N, as unary operator, 218, 221

Naïve Bayes algorithm, 489

.Name functions (MDX), 758

NameColumn property, 130

named queries, 99-101, 105, 342

Named Query editor, 99-101

named sets, 74-75, 186-187

names and naming

columns, 104

custom, for levels of Parent-Child hierarchies, 223-225

data sources, 38

disambiguating between COM UDFs, 326

Friendly Name property, 104, 105

hierarchies, 124

local cubes, 549

members, 65-66

named queries, 99-101, 105, 342

named sets, 74-75, 186-187

projects and databases, 399

relationships, 105

tuple representations, 68

namespace for AMO application, 406

NameToSet function (MDX), 758-759

Native OLE DB\SQL Native Client provider, 36

NBA, data mining uses in, 486-487

nesting SCOPE statements, 190

.NET assemblies (stored procedures). See also assemblies; COM (Component Object Model) UDFs

access permissions, 327, 333, 386

adding to assemblies, 332-334

ADOMD Server stored procedures, 330-331

ADOMD.NET client object model for, 322

AMO stored procedures, 328-330

calling, 331-332, 334, 335-336

code security for, 321-322

COM example written as, 327-328

COM-based UDFs versus, 321-322, 338

creating, 327-332

database backup example, 328-330

debugging, 332, 336-337

described, 81

dimension security using, 681-683

impersonation mode options, 333-334, 387-388

languages for, 321, 327

managing assemblies, 386-389

porting COM UDFs to .NET, 338

querying, 334-335

static versus non-static functions, 331-332

as stored procedures, 321-322

tuple filtering example, 330-331

.NET data providers, 35, 93-94

.NET framework

overview, 327

porting COM UDFs to, 338

.NET-based UDFs. See .NET assemblies (stored procedures)

Neural Networks algorithm, 490

New Data Source dialog, 630, 631

New Job Step dialog (Integration Services), 590

New Project dialog, 406

New Server Registration dialog, 54-55

.NextMember function (MDX), 769, 770

no latency scenario for real-time cubes, 655-657

NON EMPTY keyword (MDX)

with Hierarchize function, 531

of NonEmpty function, 470

NON_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR keyword versus, 472-473

removing empty cells with, 202, 469-470, 471

None function (MDX), 166

NonEmpty function (MDX)

eliminating null values with, 202, 470

improving performance for filtering and sorting, 471-472

overview, 83-84, 759

NON_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR keyword (MDX), 471, 472-473

NonEmptyCrossjoin function (MDX)

deprecation of, 203

eliminating null values with, 202, 470

improving performance for filtering and sorting, 472

overview, 83-84, 759-760

non-static versus static functions, 331-332

non-volatile nature of data warehouses, 4


defined, 135

fact tables and, 7

Inmon's versus Kimball's approach and, 13

in OLAP versus transaction-based databases, 4

snowflake dimensions and, 135

speed and, 4-5

NOT operator (MDX), 80, 760

nulls, removing, 201-203, 469-471

numbers, functions returning, 696-697

numeric functions (MDX)

aggregate functions, 165-166

Count, 86, 166, 167-168, 714

DistinctCount, 87, 166, 167-168, 726

None, 166

overview, 86-87

Sum, 165, 779

Professional SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 with MDX
Professional SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 with MDX (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764579185
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 176

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