Section 7.7. Command-Line Open Directory Tools

7.7. Command-Line Open Directory Tools

Mac OS X provides a suite of command-line tools to view and manage the information in Open Directory. The most useful of these tools are:


A general-purpose interactive command-line tool for working with data in any Open Directory data source, including LDAP, NetInfo, SMB, and Bonjour. This tool can also be used in single-shot mode.


An interactive command-line tool for working with data in a NetInfo database. Unlike dscl, this tool will not work with any other data source. This tool can also be used in single-shot mode.


Extracts data from a NetInfo database into either legacy Unix flat file formats (such as the files found in the /etc directory) or into a NetInfo-specific raw format.


Loads data from a flat file, either a Unix /etc format file or a NetInfo raw format file.


A single-shot tool used for reading and writing information to a NetInfo database. You should consider using nicl in single-shot mode instead of this tool.


Searches through a NetInfo database for directories that match a pattern.


Searches through a NetInfo database for directories or properties that match a particular pattern.

Of these commands, the most useful are dscl, nicl,nidump, and niload.

7.7.1. Backing Up and Restoring a NetInfo Database

Before you get too creative with your NetInfo database, you should make sure you have a good backup of it. You can create a backup simply by copying the /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb directory. For example, you can use the following to create a backup:

     sudo cp -R /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb /var/backups/backup.nidb

If you manage to get the NetInfo database into a state where it can't be used, you can boot into single-user mode by holding down -S as the computer starts up. When you are presented with the single-user prompt (#), execute the commands in Example 7-1.

Example 7-1. Restoring the NetInfo database in single-user mode
 # /sbin/fsck -y # /sbin/mount -uw / # mv /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb /var/backups/damaged.nidb # cp -R /var/backups/backup.nidb /var/db/netinfo/local.nidb

The first command makes sure that the filesystem is safe. The second command mounts the filesystem in read/write mode. The third command moves the damaged database out of the way. The fourth copies the backup copy of the database back into place.

7.7.2. Using dscl

The dscl command-line tool is an interactive program like the shell, which means that when you run it, it stays active. And, like the shell, it features tab-completion and a history. This lets you navigate through the large amounts of data that can be present in Open Directory. The best way to learn how to use this tool is to go on a guided tour. Example 7-2 shows how to launch dscl so it connects to Open Directory running on your local system.

Example 7-2. Launching dscl
 $dscl . / >

The dot is important; it means connect to Open Directory on the local system. You'll notice that the prompt changes to the greater-than (>) symbol. This means that dscl is ready to accept your commands. Table 7-1 lists the various commands you can use. The top level of the directory tree that you are at when you start dscl contains the various directory sources that Open Directory has access to. To see these sources of directory information, use the list command, as shown in Example 7-3.

Table 7-1. dscl commands




Prints out the various commands for dscl.

list [path]

Lists the subdirectories of the given directory. If no path is given, the subdirectories of the current directory will be listed.

cd path

Changes the working directory to the path given.

read [path [key]]

Reads the properties in a directory. If no path is given, the current path is used. You can specify a particular key of a property to read. If no key is given, all the properties of the path will be printed.

search path key val

Searches for records that match a pattern at the given path.

auth user [password]

Authenticate to the system as a user. You can either specify a password or let dscl prompt you for one.

create path [key [val]]

Creates a path or a property with the given key and value at a path. This command will overwrite any existing path or property.

append path key val

Appends a property value to the property at the given path.

merge path key val

Appends a property value to the property at the given path if the value does not already exist.

delete path [key [val]]

Deletes a path or a property value at the given path.

change path key oldval newval

Changes the property value at the given path.

changei path key index val

Changes the property value at a given index for the given path.

passwd userPath [newPassword]

Changes the password for the user whose record is at a given path.


Quits dscl.

Example 7-3. Using the dscl list command
 / > list NetInfo LDAPv3 PasswordServer Bonjour SLP SMB Search Contact / >

To take a look at the NetInfo database that serves as the local directory service domain, use cd and then the list command, as shown in Example 7-4.

