Configuring Apache

The Apache Web server is highly configurable to help you tune and manage your Web site. The list of supported configuration options is quite long (take a look for yourself at the Apache Directive Index, but very few of them actually need to be specified.

To read an Apache configuration file

Apache's configuration directives come in two flavors, which are quite straightforward, even if the httpd.conf file is found in a different location for almost every OS.


Do one of the following:

  • cd /etc/httpd/conf on Linux

  • cd /usr/local/etc/apache2 on FreeBSD

  • cd /usr/local/Apache2/conf on Cygwin

  • cd /sw/etc/apache2 on Mac OS X

Change to the Apache configuration directory.


less httpd.conf

View the main configuration file.


The first type of directive in an Apache configuration file is a single-line directive:

 DirectiveName value 

This specifies the given value for DirectiveName. For example, this directive sets the server's name to on the default HTTP port:



The second type of directive is a block directive, which looks a bit like an HTML or XML tag surrounding other single-line or block directives:

 <DirectiveName value>     AssociatedDirective value     ... </DirectiveName> 

As you can see, block directives can carry their own value and also have additional directives associated with them.


Note the many helpful comments in the httpd.conf file. Comments start with the # character and end at the end of the line.

To configure basic server settings for Apache

By default, Apache sets up a Web server at port 80, the standard HTTP port.


Using your favorite text editor, edit the httpd.conf file we found in the previous section (Code Listing 9.5).


Search for the ServerAdmin directive, and change its value to the email address of the server administrator (or Webmaster). For example:



Search for the ServerName directive, and change its value to the fully qualified domain name and port of the server. This is used when generating redirection URLs.



Search for the Listen directive and set it to the port or IP address and port (if you have multiple network interfaces) you want the server to use. The default is port 80, the well-known HTTP port. For example, to set it to port 8000, a common personal server or proxy port:

 Listen 8000 

This port should match the one you specify in the ServerName directive, unless your redirections are handled by a Web server running on a different port.


Save the file, then exit your text editor.


apachectl -t

Test the configuration for syntax errors. It should respond with "Syntax OK."


apachectl restart

Restart the server to pick up the configuration changes.

If you're not logged in as root, you'll need to use su to become root before running this command, or use sudo to run the command as root.

Code listing 9.5. Apache's basic server settings
 # The basic server settings for Apache 2. ServerAdmin ServerName Listen 80 

To configure Web directories

The heart of any Web server is the set of files and other resources it provides.


Using your favorite text editor, edit the httpd.conf file (Code Listing 9.6).


Search for the DocumentRoot directive. This defines the base directory for all Web requests (although symbolic links and Alias directives can bring in resources from other locations). For example, this sets the document root to /www:

 DocumentRoot "/www" 


Every directory published through your Web server, including the DocumentRoot, needs a Directory block to specify permissions and directory-related options:

 <Directory /full/path> directives </Directory> 

The /full/path is the path on the server's file system, not the path that Web browsers use. For example, you'd use /www (the path of the DocumentRoot, above) instead of just / (the path a Web browser would use to access the DocumentRoot).

The directives apply specifically to this directory and its subdirectories. The most common directives used with Directory are Allow, AllowOverride, Deny, Options, and Order. Here's what they're used for:

  • Allow from hosts Allow access to the specified hosts. The hosts can be All, a partial domain name (such as, a full IP address, a partial IP address (for example, 10.1 would match all hosts in the 10.1.*.* network), a network/netmask pair (for example, for all hosts in the 10.1.*.* network), or a network/CIDR specification ( for all hosts in the 10.1.*.* network). Multiple hosts can be specified, separated by spaces.

  • AllowOverride Indicate which directives in the httpd.conf file can be overridden by an .htaccess file in the directory. Can be set to All, None (the .htaccess files are completely ignored), AuthConfig (override authorization directives), FileInfo (directives for controlling document types), Indexes (directives for controlling directory indexing), Limit (directives for controlling host access), and Options (directives for controlling directory features).

  • Deny from hosts Deny access to the specified hosts. The hosts can be any of the hosts values used with the Allow directive.

  • Options Controls which features are available in the directory. Can be All (allow everything except MultiView), ExecCGI (allow CGI scripts in this directory to run), FollowSymlinks (the server will follow symbolic links), Include (process server-side include directives), IncludesNOEXEC (as Includes, but disable the #exec cmd and #exec cgi directives), Indexes (automatically produce directory indexes when the DirectoryIndex file, usually index.html, isn't present), MultiViews (enable content-negotiated multiviews), and SymLinksIfOwnerMatch (follow symbolic links only if the owner of the link matches the owner of the link's target). If you precede the specified Options with + (to enable) or - (to disable), they will be merged with any other Options that apply to this directory.

  • Order Set this to Allow,Deny or Deny,Allow to specify the order in which Allow and Deny directives are evaluated.

