Introducing XML

You have seen several examples (for instance, in Chapters 4 and 10) of the use of property files to describe the configuration of a program. A property file contains a set of name/value pairs, such as

 fontname=Times Roman fontsize=12 windowsize=400 200 color=0 50 100 

You can use the Properties class to read in such a file with a single method call. That's a nice feature, but it doesn't really go far enough. In many cases, the information that you want to describe has more structure than the property file format can comfortably handle. Consider the fontname/fontsize entries in the example. It would be more object oriented to have a single entry:

 font=Times Roman 12 

But then parsing the font description gets uglyyou have to figure out when the font name ends and when the font size starts.

Property files have a single flat hierarchy. You can often see programmers work around that limitation with key names such as

 title.fontname=Helvetica title.fontsize=36 body.fontname=Times Roman body.fontsize=12 

Another shortcoming of the property file format is caused by the requirement that keys be unique. To store a sequence of values, you need another workaround, such as

 menu.item.1=Times Roman menu.item.2=Helvetica menu.item.3=Goudy Old Style 

The XML format solves these problems because it can express hierarchical structures and thus is more flexible than the flat table structure of a property file.

An XML file for describing a program configuration might look like this:

 <configuration>    <title>       <font>          <name>Helvetica</name>          <size>36</size>       </font>    </title>    <body>       <font>          <name>Times Roman</name>          <size>12</size>       </font>    </body>    <window>       <width>400</width>       <height>200</height>    </window>    <color>       <red>0</red>       <green>50</green>       <blue>100</blue>    </color>    <menu>       <item>Times Roman</item>       <item>Helvetica</item>       <item>Goudy Old Style</item>    </menu> </configuration> 

The XML format allows you to express the structure hierarchy and repeated elements without contortions.

As you can see, the format of an XML file is straightforward. It looks similar to an HTML file. There is a good reasonboth the XML and HTML formats are descendants of the venerable Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).

SGML has been around since the 1970s for describing the structure of complex documents. It has been used with good success in some industries that require ongoing maintenance of massive documentation, in particular, the aircraft industry. However, SGML is quite complex, so it has never caught on in a big way. Much of that complexity arises because SGML has two conflicting goals. SGML wants to make sure that documents are formed according to the rules for their document type, but it also wants to make data entry easy by allowing shortcuts that reduce typing. XML was designed as a simplified version of SGML for use on the Internet. As is often true, simpler is better, and XML has enjoyed the immediate and enthusiastic reception that has eluded SGML for so long.


You can find a very nice version of the XML standard, with annotations by Tim Bray, at

Even though XML and HTML have common roots, there are important differences between the two.

  • Unlike HTML, XML is case sensitive. For example, <H1> and <h1> are different XML tags.

  • In HTML, you can omit end tags such as </p> or </li> tags if it is clear from the context where a paragraph or list item ends. In XML, you can never omit an end tag.

  • In XML, elements that have a single tag without a matching end tag must end in a /, as in <img src="/books/1/282/1/html/2/coffeecup.png"/>. That way, the parser knows not to look for a </img> tag.

  • In XML, attribute values must be enclosed in quotation marks. In HTML, quotation marks are optional. For example, <applet code="MyApplet.class" width=300 height=300> is legal HTML but not legal XML. In XML, you would have to use quotation marks: width="300".

  • In HTML, you can have attribute names without values, such as <input type="radio" name="language" value="Java" checked>. In XML, all attributes must have values, such as checked="true" or (ugh) checked="checked".


The current recommendation for web documents by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the XHTML standard, which tightens up the HTML standard to be XML compliant. You can find a copy of the XHTML standard at XHTML is backward-compatible with current browsers, but unfortunately many current HTML authoring tools do not yet support it. Once XHTML becomes more widespread, you can use the XML tools that are described in this chapter to analyze web documents.

The Structure of an XML Document

An XML document should start with a header such as

 <?xml version="1.0"?> 


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 

Strictly speaking, a header is optional, but it is highly recommended.


