

e-business computing models

integrated enterprise computing \r integrated, Integrated Enterprise Computing

multi-tier distributed computing, Building the Web Tier

multi-tier distributed computing \r multitier, Multi-Tier Distributed Computing

services-oriented computing \r services, Services-Oriented Computing

web-based computing \r webbased, Web-Based Computing

e-business computing models \r bizmodels, Models of E-Business Computing

eager iteration policy, Dynamic Query

EAR (Enterprise Application Archive), Application Assembler

deploying, wsejbdeploy

updating for application, Assemble the EJB JAR and Update the Application EAR, Assembling the J2EE Application Client

validating modules, wsValidateModule

EAR (Enterprise archive) files, Assembling a J2EE Application, Exporting the Application

with business processes;business processes \r runintegration, Runtime and Administration Integration

EAR (Enterprise archive) files \t, see also application assembly

Eclipse platform

SCM (source code management) \r scm, Source-Code Management

Eclipse platform \r eclipse, The Platform

edge computing, Web-Based Computing

edge computing \r edge, Serving to the Edge

EGL (Enterprise Generation Language), WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer

EIS integration

asynchronous messaging \r asyncmess, Asynchronous Messaging

messaging component model, The Messaging Component Model, Container Managed Messaging, Managing WebSphere Messaging

messaging component model \r messbeans, The Messaging Component Model

procedural access \r connectors, Procedural Access

SOA (service-oriented architecture) \r soa, Service Oriented Architecture

EIS integration \r eisinteg, Chapter 7: EIS Integration and Messaging

EIS integration topologies \r integration, EIS Integration

EJB, EJB 2.0, Assembling a J2EE Application, The WebSphere Web Services Enablement Process

EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans), JavaBeans, Web Services Support

access intent, Access Intent Hints, Default Intents, Applying Access Intent, Access Intent Using Application Profile

access intent \r accessintent, Access Intent

accessing business processes, Interfacing with Business Processes

advantages to, Chapter 5: Building the Business Logic with WebSphere Studio

application deployment extensions \r ejbdeployment, EJB Extensions

application profiles, Identifying Application Tasks

application profiles \r appprof, Application Profiles

asynchronous beans, WebSphere Application Server Extension APIs

CMP support for persistence \r CMPsupport, WebSphere EJB CMP Support

CMP support for persistence \t , see also cmp

creating JavaBeans models \r beanmodel, Creating the JavaBeans Models

declaring references, Declare EJB References

Dynamic EJB Query, WebSphere Application Server Extension APIs

enabling as web services, JSR-109 Enablement Process, The WebSphere Web Services Enablement Process, Enabling the Catalog EJB as a Web Service

implementation bean, selection requirements, The WebSphere Web Services Enablement Process

implementing (Plants-By-WebSphere example), Create a New EJB Project, Create the ShoppingCart Bean, Create the Order EJB, Create the Inventory EJB, Create the Customer EJB, Create the Catalog EJB, Map CMP Entities to a Relational Database, Declare EJB References

implementing (Plants-By-WebSphere example) \r implementejb, Implementing the EJBs

inheritance, Mapping CMP Beans with 2.x Persistence, SQLJ Support, Inheritance

inheritance \r inheritance, EJB Inheritance

integrating with model objects \r modelobjects, Integrate EJBs with Web Module Model Objects

JNDI names, defining, Define JNDI Names for the Enterprise Beans, Deploying the Application

mapping states to schemas, Application Assembler

MBeans \t , see mbeans

method permissions for components \r methodperm, Defining Method Permissions for EJB Components

multithreading (deferred execution), Enabling the Deferred Execution Service, Defining Deferred Work, Dispatching Parallel Work, Capturing Context, Listening for Work Events, Joining the Completion of Work, Collecting the Work Results

multithreading (deferred execution) \r deferred, The Deferred Execution Service

query language \t , see ejb ql

specification for EJB 2.0, EJB 2.0

startup beans, WebSphere Application Server Extension APIs, Startup Beans are EJBs

transactions support, Local Transaction Settings, Local Transactions Support, Container-Managed Interactions, The ActivitySession Service, Summarizing Transactions and ActivitySessions

transactions support \r unitwork, Unit of Work Options

Universal Test Client \r universal, Universal Test Client

EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) \r beans, Enterprise JavaBean Tools

EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) \t, see also enterprise applications

EJB QL, Chapter 9: Advanced EJB Persistence and Optimization, Query Extensions

EJB QL (EJB Query Language)

extensions, Dynamic Query, Bean Methods, Dependent Value Methods, Multiple Element SELECT Clauses, Ability to Return Aggregation Values

extensions \r queryex, Query Extensions

EJBContext interface, EJB Application Interfaces

embedded JMS engine, Embedded JMS

empty activities, Activity Types

enabling security in WebSphere, Enabling Security

enabling security in WebSphere \t, see also security

encryption, JCE, The Security Model

JCE (Java Cryptographic Extension), JCE

PKCS (Public Key Cryptography Standards), PKCS

Enterprise Application Archive (EAR), Application Assembler

deploying, wsejbdeploy

updating for application, Assemble the EJB JAR and Update the Application EAR, Assembling the J2EE Application Client

validating modules, wsValidateModule

enterprise applications

architecture \r appstructure, Application Structure Revisited

assembling, Resolving Module Dependencies, Assign a Context Root, Synchronize Security Role Names, Link the Dependencies, Deployment Extensions, Deployment Time Binding Information, Deploying the Application

