Exiting Excel

When you are finished working in Excel, you should save any work you have completed and then shut down the program. (To learn how to save workbook files, see Chapter 3, "Working with Workbook Files.") If you do not save your workbook before shutting down, you risk losing your workbook, or at least losing whatever changes you made since you last saved it.

To exit Excel, take one of the following steps:

  • Open the File menu and choose Exit .

  • Click the Excel program window's Close ( X ) button.

  • Press Alt+F4 . (Hold down the Alt key while pressing the F4 key.)



If you shut down Excel before saving changes to a workbook, Excel beeps and displays a dialog box asking whether you want to save your workbook before exiting. Click Yes to save it, No to lose your changes, or Cancel to continue working in Excel.

The Absolute Minimum

In this chapter, you learned how to take control of Excel and make it work for you. Congratulations on becoming a master of the Excel interface! You now have a solid understanding of Excel's program window, workbook window, menus , toolbars , dialog boxes, and help system.

You can successfully start up Excel when you're ready to work and shut it down at the end of the day.

You know the name of every part of Excel's program window, and you can explain its purpose and show how to use it.

You know how to enter commands by clicking toolbar buttons or selecting commands from menus.

You can successfully navigate any dialog box and Excel's 12 task panes.

You know how to get help when you need it.

This chapter may not have been the most fun, but it has taught you the basic moves you need to know to move around in Excel and enter commands. In other words, you just completed the driver's education portion of your Excel training program. You are now fully qualified to begin using Excel to create your own worksheets and workbooks.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Excel 2003
Absolute Beginners Guide to Microsoft Office Excel 2003
ISBN: 0789729415
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 189

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