Double- and Triple-Clicking Keywords

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This tip is a small point, but one so consistently useful to me that I can't close out this chapter without including it. Often, new searches are launched on the search results page, on the heels of a previous search. In those instances, your previous keywords appear in the keyword box and you need to supplant them with one or more new keywords. In Windows, double-click a single word to highlight it, and type a new word right over it or delete the word by pressing the Delete key. This tip works even with words that are mashed up against search operator with no spaces, like this - intitle:kayak. Double-clicking kayak highlights that word alone.

Just as useful, triple-clicking in the keyword box highlights the entire search string. I do this all the time to delete the string and replace it with new keywords.


Highlighting previous keywords in the Google Toolbar works differently. A single-click in the keyword box highlights the entire string. (This happens on only the first single-click; subsequent single-clicks deselect the string and then do nothing.) A double-click selects a single word. Triple-clicking does nothing.

 < Day Day Up > 

Google for Dummies
Google AdWords For Dummies
ISBN: 0470455772
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 188 © 2008-2017.
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