

call stacks, 703 “704
callbacks, remote JavaScript, 594 “595
cancelBubble property, Event object, 328
capability detection. See browser capabilities detection
capitalization. See case sensitivity
caption object, HTMLTableCaptionElement, 784
<caption>, 406, 408, 784
capture phase, DOM2 Event model, 330
caret (^ ), positional indicator, 194, 200
Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
case sensitivity
HTML and, 25 “26
implications of, 25
naming conventions and, 68
case statements, in switch/case, 36 “37, 100
catch. See try...catch statements
center object, HTMLElement, 784 “785
<center>, 784
CGI scripts
automatic error reporting, 712
cookies and, 529
data- intensive Web applications, 660
sending message to servers with, 582
character classes, 198 “202
commonly used, 201 “202
negative, 200 “201
overview of, 198 “200
regular expressions, 749 “750
character sets, string data type, 54 “55
charAt( ) method, String object, 54, 184
Checkbox object, HTMLInputElement, 785 “786
checkboxes, 431 “435
cite object, HTMLElement, 786
<cite>, 786
class attribute, <div> tag, 493
class properties, objects, 155 “156
class-based object-oriented languages, 151, 558
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 283 “284
DHTML styles, 493 “494
classid attribute, <object>, 574 “575
clearInterval( ) method, Window object, 369 “370
clearTimeout( ) method, Window object, 368
click( )method, form input, 423
client capability detection, MS client, 549 “551
clientInformation object, browser objects, 786
clipboardData object, browser objects, 786 “787
cloneNode( ) method, 267
close( ) method
Document object, 389 “391
Window object, 61, 353 “354
coding style, 723 “724
defensive programming and, 709 “710
hiding, 720 “723
protecting, 724 “726
speed of writing, 724
value of commenting, 44
code blocks, 28, 77 “78
code object, HTMLElement, 787
<code>, 787
codebase attribute, ActiveX, 575
col object, HTMLTableColElement, 787 “788
<col>, 787
colGroup object, HTMLTableColElement, 788
<colgroup>, 788
CSS, 283 “284
DOM Level 1, 398 “399
IE, 232, 645 “646
color properties, Document object, 385 “388
COM (Component Object Model), 655
comma operator (,), 90 “91
syntax reference, 742
comment nodes, 271
functions, 131
overview of, 43 “44
communication, remote JavaScript
one-way, 582 “583
two-way, 585 “586
comparison operators, 87 “89
comparing strings, 88 “89
list of, 87
not confusing with assignment operator, 27
overview of, 87 “88
compile( ) method, RegExp object, 204 “205
Component Object Model (COM), 655
composite data types. See data types, composite
computed styles, DHTML, 494 “496
concat( ) method
Array object, 167 “168
String object, 186
conditional compilation, IE (Internet Explorer), 648 “650
conditional operators, 89 “90, 740 “741
conditional statements, 36, 746
confirm( ) method, Window object, 40, 348 “350
constants, Math object, 181
constructors. See also new keyword
Array( ) constructor, 159
Date( ) constructor, 174 “175
Enumerator( ) constructor, 647
new operator and, 135
objects, 61 “62, 152 “153
String( ) constructor, 183 “184
context menus , DHTML, 520 “521
context, variable execution, 70, 73 “74
continue statements
flow control and, 106 “107
labels and, 106 “107, 747
loops and, 38 “39, 105 “106, 747
conversion. See type conversion
cookie property, Document object, 523
cookies, 522 “532
anatomy of, 523
cookie based-RPCs, 588 “589
customization with, 529 “531
deleting, 526 “527
limitations of, 531 “532
one-time pop-ups, 528
overview of, 522
parsing, 525 “526
reading, 524 “525
redirects, 528
security, 527
setting, 523 “524
state management with, 527
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 174
core languages. See languages, core
core objects, object model, 221
createElement( ) method, XHTML/HTML, 404
createEvent( ) method, DOM2, 341
createPopup( ), DHTML, 670
cross-browser support, 247
cross-site scripting
overview of, 692 “693
preventing, 693 “694
remote JavaScript and, 592
crunching , 724
cryptography, 527
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), 276 “287
classes and collections for dynamic style, 283 “284
complex style rules, 285 “287
displaying XML documents with, 614 “615
DOM standards and, 134
inline style manipulation, 276 “282
mapping to DOM, 277 “279
positioning, 477 “478
rollover buttons and, 475 “476
rule object, CSSrule, 861 “862
visibility property, 511
CSS Filters, IE extensions, 654 “655
cssRules[ ] collection, 286
curly brackets ({}), 28, 77 “78
currentStyle object, proprietary document objects, 788

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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