
Symbols and Numerics

& (ampersand), as address operator for pointers, 207

* (asterisk)

as indirection operator for pointers, 207

for multi-line comments (/* and */), 31, 67–68

@ (at sign) indicating identifiers, 74

\ (backslash)

preceding escape sequences, 44, 238

for searching for escape meta-characters, 240

: (colon)

for disabling Group object with regular expressions (?:), 243

as namespace alias qualifier (::), 60–61

preceding format specifiers, 230

in ternary operator (?:), 136–137

, (comma) in derived class or struct declarations, 113

{ } (curly braces)

with if statements, 47, 48

joining statements in blocks, 31

" (double quotes), string literals enclosed by, 46

= (equals sign)

as assignment operator, 34, 134–135

as comparison operator (==), 48, 134–135, 147

- (minus sign)

as decrement operator (--), 135–136

for removing method calls from multicast delegates, 183

( ) (parentheses) for groups, 241–242

+ (plus sign)

in for loop iterator, 52

as increment operator (++), 135–136

regular expression groups and, 242

# (pound symbol) for preprocessor directives, 70–73

? (question mark)

for disabling Group object with regular expressions (?:), 243

in null coalescing operator (??), 139–140

in ternary operator (?:), 136–137

; (semicolon)

ending C# statements, 31

preprocessor directives not ended by, 71

' (single quotes), char literals enclosed by, 44, 46

/ (slash)

for multi-line comments (/* and */), 31, 67–68

for single-line comments (//), 31, 67

[ ] (square brackets) for arrays, 57

32-bit processors, pointers and, 207–208

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills © 2008-2017.
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