Assessing Exam-Readiness

We strongly recommend that you read through and take the self-assessment included with this book (it appears just before this chapter). This will help you compare your knowledge base to the requirements for obtaining the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) certification, and it will help you identify parts of your background or experience that might be in need of improvement, enhancement, or further learning. If you get the right set of basics under your belt, obtaining Microsoft certification will be that much easier.

After you've gone through the self-assessment, you can remedy those topical areas where your background or experience might not measure up to those of an ideal certification candidate. But you can also tackle subject matter for individual tests at the same time, so you can continue making progress while you're catching up in some areas.

After you've worked through an Exam Cram series book, read the supplementary materials, and taken the practice test, you'll have a pretty clear idea of when you should be ready to take the real exam. Although we strongly recommend that you keep practicing until your scores top the 75% mark, 80% would be a good goal, to give yourself some margin for error in a real exam situation (where stress will play more of a role than when you practice). After you hit that point, you should be ready to challenge the exam. But if you get through the practice exam in this book without attaining that score, you should keep taking practice tests and studying the materials until you get there. You'll find more pointers on how to study and prepare in the self-assessment. At this point, let's talk about the exam itself.

Exam Cram(c) 70-291 Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure
Exam Cram(c) 70-291 Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure
ISBN: 131516345
Year: 2006
Pages: 126 © 2008-2017.
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