object authorities, 206, 206t, 233

objects, 292, 301-310

adoption of, 231

authorization list (AUTL), 305

command (CMD), 306

compressing, 268

configuration type, saving, 78, 81-82

controller description (CTLD), 306

Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ), 48

data area (DTAARA), 306

data queue (DTAQ), 306

device description (DEVD), 306

file (FILE), 307

identifiers for, 292, 305

integrated file system (IFS) and, 76-77, 81

integrity checking, 240

job description (JOBD), 307

job queue (JOBQ), 307-308

journal and journal receiver (JRN/JRNRCV), 254, 308

library (LIB), 308

library lists and, 310-314, 310

line description (LIND), 308

locked, 154, 154

menu (MENU), 308

message file (MSGF), 308

message queue (MSGQ), 308

module (MODULE), 309

output queue (OUTQ), 309

panel group (PNLGRP), 309

program (PGM), 309

Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) and, 81-82

Restore Document Library Object (RSTDLO) and, 81

Restore Object (RSTOBJ) and, 80

restoring, 80

Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ) and, 73, 253

Save Configuration (SAVCFG), 78

Save Document Library Object (SAVDLO) and, 75-76

Save Object (SAVOBJ) and, 72

saving, 72, 73-74

service program (SRVPGM), 309

subsystem description (SBSD), 309

System/36 environment and, 335-336

user, 234

user profile (USRPRF), 310

Work with Objects (WRKOBJ) and, 301

Work with Objects using PDM (WRKOBJPDM) and, 301

online manuals, 270-273, 270-273

ONLINE setting, printing, 245

open data paths (ODPs), 327, 329

operation codes, RPG II, 348-349

Operation Control Language (OCL)

CL mixed with, 343-347

statements in, 345-346

System/36 environment and, 343-347

Operational Assistant (OA), 85-100

accessing, through ASSIST menu, 85

ASSIST menu for, 86-87, 87

automatic power schedule for, 25-26, 26, 27, 189

Backup Tasks menu for, 87-88, 88

Cleanup Tasks menu in, 88-89, 89, 268, 268

Communications Configurations Tasks menu in, 89, 90

Device Status menu in, 90-91, 90

Disk Space Tasks menu in, 91-92, 91

INFO, Options menu in, 92-93, 92

maintenance and, 268

menus in, 86

Power On/Off Tasks menu in, 94-95, 94

Run Backup menu in, 95-96, 95

Set Up Backup menu in, 97-98, 97

Setup menu in, 96-97, 96

starting, 86

System Management menu in, 93-94, 93

Technical Support Tasks menu in, 98-99, 98

User Help menu in, 99-100, 99

operationsand administration-related manuals, 276-277

output queue (OUTQ), 223-228, 309

assigning to users, 227-228, 227, 247

authorities for, 234, 244-245

Change Output Queue (CHGOUTQ), 243-244

Create Device Printer (CRTDEVPRT), 226

Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ) and, 226, 243-244

Create Printer Device (CRTDEVPRT) and, 241-242

Hold Output Queue (HLDOUTQ) and, 53

location of, 242-243

maintaining and updating, 226-227

naming, 226

printing and, 51-53, 225-228, 241-245

QPRINT and, 225, 241

Release Output Queue (RLSOUTQ) and, 53

security for, 243-245

Work with Output Queue (WRKOUTQ) and, 52-53, 52, 53, 54, 226

Work with Output Queue Description (WRKOUTQD) and, 227

workstations and, 247-249

Override with Database File (OVRDBF), 329-330

overriding files, 329-333

accumulating, 330-331

Delete Override (DLTOVR) and, 331

problems with, 331

scope of, 330

uses for, 331-333

IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators
IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators
Year: 2004
Pages: 245

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