Jim Duncan is the Group Director of Business Development for Meggitt Aerospace Equipment (MAE) Group, a strategic business unit of Meggitt PLC. MAE companies specialize in products and services around the following technologies: thermal management systems, fluid dynamics, engineered materials, extreme environment cabling, and sensors and subsystems. Duncan is a Partner and Co-founder of Blue Sky Management and Consultants, Ltd. Blue Sky was organized to develop investment, technology transfer, strategic business development, and manufacturing opportunities for technology-oriented companies. Duncan was the Executive Vice President for Business Development of Zone5 Wireless Systems Inc., a Rockwell Science Center (RSC) spin-off company. He was a co-founder of the venture-capital-backed start-up business for wireless ad hoc data network products. Prior to joining Zone5, Duncan was the Director, Business Development & Commercialization at Rockwell Science Center (RSC). He led the commercialization of RSC's wireless integrated network sensor technologythe technology licensed to Zone5. The product, HIDRA, won industry recognition, receiving Product of the Year awards in 2000 and 2001. The technology addressed the convergence of processing, radio frequency, ad hoc networks, and sensor technologies. Before joining the Science Center, Duncan co-founded and directed an international (operations on Taiwan and North America) start-up company that designed, produced, marketed, and distributed wireless consumer productsstereo speakers and audio/video surveillance systems. Duncan has held major business development and marketing positions with technology-based companies over the past 20 years: Research (Rockwell Scientific), Antenna and Radar Subsystems (Teledyne Ryan Electronics), Systems Integration (Teledyne Electronic Systems), Aircraft Prime manufacturer (Kaman), Consumer electronics (Paradox), Commercial (Zone5), and consulting (Blue Sky). Duncan is a former U.S. Naval aviator. While a commissioned officer he flew missions in the Kaman H-2 and Sikorsky SH-60B antisubmarine warfare helicopters. He graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with a B.S. in physical science. |