
Chapter 16 - The SureStop Utility

Java Thread Programming
Paul Hyde
  Copyright 1999 Sams Publishing

Peering Inside Using SureStopVerbose
The class SureStopVerbose (see Listing 16.2) is identical to SureStop except that it provides some detailed output. A new static method print() has been added (lines 198206) to assist in printing messages. Throughout the code, calls to print() are used to show the internal settings. Other than that, SureStopVerbose works exactly like SureStop . SureStopVerbose is used by the demonstration code in the next section to reveal the classs inner workings. When SureStopVerbose is compiled, the compiler issues an expected warning because the deprecated stop() method is used.
Listing 16.2  SureStopVerbose.javaChatty SureStop that Shows Inner Processing
  1: import java.util.*;
  3: public class SureStopVerbose extends Object {
  4:     // nested internal class for stop request entries
  5:     private static class Entry extends Object {
  6:         private Thread thread;
  7:         private long stopTime;
  9:         private Entry(Thread t, long stop) {
10:             thread = t;
11:             stopTime = stop;
12:         }
13:     }
15:     // static reference to the singleton instance
16:     private static SureStopVerbose ss;
18:     static {
19:         // When class is loaded, create exactly one instance
20:         // using the private constructor.
21:         ss = new SureStopVerbose();
22:         print(SureStopVerbose instance created.);
23:     }
25:     private List stopList;
26:     private List pendingList;
27:     private Thread internalThread;
29:     private SureStopVerbose() {
30:         // using a linked list for fast deletions
31:         stopList = new LinkedList();
33:         // Enough initial capacity for 20 pending additions,
34:         // will grow automatically if necessary to keep
35:         // ensureStop() from blocking.
36:         pendingList = new ArrayList(20);
38:         Runnable r = new Runnable() {
39:                 public void run() {
40:                     try {
41:                         runWork();
42:                     } catch (Exception x) {
43:                         // in case ANY exception slips through
44:                         x.printStackTrace();
45:                     }
46:                 }
47:             };
49:         internalThread = new Thread(r);
50:         internalThread.setDaemon(true); // no need to run alone
51:         internalThread.setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); // high
52:         internalThread.start();
53:     }
55:     private void runWork() {
56:         try {
57:             while (true) {
58:                 // Since this is a super-high priority thread,
59:                 // be sure to give other threads a chance to
60:                 // run each time through in case the wait on
61:                 // pendingList is very short.
62:                 print(about to sleep for 0.5 seconds);
63:                 Thread.sleep(500);
64:                 print(done with sleep for 0.5 seconds);
66:                 long sleepTime = checkStopList();
67:                 print(back from checkStopList(), sleepTime= +
68:                         sleepTime);
70:                 synchronized (pendingList) {
71:                     if (pendingList. size () < 1) {
72:                         print(about to wait on pendingList +
73:                             for + sleepTime + ms);
74:                         long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
75:                         pendingList.wait(sleepTime);
76:                         long elapsedTime =
77:                             System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
78:                         print(waited on pendingList for +
79:                             elapsedTime + ms);
80:                     }
83:                     if (pendingList.size() > 0) {
84:                         // copy into stopList and then remove
85:                         // from pendingList.
86:                         print(copying + pendingList.size() +
87:                             elements from pendingList to +
88:                             stopList);
89:                         int oldSize = stopList.size();
90:                         stopList.addAll(pendingList);
91:                         pendingList.clear();
92:                         int newSize = stopList.size();
93:                         print(pendingList.size()= +
94:                             pendingList.size() +
95:                             , stopList grew by +
96:                             (newSize - oldSize));
97:                     }
98:                 }
99:             } // while
100:         } catch (InterruptedException x) {
101:             // ignore
102:         } catch (Exception x) {
103:             // Never expect this, but print a trace in case
104:             // it happens.
105:             x.printStackTrace();
106:         }
107:     }
Listing 16.2  Continued
109:     private long checkStopList() {
110:         print(entering checkStopList() - stopList.size()= +
111:                 stopList.size());
112:         long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
113:         long minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
115:         Iterator iter = stopList.iterator();
116:         while (iter.hasNext()) {
117:             Entry entry = (Entry) iter.next();
119:             if (entry.thread.isAlive()) {
120:                 print(thread is alive - +
121:                         entry.thread.getName());
122:                 if (entry.stopTime < currTime) {
123:                     // timed out, stop it abruptly right now
124:                     print(timed out, stopping - +
125:                             entry.thread.getName());
126:                     try {
127:                         entry.thread.stop();
128:                     } catch (SecurityException x) {
129:                         // Catch this here so that other
130:                         // operations are not disrupted. Warn
131:                         // that thread could not be stopped .
132:                         System.err.println(
133:                             SureStop was not permitted to +
134:                             stop thread= + entry.thread);
135:                         x.printStackTrace();
136:                     }
138:                     // Since its stopped, remove it
139:                     // from stopList.
140:                     iter.remove();
141:                 } else {
142:                     // Not yet expired , check to see if this
143:                     // is the new minimum.
144:                     minTime = Math.min(entry.stopTime, minTime);
145:                     print(new minTime= + minTime);
146:                 }
147:             } else {
148:                 print(thread died on its own - +
149:                         entry.thread.getName());
150:                 // Thread died on its own, remove it from
151:                 // stopList.
152:                 iter.remove();
153:             } // if alive
154:         } // while
156:         long sleepTime = minTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
158:         // ensure that it is a least a little bit of time
159:         sleepTime = Math.max(50, sleepTime);
161:         print(leaving checkStopList() - stopList.size()= +
162:                 stopList.size());
163:         return sleepTime;
164:     }
166:     private void addEntry(Entry entry) {
167:         synchronized (pendingList) {
168:             pendingList.add(entry);
170:             // no need for notifyAll(), one waiter
171:             pendingList.notify();
172:             print(added entry to pendingList, name = +
173:                 entry.thread.getName() +
174:                 , stopTime= + entry.stopTime + , in +
175:                 (entry.stopTime - System.currentTimeMillis()) +
176:                 ms);
177:         }
178:     }
180:     public static void ensureStop(Thread t, long msGracePeriod) {
181:         print(entering ensureStop() - name= + t.getName() +
182:             , msGracePeriod= + msGracePeriod);
184:         if (!t.isAlive()) {
185:             // thread is already stopped, return right away
186:             print(already stopped, not added to list - +
187:                     t.getName());
188:             return;
189:         }
191:         long stopTime =
192:                 System.currentTimeMillis() + msGracePeriod;
193:         Entry entry = new Entry(t, stopTime);
194:         ss.addEntry(entry);
195:         print(leaving ensureStop() - name= + t.getName());
196:     }
198:     private static void print(String msg) {
199:         Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
200:         String name = t.getName();
201:         if (t == ss.internalThread) {
202:             name = SureStopThread;
203:         }
205:         System.out.println(name + : + msg);
206:     }
207: }


Java Thread Programming
Java Thread Programming
ISBN: 0672315858
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 149
Authors: Paul Hyde

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