

When you look at the cover of this book, you see the names of only two authors, but this book would be nothing if we didn t get help and input from numerous people. We pestered some people until they were sick of us, but still they were only too happy to help.

First, we d like to thank the Microsoft Press folks, including Danielle Bird for agreeing to take on this book, Devon Musgrave for turning Geek into English and managing not to complain too much, and Julie Xiao for making sure we were not lying. Much thanks also to Elizabeth Hansford for laying out pages, Rob Nance for the part opener art, and Shawn Peck for copyediting.

Many people answered questions to help make this book as accurate as possible, including the following from Microsoft: Saji Abraham, Eli Allen, John Biccum, Scott Culp, Thomas Deml, Monica Ene-Pietrosanu, Sean Finnegan, Tim Fleehart, Damian Haase, David Hubbard, Mike Lai, Louis Lafreniere, Brian LaMacchia, John Lambert, Lawrence Landauer, Paul Leach, Terry Leeper, Steve Lipner, Rui Maximo, Daryl Pecelj, Jon Pincus, Fritz Sands, Eric Schultze, Alex Stockton, Matt Thomlinson, Hank Voight, Chris Walker, Richard Ward, Richard Waymire, Mark Zbikowski, and Mark Zhou.

We d especially like to thank the following softies: Russ Wolfe, who explained numerous Unicode and UTF-8 issues and wouldn t shut up until we had the issues documented adequately. Kamen Moutafov, a genuinely nice guy, who spent numerous hours helping with the RPC section. He s one of those developers who answers stupid questions without making you feel dumb. Erik Olsen went to great lengths to make sure the .NET issues were nailed down. If it weren t for Erik, Chapter 13 would be tiny. Eric Jarvi read most all the chapters and helped immensely by offering numerous improvements, most of which started with, You really should explain

We want to point out that Kamen, Erik, and Eric rock. They diligently reviewed material while they were in the final stages of shipping their respective products: Windows XP, the .NET Framework, and Visual Studio .NET. It would have been easy for them to say, I m busy, leave me alone, but they didn t. They could see that some short-term time spent getting this book right would have long-term benefits for themselves (as they won t have to answer the same questions time and again), for Microsoft, and, most important, for our shared and valued customers.

Many outside Microsoft gave their time to help us with this book. We d like to give our greatest thanks to Rain Forest Puppy for providing first-rate Web security comments. By the way, Mr. Puppy, no offense taken! John Pescatore of Gartner Inc. for his insightful (and blunt) comments, which helped shape the early chapters. Professor Jesper Johansson of Boston University, who read every word, sentence, paragraph, and chapter of the book and had comments on every word, sentence, paragraph, and chapter of the book! Leslee LaFountain of the NSA for showing such great interest in this book. And, finally, the Secure Windows Initiative team.

We thank you all.

Writing Secure Code
Writing Secure Code, Second Edition
ISBN: 0735617228
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 153 © 2008-2017.
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