Sort out the different Java editions without losing your mind.

Dear Sirs and Madams,

I just want to programming with Java. Yet, I cannot start. How can I do this?

Thank you,


do you have the JDK?? go to and download the JDK.

^_^ zilly

Dear Mister Zilly,

Everything I have seen assumes that you already know this. I do not know this. Please : what is JDK?


am not *mister* zilly i am devo d-e-v-o. now. Java Devlopment Kit. That is the compiler, to compile source code into executable code, and a runtime, to run it. And other stuff.

^_^ zilly

Dear Zilly,

I go to the download my thought is: what is the difference between each of different editions?

Which do I get? I prefer to have only the best.

Many courtesies,


Hi Xaolin,

There isnt really a best one, the different editions arent like more powerful or something they dont have superpowers like but that would be cool. Here is the difference between those three J2SE, J2EE and J2ME:

J2SE: this is Java 2 Standard Edition. Download this one. It is the one you want to get started, as it is the most frequently used, and includes a compiler and a runtime so you can write Java applications. Heres what you can do with it:

  • Use Swing to create full-blown Graphical User Interface applications.

  • Write applets, which are small programs that run inside a Web browser.

  • Connect to remote computers and write Client/Server applications with sockets.

  • Work with the local file system.

  • Parse text with regular expressions.

  • Read, write, and transform XML.

  • Execute code in a remote Java Virtual Machine using Remote Method Invocation.

  • and oh so much more.

The other ones are J2ME and J2EE.

J2ME is Java 2 Micro Edition. This edition is geared toward applications embedded in consumer products such as cell phones, PDAs, set top boxes, smart cards, and car navigation systems. One thing that distinguishes J2ME from the other editions is that it is the only one that is subdivided into profiles and configurations. A profile defines libraries for different platforms and the JVM requirements for supporting a particular micro platform (for example, there is one profile for PDAs and another for wireless devices). A configuration is composed of a virtual machine and a small set of libraries that provide base functionality to devices. Currently there are two configurations: Connected Limited Device Configuration and Connected Device Configuration. A runtime is included, which takes a very small footprint. The smart card runtime in the Card Virtual Machine, for example, consumes only 128K of memory.

J2EE this is Java 2 Enterprise Edition. It adds significant functionality to the Standard Edition. It includes support for the following technologies:

  • JavaServer Pages and servlets allow developers to create dynamic server-side Java applications.

  • Enterprise Java Beans, which are components that support transactions, security

  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) allows developers to invoke Structured Query Language operations from Java code to interact with databases.

  • JavaMail lets you work with email messages

  • Java Message Service (JMS) allows the distributed, asynchronous posting and retrieval of message objects.

  • JNDI is the Java Naming and Directory Interface, which lets you perform typical directory operations. But JNDI is not tied to any particular implementation, so it can be used to interact with established services such as LDAP, DNS, and NIS.

  • Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), which is used to determine if users and groups are allowed to enter a system (authentication), and what specific tasks they are allowed to perform once allowed in (authorization).

  • JAX-RPC: the Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Call. This allows you to develop SOAP-based Web Services clients and endpoints.

j2ee apps are typically server-based applications that use a combination of these technologies to get their jobs done. But all you need for a long time is the J2SE.

^_^ zilly

Dear Zilly,

Thank you for this kind response. I must warn you that this j2ee is not acceptable. I must have connect to database for my programming, yet regretfully I am not for using j2ee. What is it to do?



you can use the services that j2ee makes available even if you are just doing a standard j2SE app. later, we can talk about JDBC and how to do that. All of them are free. So you dont have to pay to get the language or to write programs in the language which is sweeeeeeeet.

^_^ zilly

Dear Zilly,

I am not pleased to bother you. I confuse again: You refer to Java 2. And yet, these versions are not Java 2, but Java 5.0. Is there somewhere else I am supposed to look?

In Modesty,



That is a very good question. You are in the right place. There is no such thing as Java 2.0 or 3.0 or 4.0. The most recent version is 1.5 following 1.4 and 1.3, etc. At the 2004 JavaOne defeloper conference, 1.5 was renamed to Java 5.0. This is a little like how Sun came up with Java 2. Java 1.2 contained significant changes to how graphical user interface elements are rendered in desktop applications with the addition of the Swing libraries (or Java Foundation Classes). Three days after they released this version as 1.2, Sun thought that the change was so significant that they should start referring to it as Java 2. But 1.2 already had a foothold in the market, so both names stuck. As a consequence, Java 2 still refers to subsequent releases, such as 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5. So you will see a lot of things referrring to Java 1.5 or Java 5.0 ”hey, refer to the same version. Ack.

^_^ z

Dear Zilly,

Is there a difference between SDK and JDK? Which should I get? You mentioned JDK in an earlier post.

Thank you and blessings,



Dont worry about that other little sleight of hand: the two terms refer to the same thing. The Java Development Kit (JDK) was simply renamed the Software Development Kit (SDK) in November of 1999. Maybe it sounds more universal that way.

^_^ zilly

Dear Zilly,

I apologize, but I go to download it and again a problem. There are two links next to every Operating System: SDK and JRE. What is this now? Which one should I get? I thought that Java was cross-platform ”yet there are one SDK and JRE for each of these OS: Windows, Linux, Solaris SPARC processor and Solaris x86 processor. Which one do I get? Why isn't Java cross platform now?

Cheerfully but with regrets,



First, the cross-platform matter. Java applications that you write are cross-platform. Sun likes to say Write Once, Run Anywhere. That means that you can execute the same Java code on any machine that has a Java runtime available. Which means, for now, Linux, Solaris and Windows.

Your Java applications use the runtime to execute in ”but the runtime itself, which is written in native code, is dependent on a particular platforms architecture. Hence the different options.

There are, however, a number of ports of the Java SDK and/or JRE that make Java available on the following systems, though these ports are not produced by Sun:

  • Mac OS

  • Tru64 Unix

  • SCO

  • AIX

  • HP-UX

  • NetWare

  • IRIX

  • NonStop

  • OS/2, OS/390, OS/400

  • VxWorks

  • NetBSD

  • FreeBSD

  • Reliant Unix

These different systems are not tested or maintained by Sun. Also check out for more information on current port status (Blackdown was the first team to port Java to Linux).

The FreeBSD Unix-based operating system has just recently made an arrangement with Sun to distribute FreeBSD binaries for the JRE and SDK. The FreeBSD Foundation refers to their JRE as Latte Diablo and the SDK is called Caffe Diablo. So you can develop and execute Java programs on FreeBSD but, for now, you have to get it from them. You can do so at:

The Linux distros include:

  • Red Hat7.3 and later

  • SuSE 8.0 and later

  • TurboLinux 7.0

  • SLEC 8

Most Java applications should work fine on Debian, but check the excellent FAQ at for details.

Bye xaolin i have to go my mom is taking me to my trumpet lesson now :P

^_^ zilly

Java Garage
Java Garage
ISBN: 0321246233
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 228
Authors: Eben Hewitt © 2008-2017.
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