Example 7-4. Using the dscl cd and list commands
 / > cd NetInfo/ /NetInfo/root > list AFPUserAliases Aliases Config Groups Hosts Machines Networks Users /NetInfo/root >

You'll notice the exact same set of subdirectories in the NetInfo tree here as you saw in NetInfo Manager, with one key difference, the initial letter in each directory name is in uppercase. This reflects a mapping from the lowercase names that NetInfo uses to the new naming convention used by Open Directory. You can view the properties of a subdirectory record with the read command, as shown in Example 7-5.

To take a look at the NetInfo database that serves as the local directory service domain, use the cd and then the list commands as shown in Example 7-4.

Example 7-5. Using the dscl read command
 /NetInfo/root > read Users/jldera _shadow_passwd: _writers_hint: jldera _writers_passwd: jldera _writers_picture: jldera _writers_realname: jldera _writers_tim_password: jldera naprivs: -2147483137 sharedDir: AppleMetaNodeLocation: /NetInfo/root AuthenticationAuthority: ;ShadowHash;HASHLIST:<SALTED-SHA1,SMB-NT,SMB-LAN-MANAGER> AuthenticationHint: GeneratedUID: 1827A3B8-CBD8-4466-B817-0E47FB30D441 NFSHomeDirectory: /Users/jldera Password: ******** Picture: /Library/Caches/ PrimaryGroupID: 501 RealName: Jason Deraleau RecordName: jldera RecordType: dsRecTypeStandard:Users UniqueID: 501 UserShell: /bin/bash

Once again, you should notice that this is basically the same information that you saw in NetInfo Manager, but some of the names are different. You'll also notice the difference in capitalization due to a bit of translation behind the scenes between the older NetInfo style of naming and the newer Open Directory style. Table 7-2 provides a mapping of these properties. If you just want to read a single property from a user record, you can use the read command, as shown in Example 7-6.

Table 7-2. Mapping Between Open Directory- and NetInfo-style user property names

Open Directory property key

NetInfo property key























Example 7-6. Reading a single property from a user record
     /NetInfo/root/Users > read jldera UserShell UserShell: /bin/bash 

So far, you've only been reading values from the database. To write a value, you'll first need to authenticate and then use the create command. For example, if you wanted to set the AuthenticationHint property, you would use the set of commands shown in Example 7-7.

Example 7-7. Writing a property to a user record
 /NetInfo/root/Users > auth jldera Password: ******** /NetInfo/root/Users > create jldera AuthenticationHint "Name of my pet"

Now, when you take a look at the AuthenticationHint property, you'll see that it has changed, as shown in Example 7-8.

Example 7-8. Checking a modified property
 /NetInfo/root/Users > read jldera AuthenticationHint 

AuthenticationHint: Name of my pet

One important thing to note about the auth command is that it will authenticate you only in the directory database in which you are working. For example, if you have an LDAPv3 directory configured in Open Directory, when you authenticate in the NetInfo database, you are not authenticated in the LDAPv3 database.

When you are ready to leave the dscl shell, use the quit command.

You can also use dscl in single-shot modethis is where you can enter a command directly at the shell prompt and it won't result in an interactive shell. For example, from the command line, we can read the AuthenticationHint property, as shown in Example 7-9.

Example 7-9. Using dscl in single-shot mode
 $dscl localhost -read /NetInfo/root/Users/jldera AuthenticationHint AuthenticationHint: Name of my pet 

7.7.3. nicl

The nicl command works in much the same way as the dscl command. The major difference between the two is that nicl presents only data in the NetInfo database and presents property names in NetInfo format. To run nicl, use the command shown in Example 7-10.

Example 7-10. Starting nicl
 $nicl. / >

When you are at the nicl prompt, you can use the same commands as dscl, listed in Table 7-1. For example, to list the directories at the top of the NetInfo tree, use the list command, as shown in Example 7-11.

