Exercise 7-3: Custom Tool Parts

Exercise 7-3: Custom Tool Parts

Custom tool parts allow you to create specialized user interfaces within the property pane. These tool parts lend support to properties that go beyond the fundamental data types. In this exercise, you will create a web part with a text property designed to only accept a properly formatted phone number as a value.

Building the Basic Web Part

Start this project by creating a new web part library in Visual Studio using VB.NET. As always, clean up the template code and modify the web part description file. Name the project SPSMaskTool and name the class Part . Additionally, define a text property for the web part and render that text as HTML. Listing 7-23 shows what the web part should look like to get started.

Listing 7-23: The Simple Web Part
start example
 Imports System Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Imports System.Xml.Serialization Imports Microsoft.SharePoint Imports Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Imports Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages <DefaultProperty("Text"), ToolboxData("<{0}:Part runat=server></{0}:Part>"), XmlRoot(Namespace:="SPSMaskTool")> _  Public Class Part     Inherits Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart     Dim m_text As String = ""     'Browsable must be False to hide the normal custom property tool part     <Browsable(False), Category("Miscellaneous"), DefaultValue(""), WebPartStorage(Storage.Personal), FriendlyName("Text"), Description("Text Property")> _     Property [Text]() As String         Get             Return m_text         End Get         Set(ByVal Value As String)             m_text = Value         End Set     End Property     Protected Overrides Sub RenderWebPart(ByVal output As _ System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)         output.Write(SPEncode.HtmlEncode([Text]))     End Sub End Class 
end example

The Custom Tool Part

Your custom tool part will be built as a separate class that inherits from the ToolPart class. In this class, you will code the methods to handle events from the Apply, OK, and Cancel buttons . When the tool part is complete, you will add it to the property pane.

Creating the New Class

Because your custom tool part is defined in a new class, you must add a class to the project. Fortunately, the web part templates provide a template for the custom tool part as well. You can add this template to your project directly from the menu.

Here is what you need to do to add the new tool part:

  1. From the Visual Studio menu, select Project Add New Item.

  2. In the Add New Item dialog, click the Tool Part template.

  3. Change the name of the new file to Tool.vb .

  4. Click Open .

  5. From the Solution Explorer, open Tool.vb .

  6. Modify the code in Tool.vb to appear as follows :

     Imports System.Web.UI Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Imports Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities Imports Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Public Class Tool     Inherits ToolPart End Class 

Creating the Child Controls

Just like a web part, a tool part must create child controls to render in the user interface. In fact, the code is identical to the code you have created several times in past exercises. In the custom tool part, you will use a TextBox to accept the user input and a Label to present error messages if the input is not a valid phone number. Add the code from Listing 7-24 to the tool part to create these controls.

Listing 7-24: Creating the Child Controls
start example
 'Controls to appear in the tool part Protected WithEvents txtProperty As TextBox Protected WithEvents lblMessage As Label Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()     'Purpose: Add the child controls to the web part     'Label for the errors     lblMessage = New Label     With lblMessage         .Width = Unit.Percentage(100)     End With     Controls.Add(lblMessage)     'Text Box for input     txtProperty = New TextBox     With txtProperty         .Width = Unit.Percentage(100)     End With     Controls.Add(txtProperty) End Sub 
end example

Coding the Property Pane Events

When the user clicks any of the buttons in the property pane, events are fired in your tool part. This allows you to use a regular expression to validate the input and modify the web part based on the results. Add the code from Listing 7-25 to implement the event handling for the buttons.

Listing 7-25: Coding the Button Events
start example
 Public Overrides Sub ApplyChanges ()     'User pushes "OK" or "Apply"     Try         'Test the input value against the regular expression         Dim objRegEx As New Regex("\b\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}\b ")         Dim objMatch As Match = objRegEx.Match(txtProperty.Text)         If objMatch.Success Then             'Move value from tool pane to web part             Dim objWebPart As Part = _ DirectCast(Me.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart, Part)             objWebPart.Text = txtProperty.Text             lblMessage.Text = ""         Else             lblMessage.Text = "Invalid phone number."             txtProperty.Text = "###-###-####"         End If     Catch x As ArgumentException     End Try End Sub Public Overrides Sub SyncChanges ()     'This is called after ApplyChanges to sync tool pane with web part     Try         'Test the input value against the regular expression         Dim objRegEx As New Regex("\b\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}\b")         Dim objMatch As Match = objRegEx.Match(txtProperty.Text)         If objMatch.Success Then             'Move value from web part to tool pane             Dim objWebPart As Part = _ DirectCast(Me.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart, Part)             txtProperty.Text = objWebPart.Text             lblMessage.Text = ""         Else             lblMessage.Text = "Invalid phone number."             txtProperty.Text = "###-###-####"         End If     Catch x As ArgumentException     End Try End Sub Public Overrides Sub CancelChanges()     'User pushes "Cancel"     Dim objWebPart As Part = DirectCast(Me.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart, Part)     objWebPart.Text = ""     txtProperty.Text = "###-###-####"     lblMessage.Text = "" End Sub 
end example

Rendering the Tool Part

Just like a web part, a tool part must be rendered. In this case, the tool part overrides the RenderToolPart method. Other than the name change, the code is identical. Add the following code to the tool part to render the user interface in the property pane.

 Protected Overrides Sub RenderToolPart(ByVal output As HtmlTextWriter)     'Display the existing property     Dim objWebPart As Part = DirectCast(Me.ParentToolPane.SelectedWebPart, Part)     txtProperty.Text = objWebPart.Text     'Draw the tool part     lblMessage.RenderControl(output)     output.Write("<br>")     txtProperty.RenderControl(output) End Sub 

Adding the Custom Tool Part

Once the tool part is coded, you can add it to the tool pane. The custom tool part is added by overriding the GetToolParts method. This method is part of the web part class, so you will have to open SPSMaskTool.Part for editing. Once you have this open, add the code from Listing 7-26 to override the method.

Listing 7-26: Adding the Tool Part to the Property Pane
start example
 Public Overrides Function GetToolParts() As ToolPart()     'This code is required because it was contained in the     'method we are overriding. We cannot simply call the base class     'because we can only return a single array, so we have to rebuild it.     Dim toolParts(3) As ToolPart     Dim objWebToolPart As WebPartToolPart = New WebPartToolPart     Dim objCustomProperty As CustomPropertyToolPart = New CustomPropertyToolPart     toolParts(0) = objWebToolPart     toolParts(1) = objCustomProperty     'This is where we add our tool part     toolParts(2) = New Tool     Return toolParts End Function 
end example

Using the Tool Part

Once the web part and tool part are coded, you may compile and use them. Be sure to give the web part a strong name, modify the web part description file, and mark the web part as safe in the web.config file. After you have properly deployed the web part to the \inetpub\ wwwroot \bin directory, import it into a web site and try the functionality. Figure 7-5 shows the tool part after an incorrectly formatted property was entered.

click to expand
Figure 7-5: The custom tool part

Microsoft SharePoint[c] Building Office 2003 Solutions
Microsoft SharePoint[c] Building Office 2003 Solutions
ISBN: 1590593383
Year: 2006
Pages: 92

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