17.6 Sorting Search Results

You want to sort the results of an LDAP search.


Use the usort() function on your result set:

 <?php // ldap sort function // sort by common name length (cn) function ldap_sort_func($a, $b) {     if (!is_array($a)  !is_array($b)        $a[cn] == $b[cn]) return 0;     return strlen($a[cn]) > strlen($b[cn]) ? 1 : -1; } // connect and bind $lh = ldap_connect("localhost")   or die("Cannot Connect"); ldap_bind($lh)   or die("Cannot Bind"); // Build the search and attributes we want $search_query = "sn=bro*"; $attributes = array("cn", "objectclass", "mail"); // Perform that thar query and load the results into an array $sth = ldap_search($lh, "o=Sterling's Company, c=US",                    $search_query, $attributes); $entries = ldap_get_entries($lh, $sth); ldap_free_result($sth);  // Print out all the good information that we have collected echo "$entries[count] matching entries were found"; // now sort the results usort($entries, 'ldap_sort_func'); while ($idx < $entries[count]) {     echo 'Well ' . $entries[$idx][cn] . ' seems to have matched;';     echo ' if you want to talk to him his e-mail is ';     echo $entries[$idx][mail] .".\n<br>\n";     $idx++; } // close the connection ldap_close($lh); ?> 


To sort a list of LDAP results, we first fetch all the results of our search into a two-dimensional array as described in recipe 17.5. Then we use the usort() function to custom sort the two-dimensional array returned by ldap_get_entries() .

PHP Developer's Cookbook
PHP Developers Cookbook (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0672323257
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 351

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