Section 2.3. Schema Migrations

2.3. Schema Migrations

Here, we'll create and configure the development database. We assume that you're working from the MySQL command prompt, but you can easily use another database and any alternative user interface that allows you to update the schema. Keep in mind that it's often useful to be able to execute scripts to create your development database and test data.

Do not configure your test database as your production or development database. All data in your test database is replaced each time you execute a new test.

Three Databases

Rails has three environments: development , test , and production . The Rails environment called development reloads classes each time you call a new action, so you get a fresh copy of each class, including any recent development changes. The production environment loads classes once. With this approach, development performance is worse , but you get rapid turnaround time between making a change and seeing results in your browser.

You also get separate development, production, and test databases. Sane developers don't want to use production databases to write code, because they don't want to create, modify, or destroy production data. But why would Rails support a separate test database? In Chapter 7, you'll see that for each new test, Rails creates a fresh copy of test data, so each test case can modify database data without affecting other tests.

When Rails generates a new project, it creates a file called database.yml with sections for development, test, and production. You'll need to keep a couple of things in mind as you configure a database. First, because Rails destroys the data in the test database, you need to make sure that you don't point this test configuration at your development or production databases. Second, this file has passwords, in plain text. Make sure you handle them appropriately.

You'll need an Active Record model object. Don't worry about the details yet; we'll cover them later. For now, just generate the model object by typing:

 >  ruby script/generate model Photo  exists  app/models/          exists  test/unit/          exists  test/fixtures/          create  app/models/photo.rb          create  test/unit/photo_test.rb          create  test/fixtures/photos.yml          create  db/migrate          create  db/migrate/001_create_photos.rb 

Rails generated a model object in app/models/photo.rb , but it won't work without a schema.

So, you have a decision to make. You can manage the schema with SQL scripts or with migrations. If you decide to use simple SQL scripts, you'll need to create database-specific schemas, and you'll probably wind up creating new test data whenever you create a new table. Rails gives a better option: schema migrations . You'll have to do a little more work up front, but you'll be able to specify database-independent schemas and improve your database without losing data. The first step is to create a database; then, create a migration for each change you want to make to the database.

To use schema migrations, you'll also need to configure Active Record to use Ruby schemas instead of SQL scripts. If you're running Rails 1.0 or before, edit the config/environment.rb file, and set active.record.schema.format to :ruby , like this:

 config.active_record.schema_format = :ruby 

If you're running Rails 1.1 or later, you don't need to do anything because :ruby schemas are the default. Each change you make to the database schema has an up method to make the change, and a down method to undo the change.

Now that we've configured the database, we need a migration. Beginning with Rails 1.1, the model generator creates a migration for you. Look in db/migrate , and you'll find a migration called 001_create_photos.rb . You'll also see methods called up and down . Edit them to look like this:

 class CreatePhotos < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     create_table "photos" do photo       photo.column "filename", :string     end   end   def self.down     drop_table "photos"   end end 

The schema migrations feature keeps track of a list of migrations, and each migration has an associated version number. The up method creates a photos table with two columns , filename and id, and the down method removes it. Each schema migration has steps to do and undo a change. You can include changes that you need to make in data as well. Then, if you need to move back to a previous version, you can do so. But now, we need to run the migration. Type this:

 >  rake migrate  == CreatePhotos: migrating ==================================================== -- create_table("photos")    -> 0.1250s == CreatePhotos: migrated (0.1250s) =========================================== 

You should now verify that Rails created the database schema. Go to the MySQL command prompt, use the photos_development database, and show the tables:

 >  mysql -u root photos_development  Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 46 to server version: 5.0.16-nt Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql>  show tables;  +------------------------------+  Tables_in_photos_development  +------------------------------+  photos                         schema_info                   +------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

Active Record created two tables: schema_info and photos . In schema_info , Active Record will keep track of the state of the existing version number. You'll be able to keep track of photos using the photos database and keep track of each schema change on that table with a migration. Because migrations handle both data and schema, you'll be able to maintain data across your migrations.

Ruby on Rails[c] Up and Running
Ruby on Rails[c] Up and Running
Year: 2006
Pages: 94 © 2008-2017.
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