12.1 One-dimensional arrays

The syntax for array declaration is the same in C# as in Java, except for one difference “ when declaring an array, Java permits putting the square brackets either in front of or behind the array's type. C# only allows the former “ Putting the square brackets after an array identifier will cause a compilation error. [3]

[3] C/C++ mandates that the square brackets be behind the array type (as in int array[]; ).

Both the following declarations are okay in Java:

  • int MyArray[];

  • int []MyArray;

However, only int []MyArray; is legal in C#.

Other than that, the syntax for array declaration, instantiation, and initialization are identical in C# and Java as far as 1D arrays are concerned . Examples are shown below as a refresher and for reference.

  • Declaring a 1D array (without instantiating it):

     int []MyArray1; object[] MyArray2; 

    It doesn't matter if the space is between the type and the square brackets, or between the square brackets and the array identifier.

  • Declaring and instantiating a 1D array in a single statement:

     int []MyArray1 = new int[3]; object[] MyArray2 = new object[2]; 

    The statements declare and instantiate MyArray1 as an int array with a size of 3, and MyArray2 as an object array of size 2.

  • Declaring, instantiating and initializing a 1D array in a single statement:

     int[] MyArray1 = {1,2,3}; object[] MyArray2 = {"apple",9}; 
  • Accessing a value in a 1D array:

     int Temp = MyArray1[1]; MyArray1[2] = 99; 

Beyond 1D arrays, C# supports two types of multi-dimensional arrays “ rectangular arrays and jagged arrays. Because Java's multi-dimensional arrays do not map directly into either category, I have chosen to compare Java's implementation with the simpler rectangular arrays.

From Java to C#. A Developers Guide
From Java to C#: A Developers Guide
ISBN: 0321136225
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 221
Authors: Heng Ngee Mok

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