Code listing 9.6. Apache's directory-configuration directives.
 # Directory configuration directives DocumentRoot "/www" <Directory />     Options FollowSymlinks     AllowOverride None     Order Deny, Allow     Deny from All </Directory> <Directory /www>     Options +IncludesNOEXEC     Order Allow, Deny     Allow from All </Directory> Alias /icons/ /usr/local/share/icons/ <Directory /usr/local/share/icons/>     Options -Indexes     Order Allow, Deny     Allow from All </Directory> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/cgi-bin/ <Directory /www/cgi-bin/>     AllowOverride None     Options None     Order allow,deny     Allow from all </Directory> 

The Directory directives are checked in the order in which they appear in the httpd.conf file, and the most specific Directory directive that matches the requested file is used to determine the permissions and options that apply to that request.


Find the Directory directive for /, and add Order and Deny directives to restrict access to every directory:

 <Directory />     Options FollowSymlinks     AllowOverride None      # We add these to improve     # security.     Order Deny, Allow     Deny from All </Directory> 


Find the Directory directive for your DocumentRoot directory, and add an Options directive to modify the Options specified in the Directory directive for /:

 <Directory /www>     # Add this to enable server-side     # includes on the site.     Options +IncludesNOEXEC     # The standard directives for     # your DocumentRoot directory:     Order Allow, Deny     Allow from All </Directory> 

In this example, we add IncludesNOEXEC to the Options so that the HTML documents on this site can use server-side includes (SSI) without allowing the potentially dangerous #exec commands.


Add Alias directives to bring directories outside of DirectoryRoot into the Web server's space:

 Alias fakepath realpath 

For example, to bring /home/marketing/

company-site into the Web server as

/company, use

 Alias /company /home/marketing/ company-site 

Note that if the Alias ends in a /, it only matches URLs that include the /. For example, making an Alias for /icons/ doesn't alias the URL for /icons (that is, http://myserver/icons will fail, but http://myserver/icons/ will succeed).


Add Directory directives for each Alias to change the default directory access permissions and options. For some aliases, you might want to disable directory indexes:

 <Directory /www/icons/>     ...     Options -Indexes     ... </Directory> 


Add ScriptAlias directives to add directories that can contain CGI programs. ScriptAlias works just like Alias:

 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /www/cgi-bin/ 

Directory options should be more restrictive for ScriptAlias directories to reduce the potential for security problems:

 <Directory /www/cgi-bin/>     ...      AllowOverride None     Options None     Order Allow,Deny     Allow from All     ... </Directory> 


Save the httpd.conf file and exit your text editor.


apachectl -t && apachectl restart

Check your httpd.conf for errors, then restart the server if no errors are found.

To configure hostname lookups

By default, Apache's access logs record the IP addresses of visitors to your site, but it's possible to have the logs record their hostnames instead.


Use your favorite text editor to edit Apache's httpd.conf file.


Find the HostnameLookups directive and set it to On instead of Off.


Save the httpd.conf file and exit your editor.


apachectl -t && apachectl restart

Check your httpd.conf for errors, and then restart the server if no errors are found.


  • Don't turn on HostnameLookups unless you really need it; it's off by default because it increases network traffic and also introduces latency for the visitor during the lookup. That's because the HTTP server needs to ask its DNS server to map your IP address into a hostname before it can log and process your request.

To configure extended status reporting

By default, Apache's extended status reporting is disabled. This prevents its information from being used to compromise the system unless you activate it yourself.


Use your favorite text editor to edit Apache's httpd.conf file.


Find the ExtendedStatus directive and set it to On instead of Off.


Add a Location directive to attach the server-status handler to /server-


 <Location /server-status>     SetHandler server-status </Location> 


Save the httpd.conf file and exit your editor.


apachectl -t && apachectl restart

Check your httpd.conf for errors, and then restart the server if no errors are found.


  • You can limit access to the server-status report by adding the standard Order, Deny, and Allow directives to the Location block (this example only allows connections from members of the domain):

     <Location /server-status>     SetHandler server-status     Order Deny,Allow     Deny from All     Allow from </Location> 

To add handlers and types

By adding handlers and types, you can extend the functionality of Apache without needing to rebuild the software.


Use your favorite text editor to edit Apache's httpd.conf file.


Add an AddHandler directive to associate a handler with the given file extension:

 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi 

The above AddHandler directive tells Apache that any file ending with .cgi is a CGI script and should be handled by the cgi-script handler.

Handlers represent the actions to perform when a file is accessed. By default, all files are simply downloaded to the visitor, but certain types may need to be handled differently. Apache's handlers include the following:

  • cgi-script treat the file as a CGI script.

  • default-handler The handler used by default to download the requested file to the visitor's Web browser.

  • imap-file treat the file as a server-side image map. You should use client-side image maps instead unless you need to support ancient Web browsers for some pathological reason.

  • send-as-is Send the file without adding HTTP headers.

  • server-info Provide server information.

  • server-status Provide a server-status report.

  • type-map Parse a type map file for content negotiation.


You can also insert AddType directives to specify the MIME type for certain files, overriding the standard mime.types file. For example, to tell Apache what an .shtml file (HTML with SSI commands) is:

 AddType text/html .shtml AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml 

This AddOutputFilter directive explicitly activates SSI for this extension.


Save the httpd.conf file and exit your editor.


apachectl -t && apachectl restart

Check your httpd.conf for errors, and then restart the server if no errors are found.

    Unix Advanced. Visual QuickPro Guide
    Unix Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide
    ISBN: 0321205499
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2003
    Pages: 116 © 2008-2017.
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