

Management, 329–98

design for, 26–28

events and, 336–38

groups and, 334–35

issues, 395–98

job scheduling and, 338–43

launching applications and, 343–44

methods, 329

with OEM, 329–44

outline, 385

parallel, tasks, 381–82

partitions facilitate, 376–77

security, 389–92

space-use monitoring, 392–95

summary, 135–207, 398

tasks, 26

tasks, evaluating/practice, 397

Mapping Editor, 290–92

illustrated, 291

with joins, 292

opening, 290–91


defining, 290–95

source to target, 290–91

See also Oracle Warehouse Builder

Market-basket analysis, 475

Massively parallel processor (MPP) systems, 133

Materialized views

contents specification, 143–44

creating, 139–48

creating, with PREBUILT clause, 145

creating in Oracle Enterprise Manager, 141

for data replication, 139

defined, 138, 139

definition parts, 140

enabling, for query write, 143

fast refresh and, 152

indexing, 147

monitoring use, 205–6

multiple, query rewrite with, 191–93

ON COMMIT refresh, 142–43

ON DEMAND refresh, 143, 149

optimizer statistics, 276–77

partitioning, 146–47

physical storage, 141

population with data, 141–42

recommending, 202

refreshing, 274–76

refreshment method, 142

security of, 147–48

size, estimating, 206

stale, looking for, 274

Matrix report, 420

MAX function, 118

Measure folders, 450


choosing (Presentation Wizard), 462

defined, 434, 450

specifying, 455

See also OLAP metadata

MERGE statement, 254, 255, 298

Merging partitions, 371–73

illustrated, 372

index partitions and, 372

See also Partitions


defined, 15

exporting, 258–59

importing, 259–60

OLAP, 450–555

OWB, 280

role of, 15

specifying, 249

Modeling, 430

dimensional, 21–22

E-R, 20–21


applying, 490–93

building, 487–90

OLAP API multidimensional, 449


creating, 282–84

defined, 281

Moving data, 268–73

with exchange partition, 270–71

between tables with direct path insert, 272

Moving partitions, 376

Moving window aggregate functions, 109, 115–18

Multicolumn partition keys, 86–88

Multidimensional (MOLAP)

defined, 427

products, 428

ROLAP vs., 427–28

See also On-line analytical processing (OLAP)

Multitable insert, 266

Oracle9iR2 Data Warehousing
Oracle9iR2 Data Warehousing
ISBN: 1555582877
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 91 © 2008-2017.
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