

TableCell class (HttpUnit), 646647
tables, accessing with HttpUnit, 305306
tag handlers, 373
nested tags, 381384
scopes, 375
tag libraries (Jelly), 472473
tag library descriptor testing, 384385
TagData objects, 384
TagExtraInfo class, 384
taglibs (XDoclet), 154157
Javadoc, 132133
custom, 214215
@ ejb.bean, 172173
@ ejb.create-method, 175
@ ejb.finder, 173174
@ ejb.home, 173
@ ejb.interface, 173
@ ejb.interface-method, 175176
@ ejb.persistence, 174175
@ ejb.persistence-field, 175
@, 173
@ ejb.relation, 176177
@ ejb.transaction, 177
@ struts.action, 196197
@ struts.action-forward, 196197
@ struts.form, 195196
@ struts.validator, 196
webdoclet , 150152
Target Class (Ant), 576577
target directory (Maven), 468
Target tag (Ant), 529530
targets (Ant), 3940, 200
all, 40
clean, 40
compile, 40
conditional, 5052
default, setting, 71
deploy, 40
docs/javadocs, 40
fetch, 40
Hello World application project, 76
Hello World model project, 7073
init, 40
init-debug, 40
init-release, 40
link/jar, 40
main, 40
naming, 3940
pet store example, 686687
publish, 40
staging, 40
standard, 40
test, 40
Task class (Ant), 201203, 578579
TaskAdapter class (Ant), 580
taskdef task (Ant), 535
tasks , 3940
adding to Maven projects, 473474
BuildNumber, 62
check, 412
Chmod, 62
accessing properties, 203204
< classpath> element, 204
example buildfile, 208211
execute() method, 204205
nested elements, 205208
Task class, 201203
TDSS task example, 200201
cvs, 62
< echo>, 493
ejbdoclet, 136140, 141
hibernatedoclet, 141
instrument, 412
JAR, 63
jcoverage as, 411416
jdodoclet, 141
jmxdoclet, 141
jtestrun, 412
merge, 412
mockdoclet, 141
parallel, 6263
portletdoclet, 141
report, 412
webdoclet, 141
with Eclipse, 157167
generating deployment descriptors, 152154
Struts application, 197198
taglibs, 154157
tags, 150152
tearDown() method (Cactus), 355356
templates (XDoclet), 133, 142143
custom template example, 217220
simple template example, 216217
test cases (JUnit), 223
defining classes, 225
defining tests, 226227
HashMapTest example, 223228
overriding setUp(), 225
VectorTest, 223
test data, creating with Ant, 687691
test fixtures, 223, 590
Test Interface (JUnit), 589
test suites (JUnit), 223, 227228
test targets (Ant), 40
JUnit integration, 229230
JUnit test project, 241242
TestCase class (JUnit), 589593
TestCases (Cactus)
FilterTestCase, 351
JspTestCase, 351
server-side execution, 355356
server-side setup, 353354
ServletTestCase, 351
TestDecorator class (JUnit), 603604
TestFailure class (JUnit), 594
TestHelper class (jfcUnit), 438439
testing. See also automated testing
functional, 297298
integration, 344
advantages, 344345
disadvantages, 345
as XP practice, 56
testing controllers (JMeter), 321
TestListener interface (JUnit), 593594
TestPlans (JMeter), 320321
TestResult class (JUnit), 594597
TestSetup class (JUnit), 604605
TestSuite class (JUnit), 597600
testXXX() method (Cactus), 356
ThreadBarrier class (JUnitPerf), 670
ThreadedTest class (JUnitPerf), 671
ThreadedTestGroup class (JUnitPerf), 671672
ThreadGroups (JMeter), 320
controllers, 321322
listeners, 322
setting up (pet store example), 322323
threads (JMeter), 321
timed tests (JUnitPerf), 264
decorating tests with, 264, 275276
Loop test case
creating tests, 264268
running, 269271
test data, 268
TimedTest class (JUnitPerf), 672674
timeouts (Jemmy), 433436
timers (JMeter), 321, 325
Tomcat, 126, 486
touch task (Ant), 538539
tracer bullets, 319
Tstamp tag (Ant), 531
Turbine, 457
type element (Maven), 466
< type> selector (Ant), 48

Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming
Professional Java Tools for Extreme Programming: Ant, XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, and Maven (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764556177
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 228 © 2008-2017.
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