Creating and Testing the Project Trailblazer Database


The Project Trailblazer database will store field data from various Silverjack resort locations, for access by field devices and Web services. This database consists of tables that store location, temperature, guest, access, and image information. CGI bash scripts will populate and perform queries on these tables. The trailblazerdbbuild.sql script, shown in Listing 12.1, creates the Project Trailblazer database, grants access to it, creates the database tables, and inserts some testing data.

Listing 12.1 The trailblazerdbbuild.sql Script
 # trailblazerdbbuild.sql v1.0 12/31/01 # # # The original location of this code is # # # Copyright (C) 2001 by Craig Hollabaugh # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # The Project Trailblazer database uses the MySQL database engine. See # MySQL Documentation at for a comprehensive # discussion of MySQL features and functionality. # # As root, # mysql < trailblazerdbbuild.sql # # First, we need to create the database itself CREATE database trailblazer; # Now grant privileges. # grant select, insert and update privileges on all trailblazer database # tables to a user called trailblazer who must access the database # from the host running the database. This user, trailblazer, has a # password tb. GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE on trailblazer.*                              to trailblazer@localhost identified by 'tb'; # start using the trailblazer database USE trailblazer; # create the locations table # This table stores Silverjack location information CREATE TABLE locations (   location smallint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,  # this last IP address octet   description char(30),                    # text description of location   PRIMARY KEY (location)                   # the table's key ); # insert some testing data into locations table INSERT INTO locations VALUES (30,'Lift 1 Base'); INSERT INTO locations VALUES (31,'Lift 1 Top'); INSERT INTO locations VALUES (32,'Lift 4 Base'); INSERT INTO locations VALUES (33,'Lift 4 Top'); INSERT INTO locations VALUES (34,'Lift 9 Base'); INSERT INTO locations VALUES (35,'Lift 9 Top'); # create the guests table # This table stores Silverjack guest information CREATE TABLE guests (   timestamp timestamp(14),                  # record creation timestamp   first char(20),                           # guest first name   last char(20),                            # guest last name   passID char(20) NOT NULL,                 # their pass' number   passValid tinyint,                        # is the pass valid or not?   PRIMARY KEY (passID)                      # the table's key ); # insert some testing data into guests table INSERT INTO guests VALUES (20011227130620,'Melanie','Kline',  1000,1); INSERT INTO guests VALUES (20011227130649,'Robert', 'Cort',   1001,1); INSERT INTO guests VALUES (20011227130720,'John',   'Stephen',1002,1); INSERT INTO guests VALUES (20011227130729,'Scott',  'Kidner', 1003,1); INSERT INTO guests VALUES (20011227133729,'Maggi',  'Ann',    1004,0); # create the accesses table # This table stores Silverjack access information. For example, # if a guest accesses lift 1, an entry for that access is stored # here. CREATE TABLE accesses (   timestamp timestamp(14),  # timestamp of access   location smallint,        # the access location   passID char(20)           # the pass that accessed the location ); # insert some testing data into accesses table INSERT INTO accesses VALUES (20011227133001,30,1000); INSERT INTO accesses VALUES (20011227133006,30,1001); INSERT INTO accesses VALUES (20011227133008,30,1002); INSERT INTO accesses VALUES (20011227133010,30,1003); INSERT INTO accesses VALUES (20011227134311,34,1000); INSERT INTO accesses VALUES (20011227134327,34,1003); INSERT INTO accesses VALUES (20011227135323,32,1002); INSERT INTO accesses VALUES (20011227135354,32,1001); # create the images table # This table stores Silverjack image information. When a field # device stores an image file, it will inform the database of # that storage with location and filename. CREATE TABLE images (   timestamp timestamp(14),    # timestamp of image storage   location smallint,          # the image location   filename char(30)           # the image filename ); # create the temperatures table # This table stores Silverjack temperature information. CREATE TABLE temperatures (   timestamp timestamp(14),    # timestamp of temperature storage   location smallint,          # the temperature location   temperature tinyint         # the actual temperature ); # insert some testing data into temperatures table INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES (20011229000000,30,32); INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES (20011229040000,30,10); INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES (20011229080000,30,15); INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES (20011229120000,30,20); INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES (20011229160000,30,25); INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES (20011229200000,30,27); INSERT INTO temperatures VALUES (20011230000000,30,30); 

You can use the following steps to create and test the Project Trailblazer database on tbdev1:

  1. Log in as root and download the trailblazerdbbuild.sql script from the Web site

     root@tbdev1[503]: cd /root root@tbdev1[504]: wget /12/ graphics/ccc.giftrailblazerdbbuild.sql 
  2. Using the trailblazerdbbuild.sql script, create the Project Trailblazer database:

     root@tbdev1[505]: mysql < trailblazerdbbuild.sql 
  3. Now perform a simple database query to determine whether the test temperature entries exist with this command:

     root@tbdev1[506]: echo "select * from temperatures;" | mysql trailblazer timestamp       location        temperature 20011229000000  30              32 20011229040000  30              10 20011229080000  30              15 20011229120000  30              20 20011229160000  30              25 20011229200000  30              27 20011230000000  30              30 

    This results shows the seven correct test temperatures contained in the database.

  4. Now perform a database query with inner joins on multiple tables with this command:

     root@tbdev1[508]: echo "select \ guests.first, guests.last, locations.description, accesses.timestamp \ from guests,accesses,locations \ where guests.passID = accesses.passID and \ locations.location = accesses.location \ order by accesses.timestamp;" | mysql trailblazer first   last    description     timestamp Melanie Kline   Lift 1 Base     20011227133001 Robert  Cort    Lift 1 Base     20011227133006 John    Stephen Lift 1 Base     20011227133008 Scott   Kidner  Lift 1 Base     20011227133010 Melanie Kline   Lift 9 Base     20011227134311 Scott   Kidner  Lift 9 Base     20011227134327 John    Stephen Lift 4 Base     20011227135323 Robert  Cort    Lift 4 Base     20011227135354 

    This query shows four guests accessing three lifts which is also correct.


You can use the command mysqldump to obtain a text file that contains a database's definition and data. You can use this file to back up or re-create a database. The trailblazerdbbuild.sql script is an edited version of a mysqldump output file.


    Embedded LinuxR. Hardware, Software, and Interfacing
    Embedded LinuxR. Hardware, Software, and Interfacing
    ISBN: N/A
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2001
    Pages: 103 © 2008-2017.
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