Retrieving Resumes and Job Opportunities

For the resume and job-opportunity postings to be of value, users must have a way to retrieve and view the postings. The Jobs web service provides two methods, one that retrieves a resume and one that retrieves a job opportunity:

byte() GetResume(string Category, string Description) byte() GetJobPosting(string Category, string Description)

The Jobs web service provides the CompanyEntries method that returns an array of strings that contains the names of companies that have posted job opportunities to the server:

<WebMethod()> Public Function CompanyEntries() As String()     Dim Entries As String()     Entries = Directory.GetDirectories("C:\Jobs\Postings")     Dim I As Integer     For I = 0 To Entries.Length - 1        Entries(I) = Path.GetFileName(Entries(I))     Next     CompanyEntries = Entries End Function

As you can see, to return the names of companies that have posted job openings, the method first retrieves the names of folders that exist within the C:\Jobs\Postings folder. Next, the method parses off each folder’s directory path (removing the C:\Jobs\Postings\ that precedes the folder name).

In addition, the Jobs web service provides two methods that return resume entries for a specific job category and job opportunities for a specific company:

<WebMethod()> Public Function GetCategoryResumes(ByVal Category As _ Â  String) As String()    Dim Entries As String()    Entries = Directory.GetFiles("C:\Jobs\Resumes\" & Category)    Dim I As Integer    For I = 0 To Entries.Length - 1       Entries(I) = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Entries(I))    Next    GetCategoryResumes = Entries End Function <WebMethod()> Public Function GetCompanyPostings(ByVal Company As _ Â  String) As String()    Dim Entries As String()    Entries = Directory.GetFiles("C:\Jobs\Postings\" & Company)    Dim I As Integer    For I = 0 To Entries.Length - 1       Entries(I) = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Entries(I))    Next    GetCompanyPostings = Entries End Function

Each method simply returns the names of files (which correspond to the resume or job description) from the corresponding category or company folder. Listing 16.7 implements the GetResume and GetJobPosting methods.

Listing 16.7 Jobs.asmx.vb

start example
 <WebMethod()> Public Function GetResume(ByVal Category As String, _     ByVal Description As String) As Byte()    Dim Filename As String    If (File.Exists("C:\Jobs\Resumes\" & Category & "\" & _       ÂDescription & ".RTF")) Then       Filename = "C:\Jobs\Resumes\" & Category & "\" & _        ÂDescription & ".RTF"    ElseIf (File.Exists("C:\Jobs\Resumes\" & Category & "\" & _        ÂDescription & ".XML")) Then       Filename = "C:\Jobs\Resumes\" & Category & "\" & _        ÂDescription & ".XML"       Dim DataSetObj As New DataSet()       Try         DataSetObj.ReadXml(Filename)       Catch Ex As Exception         Throw New Exception("Error accessing resume file")       End Try       Try         Dim TempFilename As String = "C:\Jobs\Resumes\" & Category & _         Â "\Temp.RTF"         Dim RTFData As String         Dim I As Integer         For I = 0 To DataSetObj.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1           RTFData = RTFData & _           ÂDataSetObj.Tables(0).Columns(I).ColumnName & vbCrLf           RTFData = RTFData & vbCrLf           RTFData = RTFData & DataSetObj.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(I) & _           ÂvbCrLf           RTFData = RTFData & vbCrLf         Next         Dim OutputFile As New StreamWriter(TempFilename)         OutputFile.Write(RTFData)         OutputFile.Close()         Filename = TempFilename       Catch Ex As Exception         Throw New Exception("Error writing RTF file")       End Try     Else       Throw New Exception("Resume not found")     End If     Dim InputFile As FileStream     Dim FileLength As Long     Try       InputFile = File.Open(Filename, FileMode.Open, _       Â FileAccess.Read)       FileLength = InputFile.Length       Dim DataBuffer(FileLength - 1) As Byte       InputFile.Read(DataBuffer, 0, FileLength)       InputFile.Close()      File.Delete("C:\Jobs\Resumes\" & Category & _      Â   "\Temp.RTF")       GetResume = DataBuffer     Catch Ex As Exception       Throw New Exception("Error processing resume file")     End Try End Function <WebMethod()> Public Function GetJobPosting(ByVal Company As String, _    ÂByVal Description As String) As Byte()    Dim Filename As String    If (File.Exists("C:\Jobs\Postings\" & Company & "\" & _    Â  Description & ".RTF")) Then      Filename = "C:\Jobs\Postings\" & Company & "\" & Description & _      Â".RTF"    ElseIf (File.Exists("C:\Jobs\Postings\" & Company & "\" & _      Description & ".XML")) Then      Filename = "C:\Jobs\Postings\" & Company & "\" & Description & _      Â".XML"      Dim DataSetObj As New DataSet()      Try        DataSetObj.ReadXml(Filename)      Catch Ex As Exception        Throw New Exception("Error accessing resume file")      End Try      Try        Dim TempFilename As String = "C:\Jobs\Postings\" & Company & _        Â "\Temp.RTF"        Dim RTFData As String        Dim I As Integer        For I = 0 To DataSetObj.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1           RTFData = RTFData & _           ÂDataSetObj.Tables(0).Columns(I).ColumnName & vbCrLf           RTFData = RTFData & vbCrLf           RTFData = RTFData & DataSetObj.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(I) & _           ÂvbCrLf           RTFData = RTFData & vbCrLf        Next        Dim OutputFile As New StreamWriter(TempFilename)        OutputFile.Write(RTFData)        OutputFile.Close()        Filename = TempFilename      Catch Ex As Exception        Throw New Exception("Error writing RTF file " & Ex.Message)      End Try    Else      Throw New Exception("Job posting not found")    End If    Dim InputFile As FileStream    Dim FileLength As Long    Try    ÂInputFile = File.Open(Filename, FileMode.Open, _          FileAccess.Read)      FileLength = InputFile.Length      Dim DataBuffer(FileLength - 1) As Byte      InputFile.Read(DataBuffer, 0, FileLength)      InputFile.Close()      File.Delete("C:\Jobs\Postings\" & Company & _      Â   "\Temp.RTF")      GetJobPosting = DataBuffer    Catch Ex As Exception      Throw New Exception("Error processing job posting file")    End Try End Function 
end example

