salvaging data, 206209

SAMPLE option, 113

SaveCheckPoint property, 381

scalability in replication, 480

scale, data types, 441

Scan Density statistic, 312–313

SCC (Source Code Control) systems, 538539

Schedule tab, 14

Scheduler Health report, 25, 26


SQL Server Agent jobs, 243

SSRS strategy, 345, 346

Schema Changes History reports, 25, 50

schemas, 585

Script Component transforms, 377

Script task, 374


breakpoints, 385

migration, 545546

server and database recovery, 205206, 206

secure data, 402

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 491


databases, 555556

authentication, 575578, 576

encryption, 570574, 570

exam essentials, 590

implementing, 583586, 583

level of privileges, 561563

logins. See logins

permissions, 557559, 578581, 586589, 586588

review questions, 591596

service access, 559561

service packs, 564

summary, 589

surface area, 567570, 568569

updates, 565566

replication, 491492

servers, 523524

analyzing, 524527

business and regulatory requirements, 526527

change control. See change control

control strategies, 537538

denial-of-service attacks, 529530

design variations, 527

exam essentials, 547

injection attacks, 528529

internal attacks, 533536, 534536

review questions, 548553

summary, 546

version control systems, 538539

worms and viruses, 530532

SSIS packages, 378380, 380

SSRS, 342343

Security Analysis and Configuration tool, 589

security principals, 579

Security Properties dialog box, 582, 582

securityadmin role, 580

self-mapping, 464–465

Send Mail task, 374

Sequence containers, 373


Serializable isolation, 124–126

server administrator auditing, 586588, 586588

server and network level replication, 511512

@server argument, 459

server-based reporting tools, 403

Server Dashboard report, 25, 25

server failures, scripts for, 205206, 206

server-level DDL triggers, 270, 542

server-level information, 323

server-to-client environment replication, 481

serveradmin role, 580


See also SQL Server

audit checklist, 574

linked. See linked servers

logins, 578580

monitoring. See physical server monitoring

performance, 2024

roles, 580581

security. See security

SSRS, 341342

status, 338

Service Accounts account, 558

Service Broker service, 274276, 275

Service Broker Statistics report, 27

service brokers, 36

service master keys, 572

service packs, 564


access to, 559561

accounts, 557558

auditing, 562

level of privileges, 561

lockouts, 562563, 562563

selecting, 558559

identities, 338

Service Broker, 275

Services and Connections window, 569

SESSION entity, locks for, 127

SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY statement, 146–147

SET SHOWPLAN_ALL statement, 81

SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT statement, 81

SET SHOWPLAN_XML statement, 81


SET STATISTICS XML statement, 82


sets, 417

checksums, 424425

EXCEPT operator, 419422, 421422

intersections, 422424, 424

unions, 417419, 418419

setupadmin role, 581

shared locks, 129

SHARED_TRANSACTION_WORKSP ACE entity, locks for, 127

Show All Events option, 148

SHOW_STATISTICS statement, 51, 112

SHOWCONTIG statement, 51, 52, 312314

SHOWPLAN_ALL statement, 81

SHOWPLAN_TEXT statement, 81

SHOWPLAN_XML statement, 81

SHRINKDATABASE command, 314315

SHRINKFILE command, 315316


databases, 314315

files, 315316

SI (snapshot isolation), 125–126

Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), 339

SIMPLE recovery model, 182

single copy approach to conflicts, 427

SINGLE_USER option, 138

site autonomy in replication, 480

SKIP option, 193

Slammer worm, 530, 532

Slowly Changing Dimension transforms, 377

smalldatetime data type, 441

smallint data type, 440

smallmoney data type, 441

SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol), 339

Snapshot Agent (snapshot.exe), 175, 478479

Snapshot Agent page, 484

Snapshot Folder page, 482

snapshot isolation (SI), 125–126

snapshot replication, 176, 476, 477

performance tuning, 513

updating subscribers, 430431, 431


database, 189

multiple copies, single maintenance approach, 428

Report Manager, 342, 342

restoring, 201204, 203

SSRS for, 349

sort transforms, 377

Sort Warnings event class, 240

sorting operations in query plans, 87

Source Code Control (SCC) systems, 538539

SourceSafe system, 538

sp_add_operator stored procedure, 245

sp_addlinkedserver stored procedure, 458459, 464

sp_addlinkedsrvlogin stored procedure, 465466, 469

sp_addmessage stored procedure, 247

sp_addpublication stored procedure, 430–431

sp_addsrvrolemember stored procedure, 581

sp_addsubscription stored procedure, 430–431

sp_article_validation stored procedure, 504

sp_blocker_pss80 stored procedure, 118

sp_change_agent_profile stored procedure, 511

sp_changereplicationserverpasswords stored procedure, 491

sp_control_plan_guide stored procedure, 93

SP_Counts template, 9

sp_create_plan_guide stored procedure, 93

sp_cycle_errorlog stored procedures, 28

sp_drop_agent_profile stored procedure, 511

sp_dropserver stored procedure, 459

sp_dropsrvrolemember stored procedure, 581

sp_help_agent_profile stored procedure, 511

sp_helplinkedsrvlogin stored procedure, 466

sp_helpsrvrolemember stored procedure, 581

sp_helpuser stored procedure, 588

sp_indexoption stored procedure, 139

sp_lock stored procedures, 31, 134

sp_marksubscriptionvalidation stored procedure, 504

sp_monitor stored procedures, 31, 31

sp_publication_validation stored procedure, 504

sp_setapprole stored procedure, 585

sp_trace_ stored procedures, 239

sp_trace_create stored procedure, 18

sp_trace_generateevent stored procedure, 19

sp_trace_setevent stored procedure, 18

sp_trace_setfilter stored procedure, 19

sp_trace_setstatus stored procedure, 19

sp_updatestats stored procedure, 88

sp_validatemergepublication stored procedure, 504

sp_validatemergesubscription stored procedure, 504

sp_who stored procedure, 31, 134, 135

sp_who2 stored procedure, 134, 135

space usage in SSRS databases, 350

SQL Cache Memory (KB) counter, 234

SQL command injection attacks, 528529

SQL Compare program, 539

SQL Compilations/sec counter, 40, 234

SQL Mail, 532

SQL operating system (SQLOS)

