The Employee Table: DSN8810.EMP

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The Employee Table: DSN8810.EMP

DSN8810.EMP describes employees in the organization. This table is in a partitioned table space. The following information is retained about employees : the employee's number, first name, middle initial, and last name ; the department where this employee works; the employee's phone number; the date the employee was hired ; and the employee's job description, education level, sex, birth date, salary, commission, and bonus data. The primary key is the employee number.

This table is a child of DSN8810.DEPT by the WORKDEPT column and a parent table for DSN8810.PROJ . Two indexes have been built for this table: DSN8810.XEMP1 is a primary unique, partitioned index on EMPNO , and DSN8810.XEMP2 is an index on WORKDEPT .

DSN8810.EMP Table DDL


 CREATE TABLE DSN8810.EMP  (EMPNO             CHAR(6)       NOT NULL,   FIRSTNME          VARCHAR(12)   NOT NULL,   MIDINIT           CHAR(1)       NOT NULL,   LASTNAME          VARCHAR(15)   NOT NULL,   WORKDEPT          CHAR(3),   PHONENO           CHAR(4) CONSTRAINT NUMBER CHECK                     (PHONENO >= '0000' AND                      PHONENO <= '9999'),   HIREDATE          DATE,   JOB               CHAR(8),   EDLEVEL           SMALLINT,   SEX               CHAR(1),   BIRTHDATE         DATE,   SALARY            DECIMAL(9,2),   BONUS             DECIMAL(9,2),   COMM              DECIMAL(9,2),   PRIMARY KEY (EMPNO)   FOREIGN KEY RED (WORKDEPT)     REFERENCES DSN8810.DEPT ON DELETE SET NULL ) EDITPROC DSN8EAE1 IN DSN8D81A.DSN8S81E CCSID EBCDIC; 

 <  Day Day Up  >  

DB2 Developers Guide
DB2 Developers Guide (5th Edition)
ISBN: 0672326132
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 388 © 2008-2017.
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