Abort() method

MessageQueueTransaction object, 1121–1122

Thread class, 354

aborting threads, 354

abstract modifier, 117, 125

AcceptSocket() method (QuoteServer class), 1278

access control lists. See ACLs

access modifiers, 94, 97

Account class, 297–299

Accumulate() method

Account class, 298–299

Action generic delegate, 299–300

described, 644

implementing for user-defined aggregates, 644–645

AccumulateIf() method, 300–301

AccumulateSimple() method (Account class), 298

acknowledgement message queues, 1120

ACLs (access control lists)

adding and removing from a file, 1225–1226

namespace for, 1222

reading from a directory, 1224–1225

reading from a file, 1222–1223

Action generic delegate, 299–301

ActionCancelEventArgs class

BusEntity class with, 190–191

Cancel property, 188

code listing, 189

derivation of, 188

Message property, 188

OnAction method, 189–190

using, 190–192

ActionEventHandler delegate, 188

Activator class

CreateInstance() method, 1027, 1028, 1029

GetObject() method, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030

overview, 1027

activator for .NET Remoting client, 1012

Active Directory

accessing native ADSI objects, 735–736

accessing properties directly by name, 731

Active Directory Domains and Trusts MMC snap-in, 721

Active Directory Sites and Services MMC snap-in, 721

Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in, 721–722

ADSI (Active Directory Service Interfaces), 723–724

ADSI Edit tool, 721, 722–723

architecture, 714–720

authentication, 729

binding, 725–729

cache, 732–733

configuration, 716

creating new objects, 733

data characteristics, 719

defined, 713

domain, 716

domain controllers, 716

domain tree, 717

DSML with, 724, 745–748

features, 714–715

finding message queues, 1103–1104

forest, 717

GC (global catalog), 717–718

getting directory entries, 730–731

hierarchical data organization, 714, 719

multimaster replication, 714, 718

object collections, 731–732

objects, defined, 715

read-mostly access, 719, 736

replication latency, 718

replication notification, 718

replication topology, 714

scheduled replication, 718

schemas, 715, 719–720

searching in, 736–745

security, 714–715

sites, 717

strong typing for objects, 715, 719

System.DirectoryServices namespace, 723, 725

updating directory entries, 734

UserSearch application, 740–745

uses for, 713

Active Directory Service Interfaces. See ADSI

Active Server Pages (ASP)

ASP.NET and, 22, 903

defined, 21

limitations of, 21–22

ActiveX controls in Windows Forms

ActiveX Control Importer for, 1168

ActiveX controls, defined, 1168

creating a Windows Forms application, 1169–1171

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) versus ADO.NET, 580

Add() method

ArrayList class, 251, 272

Hashtable class, 261

List<T> generic class, 279

SortedList class, 258

AddCulturesToTree() method, 520–522

AddDocument() method

DocumentManager class, 284, 294

PriorityDocumentManager class, 290

AddRange() method (ArrayList class), 252

AddResource() method (ResourceWriter class), 527

address operator for pointers, 207

AddToMessage() method, 323

AddToOutput() method, 319

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) versus ADO.NET, 580

ADO.NET. See also data binding; DataSet class; event-booking application; viewing .NET data

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) versus, 580

alias names to database factory objects, 585

calling stored procedures, 594–597

closing database connections, 583, 585–588

commands, defined, 589

CommandType enumeration, 590

constructing commands, 590

converting relational data to XML, 694–696

converting single table data to XML, 689–694

converting XML to ADO.NET data, 696–699

copying a DataSet, 625–626

data access provided for C# by, 25

data reader, 597–600

database authentication, 583, 584

database-specific classes, 581–582

defining a database connection string, 584

deleting database records, 591, 595–596

ensuring resources are released, 585–588

ExecuteNonQuery() method, 591

ExecuteReader() method, 591–592

ExecuteScalar() method, 592–593

ExecuteXmlReader() method, 593–594

executing commands, 590–594

getting a single result from a SQL statement, 592–593

inserting database records, 591, 596–597

isolation level for transactions, 588–589

for key generation with SQL Server, 627–629

managing data and relationships with DataSet class, 600–612

managing database connection strings, 584–585

namespaces for, 580

naming conventions, 629–630

.NET versions and, 582

OLE DB provider with, 597–600

opening database connections, 583

overview, 580–582

persisting DataSet changes, 620–625, 691–692

populating a DataSet, 619–620

reading database records, 591–592, 593–594, 597–600

reading DiffGram XML documents, 699–701

shared classes, 581

for tiered development, 625–627

transactions, 588–589

try...catch...finally blocks for releasing resources, 586, 587–588

updating database records, 591, 594–595

using database connections, 582–589

using statement for releasing resources, 586–587, 588

Web Forms and, 926–939

XML schemas, 612–618

ADSI (Active Directory Service Interfaces)