Example 7-11. Using the nicl list command
 / > list 1          users 2          groups 3          machines 4          networks 5          protocols 6          rpcs 7          services 8          aliases 9          mounts 10         printers

You can see from the output in Example 7-11 that each directory in the NetInfo database has a number associated with it as well as a name. To read the properties associated with a user, use the read command, as shown in Example 7-12. The property names are quite similar to those used when viewing the data with dscl. Table 7-2 lists mappings of some major properties.

7.7.4. nidump

Example 7-12. Using the nicl read command
 / > read /users/jldera name: jldera home: /Users/jldera gid: 501 picture: /Library/Caches/ uid: 501 hint: sharedDir: shell: /bin/bash passwd: ******** authentication_authority: ;ShadowHash;HASHLIST:<SALTED-SHA1,SMB-NT,SMB-LAN-MANAGER> realname: Jason Deraleau generateduid: 1827A3B8-CBD8-4466-B817-0E47FB30D441 naprivs: -2147483137 _writers_passwd: jldera _writers_tim_password: jldera _writers_picture: jldera _writers_hint: jldera _shadow_passwd: _writers_realname: jldera

The nidump command is used primarily for outputting the contents of the NetInfo database in standard Unix formats and for making backups of the database. For example, to output the user information in the database in the traditional format used by /etc/passwd, you would use the nidump command, as shown in Example 7-13.

Example 7-13. Using the nidump command
 $nidump passwd . nobody:*:-2:-2::0:0:Unprivileged User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false root:*:0:0::0:0:System Administrator:/var/root:/bin/sh daemon:*:1:1::0:0:System Services:/var/root:/usr/bin/false unknown:*:99:99::0:0:Unknown User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false lp:*:26:26::0:0:Printing Services:/var/spool/cups:/usr/bin/false postfix:*:27:27::0:0:Postfix User:/var/spool/postfix:/usr/bin/false www:*:70:70::0:0:World Wide Web Server:/Library/WebServer:/usr/bin/false eppc:*:71:71::0:0:Apple Events User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false mysql:*:74:74::0:0:MySQL Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false sshd:*:75:75::0:0:sshd Privilege separation:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false qtss:*:76:76::0:0:QuickTime Streaming Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false cyrusimap:*:77:6::0:0:Cyrus IMAP User:/var/imap:/usr/bin/false mailman:*:78:78::0:0:Mailman user:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false appserver:*:79:79::0:0:Application Server:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false clamav:*:82:82::0:0:Clamav User:/var/virusmails:/bin/tcsh amavisd:*:83:83::0:0:Amavisd User:/var/virusmails:/bin/tcsh jabber:*:84:84::0:0:Jabber User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false xgridcontroller:*:85:85::0:0:Xgrid Controller:/var/xgrid/controller:/usr/bin/false xgridagent:*:86:86::0:0:Xgrid Agent:/var/xgrid/agent:/usr/bin/false appowner:*:87:87::0:0:Application Owner:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false windowserver:*:88:88::0:0:WindowServer:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false tokend:*:91:91::0:0:Token Daemon:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false securityagent:*:92:92::0:0:SecurityAgent:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false jldera:********:501:501::0:0:Jason Deraleau:/Users/jldera:/bin/bash panic:********:502:502::0:0:Colonel Panic:/Users/panic:/bin/bash

To make a backup of the NetInfo database, handy for when you want to make potentially harmful changes, use the following command:

     $ nidump -r / . > nibackup.txt 

7.7.5. niload

The niload command is complementary to nidump. This command can accept a variety of Unix /etc file formats as input to add data to a NetInfo database. For example, the following command loads a /etc/passwd-style file named userlist into the database:

     $ niload passwd . < userlist 

To perform a full database restore from the output of an nidump command, you would use the following command:

     $ niload -r / . < nibackup.txt 

Running Mac OS X Tiger
Running Mac OS X Tiger: A No-Compromise Power Users Guide to the Mac (Animal Guide)
ISBN: 0596009135
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 166 © 2008-2017.
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