Inserting a Column or Row


You can insert blank columns and rows between existing data, without disturbing your worksheet. Excel repositions existing cells to accommodate the new columns and rows and adjusts any existing formulas so that they refer to the correct cells. Formulas containing absolute cell references will need to be adjusted to the new columns or rows. When you insert one or more columns, they insert to the left. When you add one or more rows, they are inserted above the selected row.

Insert a Column or Row

graphics/one_icon.jpg Click to the right of the location of the new column you want to insert.

To insert a row, click the row immediately below the location of the row you want to insert.


Click the Insert menu, and then click Columns or Rows.


Insert Multiple Columns or Rows

graphics/one_icon.jpg Drag to select the column header buttons for the number of columns you want to insert.

To insert multiple rows, drag to select the row header buttons for the number of rows you want to insert.


Click the Insert menu, and then click Columns or Rows.


Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
Show Me Microsoft Office Excel 2003
ISBN: 0789730057
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 291 © 2008-2017.
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