assembling \r assembling, Assembling a J2EE Application

configuring \r configuringapps, Configuring the Application

deploying \r deploying, Deploying the Application

deploying \r installapp, Deploying the Application

initialization, recognizing (startup service), Creating a StartUp Listener

initialization, recognizing (startup service) \r startup, The StartUp Service

installing \r installapp, Installing an Application

J2EE programming interface, EJB Application Interfaces

messaging, designing for, The Messaging Component Model

messaging, designing for \t , see also messaging

programming model extensions (PMEs), Configuring the Application Extensions

securing points of entry \r corbasec, J2EE and CORBA Clients

security \t , see security

spawning threads (deferred execution), Enabling the Deferred Execution Service, Defining Deferred Work, Dispatching Parallel Work, Capturing Context, Listening for Work Events, Joining the Completion of Work, Collecting the Work Results

spawning threads (deferred execution) \r deferred, The Deferred Execution Service

starting and stopping, Starting and Stopping the Application

unit testing \r unittest, Unit Testing the Application

enterprise applications \t, see also ejb

Enterprise archive (EAR) files, Assembling a J2EE Application, Exporting the Application

with business processes;business processes \r runintegration, Runtime and Administration Integration

Enterprise archive (EAR) files \t, see also application assembly

enterprise beans \t, see ejb

enterprise computing

deferred execution service, Enabling the Deferred Execution Service, Defining Deferred Work, Dispatching Parallel Work, Capturing Context, Listening for Work Events, Joining the Completion of Work, Collecting the Work Results

deferred execution service \r deferred, The Deferred Execution Service

internationalization service, Enabling the Internationalization Service, The Internationalization Service Architecture, Getting Access to the Internationalization Service, Retrieving the Caller's Internationalization Context, Setting Downstream (Invocation) Context, Internationalization and Lifecycle Methods, Web Services Internationalization

internationalization service \r internationalization, The Internationalization Service

startup service, Creating a StartUp Listener

startup service \r startup, The StartUp Service

work area service, Enabling the Work Area Service, Getting Access to the Work Area Service, Creating and Terminating Work Area Context, Setting Work Area Properties, Nested Work Areas

work area service \r workarea, The Work Area Service

Enterprise Developer, WebSphere Studio, WebSphere Studio Overview

Enterprise Developer, WebSphere Studio \r ent_dev, WebSphere Studio Enterprise Developer

Enterprise Information System (EIS) integration

asynchronous messaging \r asyncmess, Asynchronous Messaging

messaging component model, The Messaging Component Model, Container Managed Messaging, Managing WebSphere Messaging

messaging component model \r messbeans, The Messaging Component Model

procedural access \r connectors, Procedural Access

SOA (service-oriented architecture) \r soa, Service Oriented Architecture

Enterprise Information System (EIS) integration \r eisinteg, Chapter 7: EIS Integration and Messaging

enterprise integration \t, see integrated enterprise computing

Enterprise JavaBeans \t, see ejb

Enterprise Modules, Component Developer

enterprise process management, Chapter 10: Enterprise Process Management

application architecture \r appstructure, Application Structure Revisited

business rules, The Role for Rules, Rule Programming Concepts, Summarizing Rule Concepts, Basic Rule Usage Interfaces, Creating Rules, Configuring Rules, Putting It Together

business rules \r bizrules, Business Rules

model concepts, The Role for Business Processes, Worklist Handler, Interruptable Process, Non-Interruptable Process, Compensation, Create the Service Interface, Create the Basic Business Process, Compensation

model concepts \r modelconcepts, Business Process Programming Model Concepts

process applications, Creating a Process Application, Unit Testing a Business Process Application, Runtime and Administration Integration, Install Business Processes, Testing Business Processes, Debugging a Business Process

process choreography, The Role for Business Processes, Interfacing with Business Processes, Activity Types, Putting It Together

process choreography \r choreography, Process Choreography

process choreography \r choreography2, More Process Choreography Support

enterprise process management \r bpm, Business Process Management

enterprise system management

middleware management vs. \r entsysman, Enterprise System Management

enterprise topology

edge computing \r edge, Serving to the Edge

large enterprises \r large, Large Enterprise Topology

enterprise topology \r enterprise, Scaling Up-and-Out – Enterprise Scenarios

entity beans, EJB 2.0, Create the ShoppingCart Bean, Access Intent

access intent, Access Intent Hints, Default Intents, Applying Access Intent, Access Intent Using Application Profile

access intent \r accessintent, Access Intent

application profiles, Identifying Application Tasks

application profiles \r appprof, Application Profiles

CMP support, EJB Inheritance

CMP support \r CMPsupport, WebSphere EJB CMP Support

CMP support \t , see also cmp

data cache settings \r datacache, Data Cache Settings

internationalization, Entity Beans

unit of work options, Local Transaction Settings, Local Transactions Support, Container-Managed Interactions, The ActivitySession Service, Summarizing Transactions and ActivitySessions

unit of work options \r unitwork, Unit of Work Options

entries at runtime, Protecting the Execution Environment

error pages (web applications), Error Pages


servlet attributes for, Servlet 2.3

events, in workflow, Activity Types

exclusions, synchronization, Configuration Repository

exclusive pessimistic component interaction (EJB), Access Intent Hints

executeQuery( ), Dynamic Query

execution environment \t, see entries at runtime

EXISTS predicate (static queries), EXISTS Predicate

expired (business rule state), Rules and Rule Implementors

explicit local transactions \r explicit, ActivitySession Programming – Explicit Local Transactions, Summarizing Transactions and ActivitySessions

exporting enterprise applications, Exporting the Application

exporting schema definitions, Data Tools

external JMS/MQ engine, External JMS/MQ

Professional IBM WebSphere 5. 0 Applicationa Server
Professional IBM WebSphere 5. 0 Applicationa Server
Year: 2001
Pages: 135 © 2008-2017.
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