

canvas, 34

capitalization, 110

substitutions for, 95

variants for, 94, 105-106

capitalize property, 116

Carter, Sebastian, 91

cascade, 43-46, 44

case sensitivity, 21

Celik, Tantek, 188, 190

center value

for background image positioning, 144

for text alignment, 111-112, 113

center center value, 150-151, 152

character spacing, 110, 114-116


defined, 34

in document trees, 9, 9

in inheritance, 46, 47

selectors for, 54-55

chunking paragraphs, 231, 237

class attribute, 49, 83


names for, 83

in reconstructed site, 209-210

selectors for, 49-50

pseudo, 51-54

style rules for, 83-86, 84, 86

clear property, 178

CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow) color model, 124

CMYK color model, 124, 125

collapse method for borders, 162

colons (:) for link pseudo class selectors, 51

color, 123-124

applying, 128-135, 130-134

for backgrounds, 72, 135-136, 136

for borders, 159-161, 161

color models, 124-126, 124-125

for headings, 215

for links, 78, 215

in presentation, 10, 10

resources for, 127

for shadows, 114

in stop|design site, 244, 244

for text, 71, 73, 75

values for, 266

Web-safe, 126-127, 126

in Wired News, 257, 259-262, 260-263

in WOW site, 237

color property

for a:active selector, 80

for a:hover selector, 80

for a:visited selector, 79

for foreground, 128

for headers, 73, 75

for links, 78

for smallColor class, 83

color value, 114

color wheel, 124, 124

commas (,)

for properties, 59

for RGB values, 132


for background images, 138

in CSS, 59

compatibility in CSS, 32

complex spirals, 248, 248

compliance to DTDs, 15-16

condensing fonts, 95, 109

conflicts, 43-46, 44

containment hierarchy, 46


in boxes, 61

defined, 34

in reconstructed site, 214-216, 216

in Wired News, 255, 255

contextual selectors, 51


for readability, 231

in Wired News, 257

converting to XHTML, 204

core attributes, 16

CSS, 31

applications of, 34-35

cascade in, 43-46, 44

comments in, 59

declarations in, 56-57

inheritance in, 46, 47

principles of, 32-34

properties in, 56-59

selectors in. See selectors

specificity in, 47

status of, 31-32

style integration in. See style integration

terminology in, 33-34

visual models in, 59-61, 60

CSS Edge site, 247-251, 248-251

cue property, 57

curly braces ({}) for declarations, 49, 56

current ID, 210

Cyan, Magenta, Yellow (CMY) color model, 124

Cascading Style Sheets(c) The Designer's Edge
ASP.NET 2.0 Illustrated
ISBN: 0321418344
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 86 © 2008-2017.
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