

ID3DXBuffer interface, manually inserting into a shader declaration, 212

ideal diffuse reflection, 41

IDirect3D interface, calling

GetDeviceCaps(), 115

if blocks, placing inside if-endif or loop-endloop blocks, 225

if-else-endif block

providing an alternate path of execution for, 217

start of, 225-226

if-endif block

else instruction must be inside of, 217

termination point for, 217-218

if instruction, 225-226

ifc-endif block, termination point for, 217-218

illuminated surface, 13

illumination, physically based, 58-74

illumination source. See lights

immediate constants, 198

incident light, hitting a surface, 58

incident light energy, relating with outgoing light energy, 76-77

index of refraction, 60

data for, 70

as a function of the wavelength of the light, 62

infinite light, Lambertian diffuse lighting with, 157-158, 159

inner product. See dot product

input registers, 197-199

computing the absolute value of, 205

declaration statement required in, 211

mapping vertex elements to, 210-211

for pixel shaders, 282-285

removing the integer part of, 224-225, 302-303

shifting the range of, 357

input streams, determining the maximum number, 127

input vertex

one-to-one correspondence with an output vertex, 92

transforming to clip space, 97

input vertex registers (vn), 197, 198-199

input vertex streams

mapping with input vertex shader registers, 199

specifying the location of, 101

instruction label

making a function call to, 208-209

making an unconditional function call to, 207-208

instruction label ID, 207

instruction modifiers, 367-369

instruction pairing, 369-371


add instruction, 206, 288-289

bem (bump environment map) instruction, 290-291

call instruction, 207-208, 226-227

callnz instruction, 208-209, 226-227

case sensitivity of, 193

cmp (compare) instruction, 292-293

cnd (conditional) instruction, 293-294

dcl (declare) instruction, 210-211, 296

def (define) instruction, 136, 198, 211-212, 284, 297

defb instruction, 213

defi instruction, 212-213

dp2add instruction, 291, 297-298

dp3 (dot product 3) instruction, 214, 298-299, 371

dp4 (dot product 4) instruction, 215, 300-301

dst instruction, 216

else instruction, 217

endif instruction, 217-218

endloop instruction, 218-219, 234

endrep instruction, 219-220

exp instruction, 301-302

expp instruction, 220, 221-223

frc (fractional) instruction, 302-303

if instruction, 225-226

label instruction, 226-227

lit instruction, 173, 227-229

log instruction, 303-304

logp instruction, 230, 231-234

loop instruction, 234-236, 258

mad (multiply and add) instruction, 173, 246-247, 312, 313

max instruction, 247-248

maximum allowed in vertex shaders, 204

min instruction, 248-249

mov instruction, 250-251, 315-316

mova instruction, 251-252

mul instruction, 253, 316-317

nop (no operation) instruction, 254, 317

order of appearance in a pixel shader, 274

phase instruction, 274, 275, 319-320

for pixel shaders, 273

ps instruction, 321-322

rcp (reciprocal) instruction, 256-257, 322-323

rep instruction, 234, 258-259

ret instruction, 207, 259

rsq (reciprocal square root) instruction, 260-261, 323-324

sge instruction, 261-262

slt instruction, 265-266

sub instruction, 266-267, 326, 327

tex instruction, 326-327

tex3x3pad instruction, using texm3x3 with, 346

texbem instruction, 328-329

texbeml instruction, 329-330

texcoord instruction, 203-204, 330-331, 332

texcrd instruction, 203-204, 285, 332-333

texdepth instruction, 333-334

texdp3 instruction, 334-335

texdp3tex instruction, 336-337

texkill instruction, 337-338

texld instruction, 285, 338-340

texldb instruction, 340-341

texldp instruction, 341-342

texm3x2depth instruction, 343-344

texm3x2pad instruction, 343, 344-345, 345

texm3x2tex instruction, 345-346

texm3x3 instruction, 346-347, 348

texm3x3pad instruction, 347-348

texm3x3spec instruction, 284-285, 348, 348-350

texm3x3tex instruction, 350-351

texm3x3vspec instruction, 351-352

texreg2ar instruction, 352-353

texreg2gb instruction, 354-355

texreg2rgb instruction, 355-356

textdepth instruction, 286

types of in a pixel shader, 274

vs instruction, 267-268

integer array, setting for the DirectX 9 style vertex shader, 134-135

integer label, calling, 226

integer part of the input register, removing, 224-225, 302-303


of a particular color element, 23

scaling color values by, 28

inter-object reflectance term, simple lighting model's lack of, 40

interactive debugging capability, 140-141, 142

interactive tool, for experimenting with shader code, 139

internal temporary registers, 200-202

interpolated color value, in a texture register, 285

inverse scaling factor, transforming normals by, 104

inverse transpose model-view-projection matrix, transforming the normal of the vertex by, 150-151

invert modifier, 357

isotropic reflection, perfect, 39

isotropic transformation, 104

iterative vertex shaders, ability for, 202

Real-Time Shader Programming(c) Covering Directx 9. 0
Real-Time Shader Programming (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
ISBN: 1558608532
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 104
Authors: Ron Fosner © 2008-2017.
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