
Why doesn't my line show up at run-time?

Make sure that you define the lineStyle before starting your drawing. Until you define a linestyle, it is undefined and the subsequent lines will not be drawn.

Why is my symbol moving in the wrong direction?

Check the sign of the coordinates you're using. The Flash stage coordinate system has the y-axes positive in the downward direction. A negative _y is located above the stage, and a negative _x is located to the left of the stage.

Why is my fill color not working?

Check to make sure you closed the shape by returning to your starting point when drawing the lines of your shape.

Why does my line start from the upper-left corner?

Make sure to start with a moveTo() statement before using lineTo() or curveTo(). The starting point of a line or curve defaults to (0,0) if you don't use moveTo() to set another starting point.

Why is my gradientFill not showing up?

Make sure you have all parameters of beginGradientFill() set properly. Any missing properties of the matrix object can cause the method to not function. Check to make sure that you have the same number of elements in the colors, alphas, and ratios arrays. Make sure that you have set the fillType parameter to linear or radial.

Special Edition Using Macromedia Studio 8
Special Edition Using Macromedia Studio 8
ISBN: 0789733854
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 337 © 2008-2017.
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