7.4 Static constructors (Java static initializers)

C# has two different kinds of constructors, static and instance “ depending on whether they are declared with the static keyword or not. While C# instance constructors are similar to Java constructors, C#'s static constructors are similar to Java static initializers. Static constructors, like their instance counterparts, must have the same name and case as the class of which it is a member.

However, unlike instance constructors, static constructors:

  • cannot have parameters;

  • cannot have accessibility modifiers;

  • cannot be called explicitly.

Static constructors are automatically invoked before the first static class member is utilized. Here is an example of a static constructor.

 1: using System;  2:  3: public class Test{  4:   private static string StaticField;  5:  6:   public static void Main(){  7:     Console.WriteLine(Test.StaticField);  8:   }  9: 10:   // static constructor 11:   static Test(){ 12:     StaticField = "i am initialized"; 13:     Console.WriteLine("running static constructor"); 14:   } 15: } 


 c:\expt>test running static constructor i am initialized 

In the example above, even if lines 4 and 12 are commented out, the output still indicates that the static constructor has executed (output shows 'running static constructor' ). The reason? [6] Well, because Main itself is static, and is considered to be a static member. When Main runs, the static constructor of the class of which it is a member needs to run first.

[6] This is a trick question!

A static constructor is executed before an instance constructor when a new instance of the class is created, regardless of whether the class has any static member or not. The following example demonstrates this.

 1: using System;  2:  3: class Test{  4:   public static void Main(){  5:     Demo d = new Demo();  6:   }  7: }  8:  9: class Demo{ 10:   // static constructor 11:   static Demo(){ 12:     Console.WriteLine("running static constructor"); 13:   } 14:   // instance constructor 15:   public Demo(){ 16:     Console.WriteLine("running instance constructor"); 17:   } 18: } 


 c:\expt>test running static constructor running instance constructor 

Like Java

Both Java static initializers and C# static constructors cannot be called explicitly. Both do not take in parameters, and overloading doesn't make sense in both cases.

Unlike Java

  • The difference between a Java static initializer and a C# static constructor is that you can have multiple static initializers in a Java class which will be executed in order. You can have only one static constructor in any C# class.

  • Other differences are largely syntactical.

From Java to C#. A Developers Guide
From Java to C#: A Developers Guide
ISBN: 0321136225
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 221
Authors: Heng Ngee Mok

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