Section 1.5. Creating a Controller

1.5. Creating a Controller

You've seen that Rails organizes applications into pieces with a model, view, and controller. We'll start with the controller. Use the generate script (see the sidebar "script/generate") to create a controller. We'll specify the type of object to create first and then the name of the new controller. Type:

 >  ruby script/generate controller Greeting  exists  app/controllers  /       exists  app/helpers/       create  app/views/greeting       exists  test/functional/       create  app/controllers/greeting_controller.rb       create  test/functional/greeting_controller_test.rb       create  app/helpers/greeting_helper.rb 

You might not have expected to see so much activity. Rails created your expected controller-- greeting_controller.rb . But you also got a few other files as well:


There is not yet a controller for the whole application, so Rails created this one. It will come in handy later as a place to anchor application-wide concerns, such as security.


Rails knows that controllers and views usually come in pairs, so it created a directory called views/greeting .


Rails also created a test for your new controller because most Rails developers build automated unit tests to make it easy to build in and maintain quality.


Rails helpers provide a convenient place to prevent repetition or tedious code from cluttering your views.

Ruby developers created Rails to solve their own problems before generalizing and releasing the tool to solve your problems too. You're seeing an example of excellent experience-based design. Early Rails users noticed that right after creating a controller, they usually needed additional layers of the application, and so they modified the controller generator to save themselves a few keystrokes. Rails inventors eat their own dog food.

1.5.1. Running the Controller

Let's run the application; point your browser to You'll get an error message telling you that index is an unknown action. Let's find out why. Edit the new controller at the path app/controller/greeting_controller.rb :

 class GreetingController < ApplicationController     end 


The Rails generator is an impressive productivity booster. It can help you generate all of the basic building blocks for your application. If you forget the options, you can just type ruby script/generate . You'll get the following output:

 > ruby script/generate Usage: script/generate [options] generator [args] General Options:     -p, --pretend                    Run but do not make any changes.     -f, --force                      Overwrite files that already exist.     -s, --skip                       Skip files that already exist.     -q, --quiet                      Suppress normal output.     -t, --backtrace                  Debugging: show backtrace on erRailss.     -h, --help                       Show this help                                      message. Installed Generators   Builtin: controller, mailer, model, scaffold, web_service 

Because different generators can create overlapping files, they can be destructive, if you're not careful. Don't worry: Rails gives you quite a bit of help. If you're not sure about the output of a generator, it's best to run it with the --pretend option to see exactly what it might generate.

You can also list the options of any of the installed generators. For example, typing ruby script/generate controller shows you the options for creating a controller.

You can install additional generators. For example, you can use the login generator so that Rails can create the models, views, and controllers for basic authentication architecture. This generator also generates code to handle migration from other versions, scaffolding, and even a web service.

To find the login generator, and other available generators, go to To install a generator, just use gems. For example, to install the login_generator , type:

 gem install login_generator -s 

You haven't told Rails to do anything yet, so getting some kind of error seems logical. Still, you'll need a little more background before you can fix that problem. Figure 1-2 shows how Rails controllers work.

Figure 1-2. Rails' model-view-controller flow

Rails uses the Action Pack framework to manage controllers. Web browsers communicate with servers by sending requests over the HTTP protocol. For our greeting application, the request was simply to load a URL. The first part of a URL identifies a machine, and the second part identifies a web resource. In the Action Pack, the resource has at least three parts : a controller, some action to perform on a controller, and an identifier of a resource. Actions map directly onto controller methods . For example, for this URL: identifies the web server, shopping_cart identifies the controller, total identifies the action, and 45 identifies a resourceprobably a cart. The web server routes incoming requests to a Ruby script in the Rails framework called the dispatcher . Rails has one dispatcher per web server. Next, the Rails dispatcher parses the URL and invokes the appropriate action on the appropriate controller. The controller action may then call the model and ultimately invokes a view.

By default, if you call a controller without specifying an action, Rails calls the index action. Now, the error makes more sense. When we specified the URL app/controller/greeting , we supplied a controller without an action, so Rails defaulted to a nonexistent index action. You can fix the problem by adding a method called index to GreetingController . Let's keep things simple by making the index method print out HTML directly, as shown in Example 1-1.

Example 1-1. Rails controller displaying a greeting
 class GreetingController < ApplicationController    def index       render :text => "<h1>Welcome to your first Rails application<h1>"    end end 

Save your code and reload your browseryou'll get the web page in Figure 1-3. Even though you changed some code, you didn't have to restart the server, redeploy your application, or do anything but reload your browser. This quick turnaround time, called a rapid feedback loop , is a hallmark of Ruby and Rails. Often, new Rails developers point to the rapid feedback loop as the feature that affected their productivity more than anything else.

Figure 1-3. Rendering text from a controller

Ruby on Rails[c] Up and Running
Ruby on Rails[c] Up and Running
Year: 2006
Pages: 94 © 2008-2017.
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