DMVs, 3638

monitoring, 227228

in performance, 3

SQL plan guides, 93

SQL Re-Compilations/sec counter, 40

baselines, 234

thresholds, 238

SQL Server

access to, 559

authentication, 575578

destinations, 378

in performance, 3

uptime, 323

SQL Server Active Directory Helper subsystem, 561

SQL Server Agent, 478

access to, 559560

alerts, 242246, 244245, 494

startup, 180

SQL Server Agent error log (SQLAGENT.x), 28

SQL Server Agent Mail, 532

SQL Server Browser subsystem, 561

SQL Server error log (ERRORLOG.x), 28

SQL Server Health and History (SQLH2) tool, 322324

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

data-cleaning tools, 426

vs. DTS, 360362

installing, 362363, 363


checkpoints and restarting, 380382

configuring, 386387, 387388

control flow, 373374

creating, 363370, 364369

data flow, 375376

debugging, 383385, 384385

destinations, 378

exam essentials, 388389

maintenance plan tasks, 375

moving, 382383

performance monitoring, 386

review questions, 390396

securing, 378380, 380

summary, 388

transforms, 376377

SSMS with, 370372, 370372

tools, 363

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) environment, 20

agent profiles, 509510

alerts, 494–495

index fragmentation, 108111

query plans, 81, 8486

with SSIS, 370372, 370372

SQL Server Mobile destination, 378

SQL Server Profiler, 912, 10, 133, 142143, 143

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), 336

automating operations, 336338, 337

caching strategy, 344, 345

configuration tools, 338341

databases, 348350, 348349

logs, 346347

performance, 343

scheduling strategy, 345, 346

security, 342343

servers, 341342

subscriptions, 343

SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool, 568570, 568569

SQL Traces, 18

sql_variant data type, 443

SQL Writer subsystem, 561

SQLAGENT.x file (SQL Server Agent error log), 28

SQLH2 (SQL Server Health and History) tool, 322324

SQLNCLI provider, 462

SQLOS (SQL operating system)

DMVs, 3638

monitoring, 227228

in performance, 3

SQLPERF command, 117, 120

@srvproduct argument, 459

SSIS. See SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

SSIS Package Instances counter, 386

SSIS Pipeline counter, 386

SSIS Service counter, 386

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 491

SSMS. See SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) environment

SSRS. See SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

Standard template, 910

STANDBY mode in log shipping, 173

Starting event class, 241

statement-level recompilation, 8990


indexes, 111114

query performance, 71


STATISTICS XML statement, 82

StmtCompleted event class, 242

StmtRecompile event class, 40, 242

StmtStarting event class, 242

STOP_ON_ERROR option, 193

STOPAT option, 201

STOPATMARK option, 201


storage tools for quality data, 403

stored procedures, 3031, 31

event classes, 241

for injection attacks, 529

locks, 134

logging, 114115

traces, 239

striped sets, 166169, 166168

strong passwords, 532, 577

Subscribers page, 487, 487

Subscription Validation Options dialog box, 503, 503


push, 486490, 486490

replication, 175, 475, 512

SSRS, 343, 344

subscribers, 175, 427, 475, 475

subtree costs in query plans, 84

Summary Report pane, 2527, 2526, 4850, 4850

Supports ‘Like’ operator option, 462

surface area in security, 567570, 568569

surrogate primary keys, 435

symmetric encryption, 570571

Synchronization Schedule page, 488, 488

sys.database_permissions view, 588

sys.database_principals view, 588

sys.dm_broker_ DMVs, 36

sys.dm_clr_ DMVs, 34

sys.dm_db_ DMVs, 53–54

sys.dm_db_index DMVs, 79

sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats DMV, 103104, 314

sys.dm_db_missing DMVs, 79

sys.dm_exec_ DMVs, 54–55

sys.dm_exec_query_stats DMV, 80

sys.dm_fts_ DMVs, 34

sys.dm_io_ DMVs, 35

sys.dm_os_ DMVs, 36–38

sys.dm_os_latch_stats DMV, 119–120

sys.dm_os_memory_objects DMV, 19, 19

sys.dm_os_wait_stats DMV, 80, 116–117, 120

sys.dm_qn_subscriptions DMVs, 35

sys.dm_repl_ DMVs, 35–36

sys.dm_tran_locks DMV, 80, 134, 136137, 137

sys.server_triggers view, 263

sys.syslockinfo table, 137

sys.sysmessages catalog, 246

sys.sysprocesses table, 116, 137

sys.triggers view, 263

sysadmin role, 581

sysreplicationalerts table, 495

system catalogs, checking, 299300

system functions, 32, 32

System Monitor, 68, 78, 40

system stored procedures, 3031, 31

event classes, 241

for injection attacks, 529

locks, 134

logging, 114115

traces, 239

system table locks, 137

Systems Management Server, 566

MCITP Administrator. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Optimization and Maintenance Study Guide (70-444)
MCITP Administrator: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Optimization and Maintenance (Exam 70-444) Study Guide
ISBN: 0470127457
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 146

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