Richard A. Garriott

Company: NCSoft

Current title: Producer

Current project: Tabula Rasa (working title)

Favorite game that you've worked on: Ultima

Current favorite game to play: Diablo II

Favorite game of all time: MYST

Mr. Garriott was the creator of the Ultima series; he was also a co-founder of Origin Systems. Here's his own take on things:

"I published my first game, Akalabeth (the Ultima prequel), in 1980 and then began work on the Ultima series. My brother Robert and I founded Origin in 1983 with some friends and family. Through the end of the century, my teams and I created Ultimas 1 “9 , UO , three Worlds of Ultima games, a handful of mission disks, and a few other spin-off games . At my new company, NCSoft, we now operate the world's number-one online game with more than four million subscribers, and we hope to create grand new worlds for players to explore and adventure within!"

Developing Online Games. An Insiders Guide
Developing Online Games: An Insiders Guide (Nrg-Programming)
ISBN: 1592730000
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 230 © 2008-2017.
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