Robot Etiquette

9.5 Robot Etiquette

In 1993, Martijn Koster, a pioneer in the web robot community, wrote up a list of guidelines for authors of web robots. While some of the advice is dated, much of it still is quite useful. Martijn's original treatise, "Guidelines for Robot Writers," can be found at .

Table 9-6 provides a modern update for robot designers and operators, based heavily on the spirit and content of the original list. Most of these guidelines are targeted at World Wide Web robots; however, they are applicable to smaller-scale crawlers too.

Table 9-6. Guidelines for web robot operators



(1) Identification


Identify Your Robot

Use the HTTP User-Agent field to tell web servers the name of your robot. This will help administrators understand what your robot is doing. Some robots also include a URL describing the purpose and policies of the robot in the User-Agent header.

Identify Your Machine

Make sure your robot runs from a machine with a DNS entry, so web sites can reverse-DNS the robot IP address into a hostname. This will help the administrator identify the organization responsible for the robot.

Identify a Contact

Use the HTTP From field to provide a contact email address.

(2) Operations


Be Alert

Your robot will generate questions and complaints. Some of this is caused by robots that run astray. You must be cautious and watchful that your robot is behaving correctly. If your robot runs around the clock, you need to be extra careful. You may need to have operations people monitoring the robot 24 X 7 until your robot is well seasoned.

Be Prepared

When you begin a major robotic journey, be sure to notify people at your organization. Your organization will want to watch for network bandwidth consumption and be ready for any public inquiries.

Monitor and Log

Your robot should be richly equipped with diagnostics and logging, so you can track progress, identify any robot traps, and sanity check that everything is working right. We cannot stress enough the importance of monitoring and logging a robot's behavior. Problems and complaints will arise, and having detailed logs of a crawler's behavior can help a robot operator backtrack to what has happened . This is important not only for debugging your errant web crawler but also for defending its behavior against unjustified complaints.

Learn and Adapt

Each crawl, you will learn new things. Adapt your robot so it improves each time and avoids the common pitfalls.

(3) Limit Yourself


Filter on URL

If a URL looks like it refers to data that you don't understand or are not interested in, you might want to skip it. For example, URLs ending in ".Z", ".gz", ".tar", or ".zip" are likely to be compressed files or archives. URLs ending in ".exe" are likely to be programs. URLs ending in ".gif", ".tif", ".jpg" are likely to be images. Make sure you get what you are after.

Filter Dynamic URLs

Usually, robots don't want to crawl content from dynamic gateways. The robot won't know how to properly format and post queries to gateways, and the results are likely to be erratic or transient. If a URL contains "cgi" or has a "?", the robot may want to avoid crawling the URL.

Filter with Accept Headers

Your robot should use HTTP Accept headers to tell servers what kind of content it understands.

Adhere to robots.txt

Your robot should adhere to the robots.txt controls on the site.

Throttle Yourself

Your robot should count the number of accesses to each site and when they occurred, and use this information to ensure that it doesn't visit any site too frequently. When a robot accesses a site more frequently than every few minutes, administrators get suspicious. When a robot accesses a site every few seconds, some administrators get angry . When a robot hammers a site as fast as it can, shutting out all other traffic, administrators will be furious.

In general, you should limit your robot to a few requests per minute maximum, and ensure a few seconds between each request. You also should limit the total number of accesses to a site, to prevent loops .

(4) Tolerate Loops and Dups and Other Problems


Handle All Return Codes

You must be prepared to handle all HTTP status codes, including redirects and errors. You should also log and monitor these codes. A large number of non-success results on a site should cause investigation. It may be that many URLs are stale, or the server refuses to serve documents to robots.

Canonicalize URLs

Try to remove common aliases by normalizing all URLs into a standard form.

Aggressively Avoid Cycles

Work very hard to detect and avoid cycles. Treat the process of operating a crawl as a feedback loop. The results of problems and their resolutions should be fed back into the next crawl, making your crawler better with each iteration.

Monitor for Traps

Some types of cycles are intentional and malicious. These may be intentionally hard to detect. Monitor for large numbers of accesses to a site with strange URLs. These may be traps.

Maintain a Blacklist

When you find traps, cycles, broken sites, and sites that want your robot to stay away, add them to a blacklist, and don't visit them again.

(5) Scalability


Understand Space

Work out the math in advance for how large a problem you are solving. You may be surprised how much memory your application will require to complete a robotic task, because of the huge scale of the Web.

Understand Bandwidth

Understand how much network bandwidth you have available and how much you will need to complete your robotic task in the required time. Monitor the actual usage of network bandwidth. You probably will find that the outgoing bandwidth (requests) is much smaller than the incoming bandwidth (responses). By monitoring network usage, you also may find the potential to better optimize your robot, allowing it to take better advantage of the network bandwidth by better usage of its TCP connections. [25]

Understand Time

Understand how long it should take for your robot to complete its task, and sanity check that the progress matches your estimate. If your robot is way off your estimate, there probably is a problem worth investigating.

Divide and Conquer

For large-scale crawls, you will likely need to apply more hardware to get the job done, either using big multiprocessor servers with multiple network cards, or using multiple smaller computers working in unison .

(6) Reliability


Test Thoroughly

Test your robot thoroughly internally before unleashing it on the world. When you are ready to test off-site, run a few, small, maiden voyages first. Collect lots of results and analyze your performance and memory use, estimating how they will scale up to the larger problem.


Any serious robot will need to save a snapshot of its progress, from which it can restart on failure. There will be failures: you will find software bugs , and hardware will fail. Large-scale robots can't start from scratch each time this happens. Design in a checkpoint/restart feature from the beginning.

Fault Resiliency

Anticipate failures, and design your robot to be able to keep making progress when they occur.

(7) Public Relations


Be Prepared

Your robot probably will upset a number of people. Be prepared to respond quickly to their enquiries. Make a web page policy statement describing your robot, and include detailed instructions on how to create a robots.txt file.

Be Understanding

Some of the people who contact you about your robot will be well informed and supportive; others will be nave. A few will be unusually angry. Some may well seem insane. It's generally unproductive to argue the importance of your robotic endeavor. Explain the Robots Exclusion Standard, and if they are still unhappy , remove the complainant URLs immediately from your crawl and add them to the blacklist.

Be Responsive

Most unhappy webmasters are just unclear about robots. If you respond immediately and professionally, 90% of the complaints will disappear quickly. On the other hand, if you wait several days before responding, while your robot continues to visit a site, expect to find a very vocal, angry opponent .

[25] See Chapter 4 for more on optimizing TCP performance.


HTTP. The Definitive Guide
HTTP: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 1565925092
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 294 © 2008-2017.
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