backslash (\)

preceding escape sequences, 44, 238

for searching for escape meta-characters, 240

base classes

areas covered by, 20

casts between derived classes and, 163–164

default, 113

defined, 19

for generics, 277–278

overview, 19–20

for serialization, 1187

for streams, 1206

BasicWebClient example

using WebClient class, 1240–1241

using WebRequest and WebResponse classes, 1242–1243

Beginning XML (Wiley Publishing, Inc.), 659

BeginReceive() method (MessageQueue class), 1110

BeginTransaction() methods, 588

binary code reuse by generics, 273–274

BinaryFileReader application, 1210–1213

BinaryReader class, 1207

BinaryWriter class, 1207

binding (Active Directory)

authentication in binding path, 729

defined, 725

with DirectoryEntry class, 729

distinguished name (DN) in binding path, 727–728, 729

downlevel logon and, 729

example path for, 725

items specified with, 725–726

port number in binding path, 726

protocol in binding path, 726

server name in binding path, 726

user name in binding path, 728–729

user principal name (UPN), 729

Binding class, 819–820

binding methods (COM), 1155

binding .NET data. See data binding

binding (WCF), 1141–1143

BindingContext class, 818–819

BitBlt (bitmap block transfer), 873–874

Blacklist() method (CustomerTable class), 837

blittable data types, 638

blocks of code

curly braces for, 31

fixed blocks, 213–214

marking unsafe, 206

showing and hiding in Visual Studio 2005, 388–390

BookOfTheDayForm.cs, 534–539

books.xml file

code listing, 662

MSXML example, 662–663

retrieving attribute data, 668

transforming XML into HTML, 684–686

validating XSD schema with XmlReader, 669–670

XSD schema generated from, 668–669

bool type

casting not permitted for, 144

as if statement return type, 48–49

overview, 43

Boolean properties of Type class, 315

boxing and unboxing

array lists and, 272

avoided by List<T> generics class, 272–273

casts, 164–165

comparing value types for equality, 147

overview, 145–146

performance impacts, 272

break statement, 49, 55

breakpoints, setting in Visual Studio 2005, 404

Brush class, 866–867

btnTwo_Click method, 187

BubbleSorter class, 180–182

bubble-sorting algorithm, 180

building. See also compiling

assemblies, 421–425

debug and release builds, 399–401

defined, 399

dictionaries, requirements for, 260

projects in Visual Studio 2005, 399–403

BusEntity class, 190–191

business object tier, 25

Button control (Windows Forms)

in application example, 756

for IE-like toolbar, 1249–1253

images on buttons, 763

overview, 762–763

PerformClick method, 763

ButtonBase class (Windows Forms)

Button control derived from, 762–764

CheckBox control derived from, 764

RadioButton control derived from, 764

Button_Click method, 186–187

byte type, 41, 42

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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