I. Identification. Identify the following.
__________1. | It is a tool used whenever you need to perform calculations. These calculations can involve mathematical, financial, or scientific data. |
__________2. | It is a vertical block of cells identified by a unique alphabetical letter. |
__________3. | It is also called a file. It contains multiple worksheets and chart sheets. You can switch between worksheets within a workbook easily. |
__________4. | A computer-generated spreadsheet that makes the basic tasks much easier. |
__________5. | It is made up of rows and columns where you enter labels, numbers and formulas. It contains 256 columns with alphabet headings and 65,536 numbered rows. |
__________6. | It indicates the location of the active cell. |
__________7. | A window within an office application that provides commonly used commands. Its location and small size allows you to use these commands while working on your files. |
__________8. | It displays the data you typed in the cell. It also allows you to edit your formula easily. |
__________9. | It is used to protect your files from other user. |
__________10. | It is use to view a sheet. |
II. Enumeration. Write what is asked.
Different ways to exit MS Excel
Parts of the Worksheet Window
III. Labeling: Label the parts of the MS Excel Window. Write your answer on the space provided below.