If the client program requests an RTF-based resume or job description, the methods simply read and return the contents of the RTF file as a byte array. If the client program requests an XML-based resume or job description, the methods create a dataset object that contains the corresponding fields. Then, the methods build an RTF file using the field’s description and contents. The methods then read the contents of the RTF file.

Viewing Job Opportunities

The Visual Basic .NET program in Listing 16.8, DisplayJobPosting.vb, displays a form similar to that shown in Figure 16.8 that you can use to retrieve job opportunities that have been posted to the server.

click to expand
Figure 16.8: Using the Jobs web service to retrieve job-opportunity postings

The program first uses the Jobs web service to retrieve the names of companies that have posted opportunities to the server. Then, if the user selects a company, the program will use the web service to list the opportunities the company has posted. Finally, if the user selects a specific posting, the program will use the Jobs web service to retrieve the specific posting.

To create the DisplayJobPosting.vb program, perform these steps:

  1. Within Visual Studio .NET, select the File menu New Project option. Visual Studio .NET will display the New Project dialog box.

  2. Within the New Project dialog box Project Types list, click Visual Basic Projects. Then, within the Templates field, click your mouse on Windows Application. Finally, within the Location field, specify the folder within which you want to store the program and the program name DisplayJobPosting. Select OK. Visual Studio .NET will display a form onto which you can drag and drop the program’s controls (label, buttons, and text box).

  3. Using the Toolbox, drag and drop the button and text boxes, list box, label, and hyperlink label shown in Figure 16.8 onto the form.

  4. Select the Project menu Add Web Reference option. Visual Studio .NET will display the Add Web Reference dialog box.

  5. Within the Address field, type http://localhost/Jobs/Service1.asmx?WSDL (because the program does not require a secure connection, it uses http: as opposed to https:) and press Enter. The dialog box will load the file’s contents. Click on the Add Reference button.

  6. Select the View menu Code option. Visual Studio .NET will display the program’s source code. Within the source code add the program statements in Listing 16.8.

Listing 16.8 DisplayJobPosting.vb

start example
Imports System.IO Dim Company As String Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ Â ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load    RichTextBox1.Text = ""    Try      Dim WS As New localhost.Service1()      Dim Companies() As String      Companies = WS.CompanyEntries()      Dim Str As String      If (ListBox1.Items.Count = 0) Then        For Each Str In Companies           ListBox1.Items.Add(Str)        Next      End If    Catch Ex As Exception      RichTextBox1.Text = Ex.Message    End Try End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e _ Â As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click   If (ListBox1.SelectedItem Is Nothing) Then     RichTextBox1.Text = "Must select company"   Else     Try       Company = ListBox1.SelectedItem ' Company is global variable       Dim WS As New localhost.Service1()       Dim Postings() As String       Postings = WS.GetCompanyPostings(Company)       Dim Str As String       If (ListBox2.Items.Count = 0) Then         For Each Str In Postings           ListBox2.Items.Add(Str)         Next       End If     Catch Ex As Exception       RichTextBox1.Text = Ex.Message     End Try   End If End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e _ Â As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click   If (ListBox1.SelectedItem Is Nothing) Then     RichTextBox1.Text = "Must select company"   ElseIf (ListBox2.SelectedItem Is Nothing) Then     RichTextBox1.Text = "Must select job description"   Else      Try        Dim WS As New localhost.Service1()        Dim Data As Byte()        Data = WS.GetJobPosting(Company, ListBox2.SelectedItem)        Dim OutputFile As FileStream        OutputFile = File.Open("TEMP.RTF", FileMode.Create, _        Â FileAccess.Write)        OutputFile.Write(Data, 0, Data.Length)        OutputFile.Close()        RichTextBox1.LoadFile("TEMP.RTF")      Catch Ex As Exception        Try          RichTextBox1.LoadFile("TEMP.RTF", _          ÂRichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)        Catch Ex As Exception          RichTextBox1.Text = "Error loading resume file"        End Try      End Try    End If End Sub
end example