Because SGML was created for processing of real documents, XML files are called documents, even though most XML files describe data sets that one would not normally call documents.

The header can be followed by a document type definition, such as

 <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC    "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"    ""> 

Document type definitions are an important mechanism to ensure the correctness of a document, but they are not required. We discuss them later in this chapter.

Finally, the body of the XML document contains the root element, which can contain other elements. For example,

 <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE configuration . . .> <configuration>    <title>       <font>          <name>Helvetica</name>          <size>36</size>       </font>    </title>    . . . </configuration> 

An element can contain child elements, text, or both. In the example above, the font element has two child elements, name and size. The name element contains the text "Helvetica".


It is best if you structure your XML documents such that an element contains either child elements or text. In other words, you should avoid situations such as

 <font>    Helvetica    <size>36</size> </font> 

This is called mixed contents in the XML specification. As you will see later in this chapter, you can design much cleaner document type definitions if you avoid mixed contents.

XML elements can contain attributes, such as

 <size unit="pt">36</size> 

There is some disagreement among XML designers about when to use elements and when to use attributes. For example, it would seem easier to describe a font as

 <font name="Helvetica" size="36"/> 


 <font>    <name>Helvetica</name>    <size>36</size> </font> 

However, attributes are much less flexible. Suppose you want to add units to the size value. If you use attributes, then you must add the unit to the attribute value:

 <font name="Helvetica" size="36 pt"/> 

Ugh! Now you have to parse the string "36 pt", just the kind of hassle that XML was designed to avoid. Adding an attribute to the size element is much cleaner:

 <font>    <name>Helvetica</name>    <size unit="pt">36</size> </font> 

A commonly used rule of thumb is that attributes should be used only to modify the interpretation of a value, not to specify values. If you find yourself engaged in metaphysical discussions about whether a particular setting is a modification of the interpretation of a value or not, then just say "no" to attributes and use elements throughout. Many useful DTDs don't use attributes at all.


In HTML, the rule for attribute usage is simple: If it isn't displayed on the web page, it's an attribute. For example, consider the hyperlink

 <a href="">Java Technology</a> 

The string Java Technology is displayed on the web page, but the URL of the link is not a part of the displayed page. However, the rule isn't all that helpful for most XML files since the data in an XML file aren't normally meant to be viewed by humans.

Elements and text are the "bread and butter" of XML documents. Here are a few other markup instructions that you may encounter:

  • Character references have the form &#d; or &#xh;. Here d is a decimal Unicode value and h is a hexadecimal Unicode value. For example,

     &#233; &#x2122; 

    denote the characters é and ™.

  • Entity references have the form &name;. The entity references

     &lt; &gt; &amp; &quot; &apos; 

    have predefined meanings: the less than, greater than, ampersand, quotation mark, and apostrophe characters. You can define other entity references in a document type definition (DTD).

  • CDATA sections are delimited by <![CDATA[ and ]]>. They are a special form of character data. You can use them to include strings that contain characters such as < > & without having them interpreted as markup, for example,

     <![CDATA[< & > are my favorite delimiters]]> 

    CDATA sections cannot contain the string ]]>. Use this feature with caution! It is too often used as a backdoor for smuggling legacy data into XML documents.

  • Processing instructions are delimited by <? and ?>, for example,

     <?xml-stylesheet href="mystyle.css" type="text/css"?> 

    These instructions are for the benefit of the application that processes the XML document. Every XML document starts with a processing instruction

     <?xml version="1.0"?> 

  • Comments are delimited by <!-- and -->, for example,

     <!-- This is a comment. --> 

    Comments should not contain the string --. Comments should only be information for human readers. They should never contain hidden commands. Use processing instructions for commands.

    Core JavaT 2 Volume II - Advanced Features
    Building an On Demand Computing Environment with IBM: How to Optimize Your Current Infrastructure for Today and Tomorrow (MaxFacts Guidebook series)
    ISBN: 193164411X
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 156
    Authors: Jim Hoskins © 2008-2017.
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