. // int main(int argc, char **argv) { HANDLE *hArray; NCB *pncb; char szSendBuff[MAX_BUFFER]; DWORD dwBufferLen, dwRet, dwIndex, dwNum; LANA_ENUM lenum; int i; if (argc != 3) { printf("usage: nbclient CLIENT-NAME SERVER-NAME\n"); return 1; } // Enumerate all LANAs and reset each one // if (LanaEnum(&lenum) != NRC_GOODRET) return 1; if (ResetAll(&lenum, (UCHAR)MAX_SESSIONS, (UCHAR)MAX_NAMES, FALSE) != NRC_GOODRET) return 1; strcpy(szServerName, argv[2]); // // Allocate an array of handles to use for asynchronous events. // Also allocate an array of NCB structures. We need one handle // and one NCB for each LANA number. // hArray = (HANDLE *)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(HANDLE) * lenum.length); pncb = (NCB *)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(NCB) * lenum.length); // // Create an event, assign it into the corresponding NCB // structure, and issue an asynchronous connect (NCBCALL). // Additionally, don't forget to add the client's name to each // LANA it wants to connect over. // for(i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++) { hArray[i] = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); pncb[i].ncb_event = hArray[i]; AddName(lenum.lana[i], argv[1], &dwNum); Connect(&pncb[i], lenum.lana[i], szServerName, argv[1]); } // Wait for at least one connection to succeed // dwIndex = WaitForMultipleObjects(lenum.length, hArray, FALSE, INFINITE); if (dwIndex == WAIT_FAILED) { printf("ERROR: WaitForMultipleObjects: %d\n", GetLastError()); } else { // If more than one connection succeeds, hang up the extra // connection. We'll use the connection that was returned // by WaitForMultipleObjects. Otherwise, if it's still pending, // cancel it. // for(i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++) { if (i != dwIndex) { if (pncb[i].ncb_cmd_cplt == NRC_PENDING) Cancel(&pncb[i]); else Hangup(pncb[i].ncb_lana_num, pncb[i].ncb_lsn); } } printf("Connected on LANA: %d\n", pncb[dwIndex].ncb_lana_num); // // Send and receive the messages // for(i = 0; i < 20; i++) { wsprintf(szSendBuff, "Test message %03d", i); dwRet = Send(pncb[dwIndex].ncb_lana_num, pncb[dwIndex].ncb_lsn, szSendBuff, strlen(szSendBuff)); if (dwRet != NRC_GOODRET) break; dwBufferLen = MAX_BUFFER; dwRet = Recv(pncb[dwIndex].ncb_lana_num, pncb[dwIndex].ncb_lsn, szSendBuff, &dwBufferLen); if (dwRet != NRC_GOODRET) break; szSendBuff[dwBufferLen] = 0; printf("Read: '%s'\n", szSendBuff); } Hangup(pncb[dwIndex].ncb_lana_num, pncb[dwIndex].ncb_lsn); } // Clean things up // for(i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++) { DelName(lenum.lana[i], argv[1]); CloseHandle(hArray[i]); } GlobalFree(hArray); GlobalFree(pncb); return 0; } 

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
Linux Server Hacks, Volume Two: Tips & Tools for Connecting, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting
ISBN: 735615799
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1998
Pages: 159 © 2008-2017.
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