macros for sendmail.mc file, 594

mail delivery agents, 587

mail group "alias" lists, 50, 602

mail readers, 601

mail server components, 587

mail transfer agents, 587

mail user agents, 587

mail utility

testing mail system from, 600–601

using from command line, 49–50

MAILTO variable, 355

main server configuration directives in httpd.conf, 452, 454–455

main.cf file, 598

make config command, 397–398

make gconfig command, 398–400

make help command, 409

make menuconfig command, 398, 399

make xconfig command, 398, 399

man pages

access to during exams, 123

looking up Samba variables, 529

xinetd configuration variable, 618

man smb.conf command, 529

managing filesystems, 196–199

creating with mkfs, 198–199

journaling filesystems, 197–198

list of standard filesystem types, 196–197

mounting directory to filesystem, 200–207

overview, 196

working with ext2/ext3 attributes for, 199

manually configuring SELinux, 708–709

masquerading, 808

Master Boot Record (MBR), 731, 732, 808

master DNS servers

about, 561

configuring simple domain with, 567–569

zone files for, 570–572

MBR (Master Boot Record), 731, 732, 808

md device, 410

mdadm command, 808

media devices. See also hard drives

compatible with filesystem, 12

listing of compatible, 14

referencing in /dev directory, 12, 14

meminfo file, 381


loading kernels into, 377

measuring current system with meminfo file, 381

requirements for RHEL, 6–7, 72, 76

speed of hard drives and, 104

swap space based on system RAM, 104–105

messages. See also error messages

kernel messages when booting from GRUB, 158

reading mail, 601

routing with cron daemon, 355

when mounting ext2

filesystem, 740

Microsoft. See Windows

mirroring /home partition with RAID, 415–417

mkbootdisk command, 809

mkfs command

about, 14, 15–17

creating filesystems with, 198–199

defined, 809

formatting disk partitions with, 15, 17, 755

mklabel command, 191, 194

/mnt/sysimage file, 728–729

modprobe command, 383–384, 809

modular kernels, 378–379

modules. See also kernel modules

defined, 378

depmod, 383–384

PAM, 305

pam_listfile.so, 311–312

modules.dep file, 386

Monitor dialog (Display Settings tool), 673

monitors. See displays

monolithic kernels, 378–379

more command, 21

mount command, 18–19, 185–186, 202, 203, 521–522, 809

mount.cifs command, 522, 809


automounting filesystems, 203–207

ext2 filesystems, 740

filesystems with /etc/fstab, 200–201, 202

NFS directory from client with command line, 510

options in SELinux Management

Tool for, 711

partitions from hard drive in rescue mode, 742

remote directory with NFS client during boot, 511

root directory in linux rescue environment, 738–740

shared Samba directories, 521–523

soft mounting option for NFS clients, 511–512

USB keys and removable media, 201–203

moving files, 22

Mozilla Web browser, 50

MULTICAST setting for active network cards, 628

multi-core CPUs, 803

mv command, 22

RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide (Exam RH302)
Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Systems Up To Date
ISBN: 0132366754
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 227
Authors: Michael Jang

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