After the program validates the user selections, the program will call the Jobs web service to retrieve the job posting. As discussed, the Jobs web service will return a byte array that contains the job posting. The program will write the array’s contents to a file in the current directory named Temp.RTF, which the program will then load into the RichTextBox to display the posting’s contents.

Viewing Employee Resumes

The Visual Basic .NET program in Listing 16.9, ShowResume.vb, displays the form shown in Figure 16.9 that a user can use to view a resume posting.

click to expand
Figure 16.9: Using the Jobs web service to retrieve resume postings

When the program first runs, it will fill the list box with the various resume categories. If the user selects a specific category, the program will then use the web service to retrieve the names of individuals who have posted resumes to the corresponding entries. Finally, if the user selects a specific resume, the program will use the web service to retrieve the resume’s contents.

To create the ShowResume.vb program, perform these steps:

  1. Within Visual Studio .NET, select the File menu New Project option. Visual Studio .NET will display the New Project dialog box.

  2. Within the New Project dialog box Project Types list, click on Visual Basic Projects. Then, within the Templates field, click on Windows Application. Finally, within the Location field, specify the folder within which you want to store the program and the program name ShowResume. Select OK. Visual Studio .NET will display a form onto which you can drag and drop the program’s controls (label, buttons, and text box).

  3. Using the Toolbox, drag and drop the button and text boxes, list box, label, and hyperlink label previously shown in Figure 16.9 onto the form.

  4. Select the Project menu Add Web Reference option. Visual Studio .NET will display the Add Web Reference dialog box.

  5. Within the Address field, type http://localhost/Jobs/Service1.asmx?WSDL (because the program does not require a secure connection, it uses http: as opposed to https:) and press Enter. The dialog box will load the file’s contents. Click your mouse on the Add Reference button.

  6. Select the View menu Code option. Visual Studio .NET will display the program’s source code. Within the source code add the program statements in Listing 16.9.

Listing 16.9 ShowResume.vb

start example
Imports System.IO Dim Category As String Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ Â ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load   RichTextBox1.Text = ""   Try     Dim WS As New localhost.Service1()     Dim Categories() As String     Categories = WS.ResumeCategories()     Dim Str As String     If (ListBox1.Items.Count = 0) Then       For Each Str In Categories          ListBox1.Items.Add(Str)       Next     End If   Catch Ex As Exception     RichTextBox1.Text = Ex.Message   End Try End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e _ Â As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click   If (ListBox1.SelectedItem Is Nothing) Then     RichTextBox1.Text = "Must select company"   Else     Try       Category = ListBox1.SelectedItem ' Category is global variable       Dim WS As New localhost.Service1()       Dim Resumes() As String       Resumes = WS.GetCategoryResumes(Category)       Dim Str As String       If (ListBox2.Items.Count = 0) Then         For Each Str In Resumes            ListBox2.Items.Add(Str)         Next       End If     Catch Ex As Exception       RichTextBox1.Text = Ex.Message     End Try   End If End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e _ Â As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click   If (ListBox1.SelectedItem Is Nothing) Then     RichTextBox1.Text = "Must select category"   ElseIf (ListBox2.SelectedItem Is Nothing) Then     RichTextBox1.Text = "Must select resume description"   Else      Try        Dim WS As New localhost.Service1()        Dim Data As Byte()        Data = WS.GetResume(Category, ListBox2.SelectedItem)        Dim OutputFile As FileStream        OutputFile = File.Open("TEMP.RTF", FileMode.Create, _        Â FileAccess.Write)        OutputFile.Write(Data, 0, Data.Length)        OutputFile.Close()        RichTextBox1.LoadFile("TEMP.RTF")      Catch Ex As Exception        Try          RichTextBox1.LoadFile("TEMP.RTF", _          Â RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)        Catch Ex2 As Exception          RichTextBox1.Text = "Error loading resume file " & Ex2.Message        End Try      End Try    End If End Sub
end example

The program will first validate the user selections. Then, the program will call the Jobs web service to retrieve the selected resume. The Jobs web service, in turn, will return a byte array that contains the resume that the program will write to a file in the current directory named Temp.RTF. The program will then load into the RichTextBox to display the posting’s contents.

. NET Web Services Solutions
.NET Web Services Solutions
ISBN: 0782141722
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 161
Authors: Kris Jamsa © 2008-2017.
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