

McDonald's 117, 178, 186, 187 “94
Macintosh 123 “4
Macrae, C. 175
Makro 56
concept 3
economy 34 “5
globalization 18 “21
models 3 “4
market research 133
criticism 134
cross-cultural reliability 149 “57
errors 135 “6
cross-cultural validity 138 “49
international research instruments 138
sampling 136 “8
ethnic minorities 157 “9
methodologies 133 “4
experimentation 135
observation 135
survey research 135
understanding meaning 135
marketing 27
across cultures 15 “16
basic cultural mistakes 40 “1, 42
as business ideology 6
challenges to 29 “30
closed-loop techniques 247
conceptual framework 10
creation of wealth 17
creative tensions 11 “12
cultural aspects 6 “7
definitions 4, 18, 165
development 5 “6
dilemmas 308 “9
discipline of 4 “5
importance of culture 7 “8
indivualist 71 “2
new theory 18 “24
orientation 6
product life curve 34
promotions 5
segments 78
seven dimensions model 16 “17
standardization 21
techniques 48 “9
marketing research 133
Marketing Science Institute 292
Marks & Spencer 203
Marlboro 72
Maruyama, 113
mass customization 246
mass manufacturing 59 “62
mass media 20
MasterCard 168
Matsuya 117
measurement of meaning see market research
mechanistic approach 107
MediNet 80
Melville, Herman 168
Mercedes Benz 116, 284
Merrill Lynch 258, 259 “60, 266
metaphysics 134 “5
Mintzberg, Henry 283
Mitsubishi 294
Moore, M. 200
motor cars 5, 64, 76 “7, 108 “9, 116, 165 “6, 170, 284
Motorola 104
multi-tasking 125 “6

Marketing Across Cultures
Marketing Across Cultures (Culture for Business Series)
ISBN: 1841124710
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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