
XmlDocument CF 1.0

System.Xml (system.xml.dll) class

This class represents an XML document according to the W3C DOM (Document Object Model) specification. The document is represented as a node tree, in which elements and attributes (and their values) are stored as nodes that contain relational information (e.g., parent, child, siblings). XmlDocument derives from the generic XmlNode class and therefore has a node-type of Document.

The set of Create* methods create new objects of any type of node. These objects are created within the context of the XmlDocument ; they share the document properties and name table of the parent document. However, they are not inserted into the document. To do this, you need to use the methods for node insertion from XmlNode . A new XmlNode is created from the root node of the XmlDocument ; then methods for walking the node tree and appending or inserting nodes can be used to alter the source document.

Events are noted when any nodes (even created node objects that have not been inserted into the document) from this object change. Register an instance of the XmlNodeChangedEventHandler delegate with any of the following event types on XmlDocument to receive the corresponding notification: NodeChanged or NodeChanging for notification when a node has or is in the middle of changing (the element name is being modified, an attribute is being modified, added, or removed, and so on); NodeInserted or NodeInserting for notifications of new nodes having been or in the process of being added to the document; and NodeRemoved or NodeRemoving for nodes removed or in the process of being removed. The XmlNodeChangedEventHandler takes two arguments: the object sending the notification (this object), and an XmlNodeChangedEventArgs instance containing information about the change.

 public class  XmlDocument  : XmlNode {  // Public Constructors  public  XmlDocument  ( );    public  XmlDocument  (XmlNameTable   nt   );  // Protected Constructors  protected internal  XmlDocument  (XmlImplementation   imp   );  // Public Instance Properties  public override string  BaseURI  {get; }  // overrides XmlNode  public XmlElement  DocumentElement  {get; }    public virtual XmlDocumentType  DocumentType  {get; }    public XmlImplementation  Implementation  {get; }    public override string  InnerXml  {set; get; }  // overrides XmlNode  public override bool  IsReadOnly  {get; }  // overrides XmlNode  public override string  LocalName  {get; }  // overrides XmlNode  public override string  Name  {get; }  // overrides XmlNode  public XmlNameTable  NameTable  {get; }    public override XmlNodeType  NodeType  {get; }  // overrides XmlNode  public override XmlDocument  OwnerDocument  {get; }  // overrides XmlNode  public bool  PreserveWhitespace  {set; get; }    public virtual XmlResolver  XmlResolver  {set; }  // Public Instance Methods  public override XmlNode  CloneNode  (bool   deep   );  // overrides XmlNode  public XmlAttribute  CreateAttribute  (string   name   );    public XmlAttribute  CreateAttribute  (string   qualifiedName   , string   namespaceURI   );    public virtual XmlAttribute  CreateAttribute  (string   prefix   , string   localName   ,          string   namespaceURI   );    public virtual XmlCDataSection  CreateCDataSection  (string   data   );    public virtual XmlComment  CreateComment  (string   data   );    public virtual XmlDocumentFragment  CreateDocumentFragment  ( );   internalSubset   );    public virtual XmlDocumentType  CreateDocumentType  (string   name   , string   publicId   ,          string   systemId   ,  string    public XmlElement  CreateElement  (string   name   );    public XmlElement  CreateElement  (string   qualifiedName   , string   namespaceURI   );    public virtual XmlElement  CreateElement  (string   prefix   , string   localName   , string   namespaceURI   );    public virtual XmlEntityReference  CreateEntityReference  (string   name   );    public virtual XmlNode  CreateNode  (string   nodeTypeString   , string   name   , string   namespaceURI   );    public virtual XmlNode  CreateNode  (XmlNodeType   type   , string   name   , string   namespaceURI   );    public virtual XmlNode  CreateNode  (XmlNodeType   type   , string   prefix   , string   name   ,          string   namespaceURI   );    public virtual XmlProcessingInstruction  CreateProcessingInstruction  (string   target   , string   data   );    public virtual XmlSignificantWhitespace  CreateSignificantWhitespace  (string   text   );    public virtual XmlText  CreateTextNode  (string   text   );    public virtual XmlWhitespace  CreateWhitespace  (string   text   );    public virtual XmlDeclaration  CreateXmlDeclaration  (string   version   , string   encoding   ,          string   standalone   );    public virtual XmlElement  GetElementById  (string   elementId   );    public virtual XmlNodeList  GetElementsByTagName  (string   name   );    public virtual XmlNodeList  GetElementsByTagName  (string   localName   , string   namespaceURI   );    public virtual XmlNode  ImportNode  (XmlNode   node   , bool   deep   );    public virtual void  Load  (System.IO.Stream   inStream   );    public virtual void  Load  (string   filename   );    public virtual void  Load  (System.IO.TextReader   txtReader   );    public virtual void  Load  (XmlReader   reader   );    public virtual void  LoadXml  (string   xml   );    public virtual XmlNode  ReadNode  (XmlReader   reader   );    public virtual void  Save  (System.IO.Stream   outStream   );    public virtual void  Save  (string   filename   );    public virtual void  Save  (System.IO.TextWriter   writer   );    public virtual void  Save  (XmlWriter   w   );    public override void  WriteContentTo  (XmlWriter   xw   );  // overrides XmlNode  public override void  WriteTo  (XmlWriter   w   );  // overrides XmlNode   // Protected Instance Methods  protected internal virtual XmlAttribute  CreateDefaultAttribute  (string   prefix   , string   localName   ,          string   namespaceURI   );    protected internal virtual XPathNavigator  CreateNavigator  (XmlNode   node   );  // Events  public event XmlNodeChangedEventHandler  NodeChanged  ;    public event XmlNodeChangedEventHandler  NodeChanging  ;    public event XmlNodeChangedEventHandler  NodeInserted  ;    public event XmlNodeChangedEventHandler  NodeInserting  ;    public event XmlNodeChangedEventHandler  NodeRemoved  ;    public event XmlNodeChangedEventHandler  NodeRemoving  ; } 


System.Object XmlNode(System.ICloneable , System.Collections.IEnumerable , System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable) XmlDocument



Returned By

XmlImplementation.CreateDocument( ) , XmlNode.OwnerDocument

C# in a Nutshell
C # in a Nutshell, Second Edition
ISBN: 0596005261
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 963

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