accessing native objects, 735–736

ADSI Providers, 724

cache, 732–733

defined, 724

namespace for, 723

ADSI Edit tool (Active Directory), 721, 722–723


defined, 643

user-defined, 644–645

using AVG aggregate, 643


bubble-sorting, 180

for dictionaries, 260, 262–263

sorting, globalization and, 524–525


to factory objects for databases, 585

for namespaces, 60–61

ampersand (&), as address operator for pointers, 207

AnalyzeType() method, 318–319

anonymous methods

BubbleSorter example, 180–182

defined, 176

defining delegates with, 176

delegateTest example, 176–177

event handlers, 187–188

multicast delegates with, 183–185

rules for, 177

SimpleDelegate example, 177–180

threading and, 353

AppDomain class, 414–416

Append() method (StringBuilder class), 227

AppendFormat() method (StringBuilder class), 231

Application class

EnableVisualStyles method, 785–786

methods and properties, 753

Run() method overloads, 753

application configuration files for assemblies, 450, 453–456

application domains. See also .NET Remoting

AppDomain class for, 414–416

application domain-bound objects, 1031

assemblies and, 413–416

contexts, 1015

processes and, 14–16, 413

remote objects confined to, 1017

for SQL Server 2005 databases, 634

strong data typing in IL and, 14–16

usefulness of, 14

using, 414–416

ApplyResources() method (ResourceManager class), 537

arguments. See parameters

arithmetic operators

overloading, 148, 151–152, 153–155

pointers and, 210–211

table listing, 134

array lists. See also ArrayList class

adding elements, 251, 252

arrays versus, 250

boxing and unboxing and, 272

converting to arrays, 253

copying range of items to new list, 253

dynamic growth of, 250–251

elements as object references, 251

indexers, 251

performance compared to dictionaries, 259

removing elements, 251–253

setting capacity of, 250, 251

ArrayList class. See also array lists

Add() method, 251, 272

AddRange() method, 252

dynamic growth of, 250–251

GetRange() method, 253

instantiating, 250

RemoveAt() method, 251

RemoveRange() method, 252–253

setting capacity of, 250, 251

StringBuilder class compared to, 250


accessing elements, 58

advantages and disadvantages of, 245

array lists versus, 250

ArraySegment<T> generic struct and, 303–304

as collections, 247–248

converting array lists to, 253

DataGridView control for displaying data, 804–805

finding number of elements in, 58

foreach statements for iterating through items, 54

initializing with specific dimensions, 58

overview, 57–58

pointers to, not allowed, 208

as reference types, 58

square brackets used for, 57

stack-based, using pointers, 219–222

StreamReader class with, 1215–1216

System.Array as parent class for, 245

ArraySegment<T> generic struct, 303–304

as operator, 138

ASP (Active Server Pages)

ASP.NET and, 22, 903

defined, 21

limitations of, 21–22

ASP.NET. See also PCSDemoSite application; Web Forms

ADO.NET and data binding with, 926–939

application configuration, 939–941

ASP and, 22, 903

client-side code, 905–906

code model, 909

code-behind feature, 22

COM objects in, 1171

control palette, 913–914

creating applications using C#, 21–23

creating files in Visual Studio, 906

Crystal Reports Web server controls, 914

custom controls, 944, 952–956

data Web server controls, 917–918

DHTML versus, 22

features, 22

file extensions for code, 909

forms authentication, 964–969

further information, 910

HTML server controls, 910

IIS and, 904

localization using, 544–545

login system implementation, 969–970

login Web server controls, 970–971

master pages, 956–960

navigation Web server controls, 960–963

.NET Remoting servers for, 1050–1051

overview, 904–905

pages as classes, 22

PCSWebApp1 example, 906–908, 909

performance improvements over ASP,22

restricting directory access, 971–973

runat="server" attribute, 905, 910

<script> elements, 905

security, 963–973

server control example, 920–925

similar technologies, 903

standard Web server controls, 914–917

state management in, 905

themes, 974–979

user controls, 944–952

as user interface medium, 25

validation Web server controls, 918–920

viewstate field, 905

WCF and, 1146

Web Forms, 23

Web server controls, 23, 910–925

Web services issues, 1126

WebParts Web server controls, 920

XML Web services, 23

assemblies. See also configuring assemblies

adding resources to, 528–530

as answer to DLL Hell, 412–413

application domains and, 413–416

attributes, 423–425

building, 423–425

calculating permissions required for, 481, 483–484

code access security, 464–478

creating using Visual Studio, 423–425

defined, 17, 411, 412

executable versus library code and, 17

features, 413

global assembly cache, 19, 413, 438–441

ildasm symbols, 420–421

installing, 412

manifests, 418

marking as CLS-compliant, 437

metadata in, 18

modules versus, 421–422

namespaces and, 419

obtaining details of types in, 319–320

overview, 411–416

primary interop assemblies for COM, 1166

private, 18, 412–413, 419

private versus shared, 412–413

probing to find, 451

reflection and, 19

satellite assemblies for languages, 538

shared, 19, 413, 419, 441–449

structure of, 417–418

using CLS for language independence, 427–436

versioning, 412–413, 451–460

viewing assemblies, 420–421

viewing code access permissions for, 473–476

viewing code groups for, 469–471

Visual Basic .NET not case-sensitive, 77

Assembly Cache Viewer, 439–440

Assembly class, 319–320, 452

AssemblyInfo.cs project, 423

asserting permissions, 486–487

assignment operator

assigning values to variables, 34

comparison versus assignment, 48, 134–135

shortcut operators, 135–136

asterisk (*)

as indirection operator for pointers, 207

for multi-line comments (/* and */), 31, 67–68

asynchronous .NET Remoting, 1053–1054

at sign (@) indicating identifiers, 74

ATL Project Wizard (Visual Studio), 1159–1160

atomicity of Enterprise Services transactions, 1078

attributes. See also reflection

of assemblies, 423–425

assembly, defined with Enterprise Services applications, 1071

COM and, 17

COM interop attributes, 1175–1178

of contexts (.NET Remoting), 1015–1016

custom, 306–313

for custom controls (Windows Forms), 787–788

of Enterprise Services transactions, 1079

.NET support for, 17

for user controls (ASP.NET), 947

for user controls (Windows Forms), 798–799

AttributeUsage attribute, 307–309


in Active Directory binding path, 729

AuthenticateUser() method, 1002

database authentication with ADO.NET, 583, 584

Login() method for obtaining token, 1002–1003, 1005

for shared assemblies, 442

for Web Forms, 964–969

automatic transactions, 1068, 1078

AVG aggregate, 643

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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