

Edit and Continue options window, 320
embedded timestamps, 230
Enable attribute, 58
Enabled property, 335, 339
EnableSession property, 210
EnableViewState attribute, 31, 38
EnableViewStateMac attribute, 31, 44
encoding, 43
encryption, 44
EndGetEmployeeOrders() method, 226, 230
Enlist parameter, 72
error pages, 349351
errorDetail object, 238239
build, 311
HTTP, 133
NTLM authentication, 293
provider load failure, 294
SQL, 108110
See also exception handling
ErrorSample.aspx page, 347, 349
event logging, 298
Event Properties dialog box, 347, 348
Event Viewer, 29, 347
exception handling, 341351
appropriate use of, 119120
custom error pages, 349351
detecting exceptions, 342
filtering exceptions, 343
logging exception information, 345348
logical/semantic exceptions, 297
managing unhandled exceptions, 159160, 344345
notification process, 348349
SoapException class, 222225
SqlException class, 108110
syntax/compilation exceptions, 297
throwing exceptions, 343344
Web services, 222225, 238240
See also errors
ExecuteNonQuery() method, 77, 79
ExecuteReader() method, 77, 78, 79
ExecuteScalar() method, 77, 79
ExecuteXmlReader() method, 77, 80
ExecutionTimeout attribute, 61
absolute, 188, 190
cache policies, 189190
customized, 154, 187
dependency, 190, 191193
sliding, 170, 184, 188, 190, 191
explicit casting, 82, 146
extensible configuration, 49
Extensible Markup Language. See XML
Extensible Schema Definition. See XSD

Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP. NET Applications
Performance Tuning and Optimizing ASP.NET Applications
ISBN: 1590590724
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 91 © 2008-2017.
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