IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority), 1263

IBankAccount interface, 127–130

IChannel interface, 1022

ICollection interface, 247

_ICompletedEvents client interface (COM), 1166–1167

IDE for .NET. See Visual Studio 2005

identifiers, 74–75

Identity Permissions, 472–473

IDispatch interface (COM), 1163, 1164

IDisposable interface

deriving classes from, 126–127

destructors as backup for, 202–203

Dispose() method, 201–202

implementing, 202–204

overview, 201–202

IEnumerable interface, 246–247, 1109–1110

#if preprocessor directive, 71–72

if statements

overview, 47–49

ternary operator, 136–137

IFormattable interface, 231–232

IIS (Internet Information Server), ASP.NET and, 904

IL or MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language)

application domains and, 14–16, 413

attributes, 17

case sensitivity, 12

CLS and language interoperability, 12–13

compilation steps in .NET and, 4

compiling to native code, 439

CTS and data types, 10–12

defined, 3

error handling with exceptions, 16–17

garbage collection and, 13–14

important features, 8

interfaces supported by, 8–9

language interoperability with, 5–7

as managed code, 4

object orientation supported by, 8–9

performance improvement with, 5

platform independence with, 4–5

security and strong typing, 14

strong data typing, 9–16

value types versus reference types, 9

ildasm utility

checking .mresource attribute, 528

symbols used in, 420–421

viewing assemblies with, 420

IList interface, 811

IListSource interface, 811

Image class, 871

ImageList component (Windows Forms), 769

images. See graphics; resources

IMath interface (COM), 1162, 1174, 1177–1178

IMessageSink interface, 1031

implementation inheritance

abstract classes and functions, 117

calling base versions of functions, 116–117

hiding methods, 115–116

not supported by structs, 112

overview, 111–112

sealed classes and methods, 117–118

syntax, 113

virtual methods, 114–115

implicit permission, 484–485

implicit type conversions, 141–142


for array lists, 251

defined, 86

indexes to XML types, 656–657

indirection operator for pointers, 207

inheritance. See also derived classes; specific kinds

abstract classes and functions, 117

calling base versions of functions, 116–117

constructors of derived classes, 118–124

derived interfaces, 131–132

hiding methods, 115–116

implementation inheritance, 111–112, 113–124

interface inheritance, 112, 126–132

modifiers, 124–125

multiple, 112

from Object class, 106

sealed classes and methods, 117–118

structs and, 103, 112–113

virtual methods, 114–115

Init() method, 644–645


of arrays with specific dimensions, 58

CapsEditor example, 883

of constructors, 99

of FolderTree custom control (Windows Forms), 792–794

of Form class, 781

of structs, 103

of user controls (Windows Forms), 798

of variables, 34–35

InitializeComponent() method

Localizable property for, 536

setting minimum document size with, 858–859

shape-drawing application, 844–845

inserting records with ADO.NET, 591, 596–597

installallutil.exe utility, 1291–1292

InstalledFontCollection class, 877

installing. See also Windows Installer projects

assemblies, 412

message queues, 1122

shared assemblies, 446, 451

Windows Services, 1287–1292


ArrayList class, 250

classes and structs, 84

COM components, 1165

delegates, 173–174, 176–177

derived classes, 120

DirectoryInfo class, 1189

enumerations, 57

FileInfo class, 1189

Form class, 781

reference objects, 35

SortedList class, 258

int type, 41, 42

integer types. See also specific types

casting pointers to, 208–209

converting between string type and, 144–145

converting to floats, 159–162

enumerations, 55–57

overview, 41–42


for channels (.NET Remoting), 1022

COM, 1153–1155

for database connections, 825

defining and implementing, 127–130

delegates and, 181

derived, 131–132

for formatters (.NET Remoting), 1025

for formatting expressions, 223

for generic base classes, 278

for generics, 275–276

IL support for, 8–9

inheritance, 112–113

for List<T> generic class, 278

for message sinks, 1031

.NET Remoting, 1052

.NET versus COM, 8, 126

overview, 126–127

partial, 104

references, 130

Intermediate Language. See IL or MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language)

internal modifier, 124, 125

internationalization. See globalization

Internet access

displaying output as HTML page, 1245–1258

displaying the code of a requested page, 1256–1257

DNS servers and, 1259

DnsLookup application, 1261–1262

downloading files, 1240

giving applications IE-type features, 1248–1253

IP addresses and, 1259

launching Internet Explorer instances, 1248

lower-level classes, 1263–1268

lower-level protocols, 1262–1263

.NET classes for IP addresses, 1260–1261

printing using WebBrowser control, 1255–1256

showing documents using WebBrowser control, 1254–1255

simple Web browsing from applications, 1246–1247

Socket class, 1263, 1268

starting an Internet Explorer process programmatically, 1245–1246

System.Net.Sockets namespace classes, 1263

TCP classes, 1263

TCP versus UDP, 1266

TcpReceive application, 1264–1266, 1268

TcpSend application, 1263–1264

UdpClient class, 1266–1267

uploading files, 1242

Uri class, 1258–1259

UriBuilder class, 1258, 1259

utility classes, 1258–1262

WebClient class, 1240–1242

WebRequest and WebResponse hierarchy, 1257–1258

WebRequest class, 1242–1245

WebResponse class, 1242–1245

Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), 1263

Internet Explorer

giving applications IE-type features, 1248–1253

launching instances, 1248

running Windows Forms controls in, 1183

starting a process programmatically, 1245–1246

threading by, 349–350

Internet Information Server (IIS), ASP.NET and, 904

Internet resources

COM interoperability sample code, 1151

event-booking application example, 920

Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), 1263

Microsoft Application Center Server information, 1067

Mono project, 5

PrintingCapsEdit project, 895

SharePoint Web sites information, 920

Web services specifications, 1127

WROX Web site, 895, 920, 1151

INullable interface, 637

Invalidate() method (Form class), 884–886

invariant cultures, 516

Invoke() method, 1117

invoking methods

generic methods, 297

overview, 87–89

IP addresses

Dns class, 1260–1261

DNS servers and, 1259

DnsLookup application, 1261–1262

IPAddress class, 1260

IPHostEntry class, 1260

IPAddress class, 1260

IPHostEntry class, 1260

is operator, 138

isolation levels for ADO.NET transactions, 588–589

isolation of Enterprise Services transactions, 1078

IsStyleAvailable() method (FontFamily class), 879

IsTransparentProxy() method (RemotingServices class), 1029

ITransferBankAccount interface, 131–132

IUnknown interface (COM), 1163, 1164

IWelcome interface (COM), 1160–1161, 1162, 1174, 1177–1178

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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